
This is IXBTreeCursor.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Copyright 1991, NeXT, Inc.

#import	"IXBTree.h"

@interface IXBTreeCursor : Object <IXCursorPositioning>
@interface IXBTreeCursor : Object
    struct BTree		*btree;
    void			*keyBuffer;
    unsigned			keyLength;
    unsigned			bufferSize;
    unsigned			storeVersion;
    unsigned			keyLimit;
    unsigned			traceHint;
    unsigned			cursorVersion;
    unsigned			cursorDepth;
    NXZone			*cursorZone;
    struct BTreeTraceRecord	*cursorTrace;
    struct			{
	unsigned		isSpanning:1;
	unsigned		rightRotation:1;
	unsigned		leftRotation:1;
	unsigned		traceNeeded:1;
	unsigned		traceOpened:1;
	unsigned		zeroPosition:1;
	unsigned		lastPosition:1;
    }				cursorStatus;

- (IXBTree *)btree;
- initWithBTree:(IXBTree *)aBTree;

/* these methods provided for subclasses.  isSynchronized returns FALSE when */
/* the btree has been modified by another cursor, or the last change to the */
/* btree destroyed the synchronization.  use setKey:andLength: to synchronize*/
/* or isMatch or getKey:andLength: if still using the same key.  changeCount */
/* returns the btree's notion of the store's change count.  If this is stale,  */
/* synchronization is necessary.*/

- (BOOL)isSynchronized;
- (unsigned)changeCount;

/* the value is a pointer to a buffer.  if zero, a buffer will be allocated.  */
/* if non- zero, it will be interpreted as a buffer pointer.  do not pass an*/
/* uninitialized pointer.*/

- (unsigned)readValue:(void **)value; /* reads the value and returns length*/
- (unsigned)readRange:(void **)value /* reads part of the value*/
    ofLength:(unsigned)length atOffset:(unsigned)offset;

- removeValue; /* removes the key/value pair from the B* tree*/

- (BOOL)writeValue:(const void *)value /* replaces if key exists, else inserts*/
- writeRange:(const void *)value 
    ofLength:(unsigned)length atOffset:(unsigned)offset;

/* these interpret the value at the cursor location as a typed stream archive.*/

- readObject;
- readObjectFromZone:(NXZone *)zone;
- (BOOL)writeObject:anObject;

/* returns a pointer to a potentially write mapped page.  use at your own risk.*/
/* it is fast, since it saves copying, but if you modify the value incorrectly, */
/* you may damage the btree.*/

- (unsigned)openRange:(void **)value 
    ofLength:(unsigned)length atOffset:(unsigned)offset 

/* store hints in secondary btrees to locate primary keys quickly for read */
/* only or read mostly btrees. hints may actually diminish performance when */
/* use with frequently modified btrees.*/

- (BOOL)getKey:(void **)key /* returns hint for cursor position*/
    andLength:(unsigned *)length withHint:(unsigned *)hint;
- (BOOL)setKey:(const void *)key /* sets key with hint returned by preceding*/
    andLength:(unsigned)length withHint:(unsigned)hint;


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