
This is return.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* 	Copyright (c) 1989 NeXT Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved. 
 * return.h - driverkit return codes.
 * 14-Nov-89    Doug Mitchell at NeXT
 *      Created.
 * IOReturn values. Subclasses of IODevice may define more of these.
typedef	int	IOReturn;

#define IO_R_SUCCESS		0		/* OK 	*/
#define IO_R_NO_MEMORY		(-701)		/* couldn't allocate memory */
#define IO_R_RESOURCE		(-702)		/* resource shortage */
#define IO_R_IPC_FAILURE	(-703)		/* error during IPC */
#define IO_R_NO_DEVICE		(-704)		/* no such device */
#define IO_R_PRIVILEGE		(-705)		/* privilege/access violation */
#define IO_R_INVALID_ARG	(-706)		/* invalid argument */
#define IO_R_LOCKED_READ	(-707)		/* device read locked */
#define IO_R_LOCKED_WRITE	(-708)		/* device write locked */
#define IO_R_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS	(-709)		/* exclusive access device &&*/
						/* already open */
#define IO_R_BAD_MSG_ID		(-710)		/* sent/received messages had */
						/* different msg_id's */
#define IO_R_UNSUPPORTED 	(-711)		/* unsupported function */
#define IO_R_VM_FAILURE		(-712)		/* misc. VM failure */
#define IO_R_INTERNAL		(-713)		/* internal library error */
#define IO_R_IO			(-714)		/* General I/O error */
#define IO_R_CANT_LOCK		(-716)		/* can't acquire requested lock*/
#define IO_R_NOT_OPEN		(-717)		/* device not open */
#define IO_R_NOT_READABLE	(-718)		/* read not supported */
#define IO_R_NOT_WRITABLE	(-719)		/* write not supported */
#define IO_R_ALIGN		(-720)		/* DMA alignment error */
#define IO_R_MEDIA		(-721)		/* Media Error */
#define IO_R_OPEN		(-722)		/* device(s) still open */
#define IO_R_RLD		(-723)		/* rld failure */
#define IO_R_DMA		(-724)		/* DMA failure */
#define IO_R_BUSY		(-725)		/* Device Busy */
#define IO_R_TIMEOUT		(-726)		/* I/O Timeout */
#define IO_R_OFFLINE		(-727)		/* device offline */
#define IO_R_NOT_READY		(-728)		/* not ready */
#define IO_R_NOT_ATTACHED	(-729)		/* device/channel not attached */
#define IO_R_NO_CHANNELS 	(-730)		/* no DMA channels available */
#define IO_R_NO_SPACE 		(-731)		/* no address space available */
						/*   for mapping */
#define IO_R_PORT_EXISTS 	(-733)		/* devicePort already exists*/
#define	IO_R_CANT_WIRE 		(-734)		/* Can't wire down physical */
						/*   memory*/
#define	IO_R_NO_INTERRUPT 	(-735)		/* no interrupt port attached*/
#define IO_R_NO_FRAMES		(-736)		/* no DMA frames enqueued*/
#define	IO_R_MSG_TOO_LARGE	(-737)		/* oversized message received*/
						/*   on interrupt port*/

#define IO_R_INVALID		(-1)		/* should never be seen */

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