ftp.nice.ch/pub/next/developer/languages/cows/COWS.1.4.s.tar.gz#/COWS/Docs/The COWS Language/COWS String Library.rtf

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Copyright © 1994 by Sean Luke

String Library
COWS Version 1.4
May 29, 1994

The COWS String library provides fairly good control over strings, the primary data format in COWS.

ASCII Character Conversion

The functions to-ascii and from-ascii convert one-character strings to and from their ASCII equivalents.  to-ascii takes a character and converts it into an ASCII number.  from-ascii does the reverse.

Case Conversion

There are conversion functions provided that change strings to "ALL CAPS," "all lower case", "Titled Case", and "Mixed case.  Got it?" 

Common Characters

In addition to (quote), provided by the Standard Library, this library also provides the characters (return) for newline, and (tab).

String-Array Access

There are functions that provide access to strings as arrays of characters.  token returns some indexed character out of a string, while substring returns a range of characters within a string (the third through fifteenth characters, say).  length returns the length of a string.


The same three functions for string-access also provide tokenization if given an optional delimeters string.  token returns some indexed token out of the string.  substring returns all the characters between and including two tokens.  length returns the number of tokens in a string.

Library Functions

Any item inside [brackets] is optional.

token			If no delimeters, token returns character number value
				in string.   If delimeters exists, substring breaks string into 
				tokens separated by the delimeter characters in delimeters,
				and returns token number value in string.
	(token string value [delimeters])

substring			If no delimeters, substring returns characters start-value
				through end-value of string.  end-value may be the word
				"end", which means the last character in the string.
				If delimeters exists, substring breaks string into tokens
				separated by the delimeter characters in delimeters,
				and returns the string starting with token number start-value
				and ending with token number end-value.  end-value may be
				 the word "end", which means the last token in the string.
	(substring string start-value end-value [delimeters])

length			If no delimeters, length returns the number of characters
				in string.   If delimeters exists, length breaks string into 
				tokens separated by the delimeter characters in delimeters,
				and the number of tokens in string.
	(length string [delimeters])

upper-case		Returns an ALL-CAPS version of string.  For example,
				"Hello WORLD.  here I come" becomes 
	(upper-case string)

lower-case		Returns a lower-case version of string.  For example,
				"Hello WORLD.  here I come" becomes 
				"hello world.  here i come."
	(lower-case string)

titled-case		Returns a titled-case version of string.  For example,
				"Hello WORLD.  here I come" becomes 
				"Hello World.  Here I Come."
	(titled-case string)

mixed-case		Returns a mixed-case version of string.  For example,
				"Hello WORLD.  here I come" becomes 
				"Hello world.  Here i come."  Bug:  Mixed-case currently does
				not properly convert "I" or any proper name that does
				not start a sentence.
	(mixed-case string)

return			Returns a newline.

tab				Returns a tab.

to-ascii			Returns the character of ASCII-value value.
	(to-ascii value)

from-ascii		Returns the ASCII value of the first character in  value.
	(from-ascii value)

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