
This is directDevice.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * Copyright (c) 1993 NeXT Computer, Inc.
 * ISA/EISA direct device interface.
 * 10Jan93 Brian Pinkerton at NeXT
 *	Created.
#import <driverkit/IODirectDevice.h>
#import <driverkit/i386/IOEISADeviceDescription.h>
#import <driverkit/i386/driverTypes.h>

@interface IODirectDevice(IOEISADirectDevice)

 * Determine whether localChannel's DMA is complete.
- (BOOL) isDMADone:(unsigned int) localChannel;

 *  Methods to reserve and enable DMA channels.  Also, methods to obtain
 *  buffers for DMA, and do DMA using those buffers.
- (IOReturn) enableChannel	: (unsigned int) localChannel;
- (void) disableChannel		: (unsigned int) localChannel;

 * Specify basic DMA transfer mode.
typedef enum {
} IODMATransferMode;

- (IOReturn) setTransferMode	: (IODMATransferMode) mode 
		     forChannel : (unsigned int) localChannel;

 * Enable/disable autoinitialize DMA mode. Default is 
 * disabled.
- (IOReturn)setAutoinitialize  	: (BOOL)flag
                    forChannel 	: (unsigned)localChannel;

 * Set DMA address increment/decrement mode.
 * Default is IO_Increment.
typedef enum {
} IOIncrementMode;

- (IOReturn)setIncrementMode   	: (IOIncrementMode)mode
                    forChannel 	: (unsigned)localChannel;

 *  Returns a DMA buffer for the contents of physical memory starting at
 *  addr and continuing for length bytes.  If the physical address changed
 *  to accommodate the ISA bus, the new physical address is returned in
 *  place.  The IOEISADMABuffer is an opaque type.
- (IOEISADMABuffer) createDMABufferFor:(unsigned int *) physAddr
			 length	: (unsigned int) length
			   read : (BOOL) isRead
		 needsLowMemory : (BOOL) lowerMem
		      limitSize : (BOOL) limitSize;

 *  Complete DMA on, and free, the given DMABuffer.  If the DMA was a read,
 *  and the buffer relocated the original physical memory, then the relocated
 *  memory is copied to the source in this step.
- (void) freeDMABuffer		: (IOEISADMABuffer) buffer;

 *  Like -freeDMABuffer, except it doesn't copy the memory.
- (void) abortDMABuffer		: (IOEISADMABuffer) buffer;

 *  Perform host-master DMA using the given DMABuffer on the given DMA channel.
- (IOReturn) startDMAForBuffer	: (IOEISADMABuffer) buffer
			channel : (unsigned int) localChannel;

 * Return localChannel's current address and count.
- (unsigned)currentAddressForChannel : (unsigned)localChannel; 
- (unsigned)currentCountForChannel   : (unsigned)localChannel;

 *  Methods to reserve resources.  You don't normally need to call these, as
 *  they're called automatically when IOEISADirectDevice is initialized with
 *  the -initFromDeviceDescription method.
- (IOReturn) reservePortRange	: (unsigned int) localPortRange;
- (void) releasePortRange	: (unsigned int) localPortRange;

- (IOReturn) reserveInterrupt	: (unsigned int)localInterrupt;
- (void) releaseInterrupt	: (unsigned int) localInterrupt;

- (IOReturn) reserveChannel	: (unsigned int) localChannel;
- (void) releaseChannel		: (unsigned int) localChannel;

 * Reserve and release exclusive DMA lock. Use is optional; provides
 * exclusion between mutually incompatible DMA devices.
- (void)reserveDMALock;
- (void)releaseDMALock;

 * Determine whether or not the associated device is connected to an EISA 
 * bus. Returns YES if so, else returns NO.
- (BOOL)isEISAPresent;

 * Get the EISA id for the specified slot.
 * Returns YES if slot is valid, else returns NO.
- (BOOL)getEISAId: (unsigned int *) _id  forSlot: (int) slot;

 * Support for the extended mode register (EISA only).

 * Select transfer width. Default is IO_8Bit.
typedef enum {
	IO_8Bit,			/* 8  bit I/O, count by bytes*/
	IO_16BitWordCount,		/* 16 bit I/O, count by words*/
					/*   (not currently supported)*/
	IO_16BitByteCount,		/* 16 bit I/O, count by bytes*/
	IO_32Bit,			/* 32 bit I/O, count by bytes*/
} IOEISADMATransferWidth;

- (IOReturn)setDMATransferWidth	: (IOEISADMATransferWidth)width
                     forChannel : (unsigned)localChannel;
- (IOReturn)getDMATransferWidth	: (IOEISADMATransferWidth *)width_p
                     forChannel : (unsigned)localChannel;

 * Select DMA Timing. Default is IO_Compatible. 
typedef enum {

- (IOReturn)setDMATiming	: (IOEISADMATiming)timing
                     forChannel : (unsigned)localChannel;

 * Select whether EOP pin is output (default) or input.
- (IOReturn)setEOPAsOutput	: (BOOL)flag
                     forChannel	: (unsigned)localChannel;

 * Enable Stop register. Default is disabled.
typedef enum {
} IOEISAStopRegisterMode;

- (IOReturn)setStopRegisterMode : (IOEISAStopRegisterMode)mode
                    forChannel 	: (unsigned)localChannel;


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