ftp.nice.ch/pub/next/developer/languages/cows/COWS.1.4.s.tar.gz#/COWS/Docs/Language Advanced/COWS Language Formal Specification.rtf

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Copyright © 1994 by Sean Luke

COWS Language
Formal Specification
COWS Version 1.4
Sean Luke
May 29, 1994

COWS is not a big language.  It is, in fact, a tiny language.  This formal specification describes practically all of it.    The COWS language is not intended to become the ultimate macro language for NeXTSTEP (though I suppose it's possible).  Instead, it's a simple, easy-to-parse language that still supports full recursion and functional style, and is good to provide at least the lowest common denominator (I feel) for macro languages in NeXTSTEP.

COWS is not object-oriented.  It is procedural.  This is intentional:

¨	OOP would add greatly to the size of the language.  COWS needs to be small.
¨	COWS has only one data type.  OOP demands multiple types.
¨	OOP has a relatively steep learning curve compared to functional style,
	and COWS is intended for users to be able to program easily.
¨	I've found that integration into NeXTSTEP mostly means making method
	calls into an app's API, or executing events.  These functions don't map as
	well into an OOP macro language as one might think.
However, an OOP version of COWS may be on the way soon.

Data Format

COWS supports a single data type allocatable on the stack (the string).  Numbers are automatically converted into strings, stored as floats printed with sprintf.  The symbols t and f have special significance as truths (the return value of functions like = or >, for example), but are likewise converted into strings.  Strings, other than truths or numbers, are placed in "quotes".  

Comments are placed in [brackets], and are always recognized as comments except when inside quotes.  Comments are considered white space, so hello[there]you is interpreted as hello you and not helloyou.  General flow syntax is LISP-like, so you will see functions like (print (+ 1 2 (- 4 a))).  Unlike LISP, COWS does not use lists as its data type and therefore makes no use of the quote ' or LISP macros.


Like HyperTalk, COWS is event-driven.  There is no main loop in COWS, just functions and global variables.  Any function may be called by any other function, or by an outside entity (which starts COWS programs).

COWS functions can be either defined in COWS code (like you'd expect), or library functions called by the interpreter.  In general, you can determine beforehand the number of arguments for a defined function, but not for a library functionÐit must determine if the number of arguments is wrong and return an error code.  This also means that library functions may have variable numbers of arguments but user-defined functions must have a predefined number...this is pretty much the only syntactically difference between library and user functions.


"  "					string delimeters
[  ] 					comment delimeters
(  )					standard delimeters
Whitespace 			(tabs, returns, spaces)

Keywords		these words are reserved and may not be used for symbols

function				defines functions
variable				defines local and global variables
do					starts a function.  Also a function name (an exception)
set					sets variables
if					performs if-then-else constructs
for					performs for-loops
while				performs while-loops

Special Symbols		these words are also reserved

t					true  or "t"
f					false or ""
numbers 			in any format, though stored as floats

BNF Grammar (non-terminals)

<program>			:- 	<program-list>
<program-list>		:- 	<function-form> <program-list> | 
							<global-form> <program-list> | NULL
<global-form>		:- 	(variable <variable-list>)
						Note:  This means you may have several global variables in a single variable declaration.  This does not preclude having multiple declarations, of course!
<function-form>		:- 	(function <function-name> <argument-list> 
							variable <local-variable-list> do <value-list>)
							| (function <function-name> <argument-list> 
							do <value-list>)
						Note:  This means you can't declare a variable the same as an argument.  If you define a function twice, COWS will happily redefine the global.
						Note that the function form may change soon to a more
										Lisp-like but less verbose syntax:
										(function <function-name>
										<argument-list> variable <variable-list> <value>) or something like that. This would eliminate the begin keyword entirely.
<special-form>		:- 	<set-form> | <if-form> | <for-form> | <while-form>
<set-form>			:- 	(set <variable-name> <value>)
<if-form>			:- 	(if <value> <then-value> <else-value>) |
		   					(if <value> <then-value>)
						Note:  then, else values are just values with the special purposes of then and else functions
<for-form>			:- 	(for <variable-name> <start-value> <stop-value> 
		   					<step-value> <value>)
						Note:  start, stop, step values are just values with the special purposes of start, stop, and step in for
<while-form>		:- 	(while <value> <do-value>) | (while <value>)
						Note:  while evaluates <value>.  If this evaluates to t, then while evaluates <do-value> if one exists, then repeats.
<function-name> 		:- 	<symbol>
<argument-list>		:- 	<argument> <argument-list> | NULL
<variable-list> 		:- 	<variable-name> <variable-list> | NULL
<local-variable-list>	:- 	<variable-name> <local-variable-list> | NULL
<value-list>    		:- 	<value> <value-list> | NULL
<argument>			:- 	<symbol>
<variable-name> 		:- 	<symbol>
<value>				:- 	(<special-form>) | (<function-call>) | 
							<variable-name> | <number> | <truth> | <string>
<function-call> 		:- 	(<function-name> <value-list>)
		   				Note:  value-list is the argument list to the function. Note that this means functions should be able to handle (or ignore) variable-sized argument lists from 0 up.


SYMBOLS: 		non-numeric,  strings without quotes, like george, <,  a34, heck!
	  			symbols also must not be   t   or   f
NUMBERS:  	numeric strings without quotes, like 1.234e5, 6,  -100
STRINGS:  		strings in quotes, like "hello", "<", "12.34", "no way!"
TRUTHS:   		the letters  t  and  f  without quotes.  Truths are stored
				as any non-empty string for true and an empty string for
				false.  "t" is considered the canonical stored true value.
NULL:	  		Nothing.

Symbol Lookup

Function Names:  Searched in the text function dictionary.  If the name is
		not there, then searched in the library function dictionary.
Variable Names:  Searched in the topmost variable dictionary in the stack.
		If the name is not there, then the global dictionary is

Startup Procedure

To start up a program, the program is read and its global variables and
function text are broken up and stuck in respective dictionaries.  Then
an application is free to call any function or set/read any global variable.
If the program is changed, it must be reset and re-read.

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.