
This is IXRecordManager.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Copyright 1991, NeXT Computer, Inc.

#import	<btree/IXPostingCursor.h>
#import	<mach/cthreads.h>

#import	"IXAttributeParser.h"
#import	"IXPostingList.h"

@class IXStore, IXAttribute, IXBTreeCursor;

extern IXAttributeParser *IXDefaultAttributeParser();

/* The count method returns the number of user supplied objects, plus the */
/* number of attributes.  To find the number of user supplied objects, subtract */
/* the number of attributes, returned by attributeCount, from the count.*/

/* Note that when the class of an object activated by a record manager doesn't*/
/* exist in the executable image, new class and meta class objects are created*/
/* and added to the run time.  The method list is empty, restricting instances*/
/* to behavior inherited from existing superclasses.  If another version of the*/
/* class is found in the executable image, however, then the method list of the*/
/* loaded version will be copied to the new class.*/

@interface IXRecordManager: Object 
<IXNameAndFileAccess, IXRecordWriting, IXTransientAccess, IXTransientMessaging, IXAttributeBinding>
    struct mutex		_mutexLock;
    id				_storeDirectory;
    id				_dataRepository;
    BOOL			_freeStore;
    unsigned			_handle;
    char			*_handleName;
    IXStore			*_store;
    struct _NXMapTable		*_attributeNames;
    struct _NXMapTable		*_attributeLists;
    struct _NXMapTable		*_privateCursors;
    IXBTreeCursor		*_attributeBTree;
    IXBTreeCursor		*_attributeTable;
    id				_delegate;

/* Returns the store, e.g., [[client store] startTransaction].*/
- (IXStore *)store;

/* These methods manage named attributes based on selectors.*/

- removeAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;
- addAttributeNamed:(const char *)name forSelector:(SEL)selector;
- (BOOL)hasAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;

- (unsigned)attributeCount; /* returns the number of attributes.*/

- (char *)attributeNames;
- (IXPostingCursor *)cursorForAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;
- (SEL)selectorForAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;

- (char *)classNames;
- (char *)attributeNamesForClass:aClass;

- clean; /* removes all discarded records.*/
- discardRecord:(unsigned)record; /* marks a record for later removal.*/
- reclaimRecord:(unsigned)record; /* reclaims a discarded record.*/

- (unsigned)capacity; /* returns the highest record number in use.*/
- (IXPostingList *)contents; /* returns all records in the receiver.*/

- (IXPostingList *)discards; /* returns the discarded records.*/
- (IXPostingList *)removals; /* returns the handles of all removed records.*/

- (IXPostingList *)recordsForClass:aClass; /* does not include subclasses.*/

/* These methods manage the subset of the class hierarchy to which a given */
/* attribute applies.  They are version sensitive.*/

- setTargetClass:aClass forAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;
- getTargetName:(const char **)target andVersion:(unsigned *)version 
    forAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;

/* These methods manage an optional user supplied attribute description.*/

- getDescription:(char **)aDescription forAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;
- setDescription:(const char *)aDescription 
    forAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;

/* Setting a comparison format provides for access to the standard BTree */
/* comparators.  The comparison format is remembered across frees.*/

- (const char *)comparisonFormatForAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;
- setComparisonFormat:(const char *)aFormat 
    forAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;

/* This defaults to string comparison.  Otherwise, it must be set every time*/
/* the record manager is initialized from the store.*/

- getComparator:(IXComparator **)comparator andContext:(const void **)context 
    forAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;
- setComparator:(IXComparator *)comparator andContext:(const void *)context 
    forAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;

/* Setting a parser on an attribute causes it to be potentially multi- valued.  */
/* The attribute's value is parsed into one or more sub- values for inversion.*/

- (IXAttributeParser *)parserForAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;
- setParser:(IXAttributeParser *)aParser 
    forAttributeNamed:(const char *)name;

/* The delegate is passed as the source for the IXRecordTranscription protocol*/
- setDelegate:anObject;
- delegate;

/* These methods are used to get and set the value of named properties */
/* consisting of arbitrary binary data.  Setting a length of zero removes the */
/* named property from the record altogether.*/

- (BOOL)getValue:(void **)value andLength:(unsigned *)length 
    ofBlob:(const char *)name forRecord:(unsigned)record;
- (BOOL)setValue:(const void *)value andLength:(unsigned)length 
    ofBlob:(const char *)name forRecord:(unsigned)record;

/* These methods are used to establish and access attributes other than the */
/* method attributes managed by name by the preceding methods.*/

- addAttribute:(IXAttribute *)anAttribute;
- (const IXAttribute *)attributeNamed:(const char *)name;
- removeAttribute:(IXAttribute *)anAttribute;


/* Any or all of the following methods are optional.*/

@interface Object(IXRecordManagerDelegate)

/* Called after an object was read from the data repository.*/
- source:aSource didRead:anObject forRecord:(unsigned)record;

/* Called after an object was added to the data repository.*/
- source:aSource didAdd:anObject forRecord:(unsigned)record;

/* Called after an object was removed from the data repository.*/
- source:aSource didRemove:anObject forRecord:(unsigned)record;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.