
This is IOConfigTable.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* 	Copyright (c) 1993 NeXT Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved. 
 * IOConfigTable object. Usable both in the kernel and user space.
 * 29-Jan-93    Doug Mitchell at NeXT
 *      Created. 
#import <objc/Object.h>
#ifndef	KERNEL
#import <objc/List.h>
#import <objc/NXBundle.h>

@interface IOConfigTable : Object
	 * In the kernel, this will be a char * to the contents of the
	 * relevant file. In user space, this will be an id of 
	 * an NXStringTable.
	void 	*_private;

 * Obtain the system-wide configuration table.
+ newFromSystemConfig;

#ifndef	KERNEL

 * Obtain the configuration table for a specified driver and unit number. 
+ newForDriver				: (const char *)driverName
		   		   unit : (int)unit;
 * Obtain default configuration table for specified driver.
+ newDefaultTableForDriver		: (const char *)driverName;

 * Obtain a list of instances of IOConfigTable, one per active device on 
 * the system.
+ (List *) tablesForInstalledDrivers;

 * Obtain a list of instances of IOConfigTable, one per driver
 * loaded by the booter.
+ (List *) tablesForBootDrivers;

 * Obtain an NXBundle for a driver associated with current IOConfigTable
 * instance.
- (NXBundle *)driverBundle;


 * Obtain value for specified string key. Returns NULL if key not found.
- (const char *)valueForStringKey:(const char *)key;

- free;

#ifdef	KERNEL

 * Free a string obtained by -stringValueForStringKey:
+ (void)freeString : (const char *)string;
- (void)freeString : (const char *)string;



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