
This is COWS_and_COWS2.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Copyright © 1994 by Sean Luke

COWS Version 1.4
May 20, 1994

COWS and COWS2 are apps designed to demonstrate basic COWS functionality.  Originally conceived as workbench applications, they've been considerably extended with a variety of libraries and fun stuff. 

COWS and COWS2 are identicalÐthe only reason there is a COWS2 is that you need two differently named apps to demonstrate the IPC Library.  Fred also supports the IPC Library, so perhaps soon COWS2 will be unneeded.

COWS(2) supports the COWS Standard, Math, String, IPC, System, and Array libraries.

The Example Library

In addition to the above libraries, COWS and COWS2 support the COWS Example Library.  The Example Library is your macro access to the application's ªJungle Gym,º a bunch of widgets and playthings for you to fool around with and try out.  

Using the Jungle Gym

You can use the Jungle Gym just by calling functions in proper COWS syntax.  Make sure the gym is visible.


All functions return f if there's an errorÐI know, it's not full error reporting, but I'm tired.

scroll-value		Returns the value of scroller item between 0 and 1
	(scroll-value item)
set-scroll-value		Sets the value of scroller item to value
	(set-scroll-value item value)
check-value		Returns the value of check-box item as t or f
	(check-value item)
set-check-value		Sets the value of check-box item to value
	(set-check-value item value)
radio-value		Returns the value of radio button item as t or f
	(radio-value item)
select-radio-value	Selects radio button item
	(set-radio-value item)
string-value		Returns the value of text field item as a string
	(string-value item)
set-string-value		Sets the value of text field item to value
	(set-string-value item value)
press-button		Presses button item
	(press-button item)
window-x-position	Returns the x coordinate of the window
window-y-position	Returns the y coordinate of the window
set-window-title	Sets the coordinates of the window to (x-value, y-value).
	(set-window-position x-value y-value)
window-title		Returns the title of the window
set-window-title	Sets the title of the window to value
	(set-window-title value)
ping				Pings the Window Server

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.