
This is InterfaceBuilder.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* InterfaceBuilder - InterfaceBuilder.h - Jean-Marie Hullot - (c) 1991 NeXT Computer Inc. */

#import <appkit/appkit.h>
@class Sound;

/* InterfaceBuilder Pasteboard types*/

extern NXAtom IBObjectPboardType;
extern NXAtom IBCellPboardType;
extern NXAtom IBMenuPboardType;
extern NXAtom IBMenuCellPboardType;
extern NXAtom IBViewPboardType;
extern NXAtom IBWindowPboardType;

@protocol IB

- activeDocument;
- selectionOwner;

/* The following might be useful when implementing your own ConnectInspector */

- connectSource;
- connectDestination;
- (BOOL)isConnecting;
- stopConnecting;
- displayConnectionBetween:source and:dest;

/* Test Mode */

- (BOOL)isTestingInterface;

/* Document Controllers registration */

- registerDocumentController:aController;
- unregisterDocumentController:aController;

/* Updater */

- disableUpdate;
/* Not supported as public API in Release 3 */
- reenableUpdate;
/* Not supported as public API in Release 3 */


@protocol IBDocumentControllers
- willSaveDocument:aDocument;
- didSaveDocument:aDocument;
- didOpenDocument:aDocument;

@protocol IBSelectionOwners
- (unsigned)selectionCount; 
- getSelectionInto:(List *)objectList;
- redrawSelection;

@protocol IBDocuments

- touch;
- getDocumentPathIn:(char *)thePath;

- (BOOL)objectIsMember:object; 

- getObjects:(List *)objects;
- getParentForObject:object;

- copyObject:anObject type:(NXAtom)type inPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)aPasteboard;
- copyObjects:(List *)objectList type:(NXAtom)type inPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)aPasteboard;
- (List *)pasteType:(NXAtom)type fromPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)aPasteboard parent:aParent;

- attachObject:object to:parent;
- attachObjects:(List *)objectList to:parent;

- deleteObject:anObject;
- deleteObjects:(List *)objectList;

- (BOOL) setName:(const char *)aName for:anObject;
- getNameIn:(char *)name for:object;

- addConnector:aConnector;
- removeConnector:aConnector;
- listConnectors:(List *)aList forSource:aSource;
- listConnectors:(List *)aList forDestination:aDest;
- listConnectors:(List *)aList forSource:aSource filterClass:filterClass;
- listConnectors:(List *)aList forDestination:aDest filterClass:filterClass;

- setSelectionFrom:anEditor;
- editorDidClose:anEditor for:anObject;

- openEditorFor:anObject;
- getEditor:(BOOL)createIt for:anObject;

- redrawObject:anObject;


@protocol IBConnectors

- free;
- write:(NXTypedStream *) s;
- read:(NXTypedStream *) s;

- source;
- destination;
- renewObject:old to:new;
- nibInstantiate;
- establishConnection;


@protocol IBEditors <IBSelectionOwners>

- initWith:anObject inDocument:aDocument;
- document;
- editedObject;
- window;
- (BOOL) wantsSelection;
- selectObjects:(List *)objectList;
- close;
- openSubeditorFor:anObject;
- closeSubeditors;
- resetObject:anObject;

- orderFront;
- (BOOL)activate;
- makeSelectionVisible:(BOOL)showIt;

- (NXAtom)acceptsTypeFrom:(const NXAtom *)typeList;
- (BOOL)copySelection;
- (BOOL)deleteSelection;
- (BOOL)pasteInSelection;


@interface Object (IBObject)

- (const char *)getInspectorClassName;
- (const char *)getConnectInspectorClassName;
- (const char *)getSizeInspectorClassName;
- (const char *)getHelpInspectorClassName;

- (const char *)getEditorClassName;

- (NXImage *)getIBImage;


@interface View (IBView)

#define IB_MIDDLELEFT 	1
#define IB_TOPLEFT 	2
#define IB_MIDDLETOP	3
#define IB_TOPRIGHT	4

- getMinSize:(NXSize *)minSize maxSize:(NXSize *)maxSize from:(int)where;
- placeView:(NXRect *)frameRect;
    /* default is setFrame:*/

@protocol IBInspectors
- (BOOL)wantsButtons;
    /* Required */
    /* whether the inspector wants ok & revert buttons or not */

- revert:sender;
    /* Required */
    /* This is the main point of functionality: this method is called when the inspector is activited; must call [super revert:sender] */
- ok:sender;
    /* Required */
    /* must call [super ok:sender] */

@interface IBInspector:Object <IBInspectors> {
    id		object;
    id		window;
    id		driver;		/* private!*/
    id		okButton;
    id		revertButton;

- object;
- window;

- touch:sender;
- textDidChange:sender;

- updateFor:(int)changeMask; 
/* Not supported as public API in Release 3 */ 


@interface IBPalette:Object {
    id		paletteDocument;
    id		originalWindow;
    id		paletteView;
    id		draggedView;
    id		paletteInfo;	/* private*/

- paletteDocument;
- originalWindow;
- paletteView;
/* Not supported as public API in Release 3 */
- draggedView;
/* Not supported as public API in Release 3 */

- finishInstantiate;
- associateObject:object type:(NXAtom)type with:aView;

- declareTypesFor:aView inPasteboard:(Pasteboard *)aPasteboard;
/* Not supported as public API in Release 3 */
- pasteboard:aPasteboard provideData:(NXAtom)type;
/* Not supported as public API in Release 3 */

- findImageNamed:(const char *)name;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.