
This is IODisk.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* 	Copyright (c) 1991 NeXT Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved. 
 * IODisk.h - Interface for generic Disk class.
 * 31-Jan-91    Doug Mitchell at NeXT
 *      Created. 
#import <driverkit/return.h>
#import <driverkit/IODevice.h>
#import <bsd/sys/disktab.h>
#import <kernserv/clock_timer.h>

#ifdef	KERNEL
 * The Unix-level code associated with a particular subclass of IODisk
 * keeps an array of these to allow mapping from a dev_t to a IODisk
 * id. One per Unix unit (a unit is a physical disk). The _devAndIdInfo
 * instance variable for an instances of a given class of IODisk 
 * points to the one element in a static array of IODevToIdMap's for 
 * that class.
typedef struct {
	id liveId;			/* IODisk/... for live partition*/
	id partitionId[NPART-1];	/* for block and raw devices*/
	dev_t rawDev;			/* used by volCheck logic*/
	dev_t blockDev;			/* ditto*/
} IODevAndIdInfo;


 * Basic "usefulness" state of drive.
typedef enum {
	IO_Ready, 		/* Ready for r/w operations*/
	IO_NotReady,		/* not ready (spinning up or busy)*/
	IO_NoDisk, 		/* no disk present*/
	IO_Ejecting		/* eject in progress*/
} IODiskReadyState;

 * Current known disk types.
typedef enum {
} IODiskType;

@interface IODisk:IODevice
	id		_nextLogicalDisk;	/* next LogicalDisk object*/
						/* in chain.*/
						/* May be nil. */
	unsigned	_blockSize;		/* in bytes */
	unsigned	_diskSize;		/* in blockSize's*/
	BOOL		_removable;		/* removable media device */
	BOOL		_formatted;		/* disk is formatted*/
	BOOL		_isPhysical;		/* this is NOT a logical disk*/
	BOOL		_writeProtected;
#ifdef	KERNEL
	IODevAndIdInfo	*_devAndIdInfo;		/* provides dev_t to id */
						/* mapping for this instance.*/
	id		_LogicalDiskLock;	/* NXLock. Serializes*/
						/* operations whcih change */
						/* LogicalDisks attached to */
						/* this device.*/
	char		_driveName[MAXDNMLEN];	/* for Unix 'drive_info'*/
						/* requests */
	 * The lastReadyState variable is initialized by device-specific
	 * subclass, but is subsequently only changed by the volCheck module.
	IODiskReadyState _lastReadyState;	
	 * Statistics. Accessed en masse via 
	 * getIntValues::DISK_STATS_ARRAY.
	 * All times in ms.
	unsigned	_readOps;
	unsigned	_bytesRead;
	unsigned	_readTotalTime;
	unsigned	_readLatentTime;
	unsigned	_readRetries;
	unsigned	_readErrors;
	unsigned	_writeOps;
	unsigned 	_bytesWritten;
	unsigned	_writeTotalTime;
	unsigned	_writeLatentTime;
	unsigned	_writeRetries;
	unsigned	_writeErrors;
	unsigned	_otherRetries;
	unsigned	_otherErrors;
	int		_IODisk_reserved[4];

 * Register instance with current name space.  
- registerDevice;		/* nil return means failure*/

 * Public methods to get and set disk parameters. These are implemented in
 * the IODisk class. 
- (unsigned)diskSize;
- (unsigned)blockSize;
- (IOReturn)setFormatted : (BOOL)formattedFlag;
- (BOOL)isFormatted;
- (BOOL)isRemovable;
- (BOOL)isPhysical;
- (BOOL)isWriteProtected;
- (const char *)driveName;

 * Two forms of eject - one for use with logical disks attached
 * (eject), so that attached NXDisks can be polled for open 
 * state; this method is implemented in IODisk but is normally overridden
 * by a subclass like IODiskPartition. The other is ejectPhysical, 
 * in the IOPhysicalDiskMethods protocol (below). 
- (IOReturn) eject;

 * Get/set parameters used only by subclasses.
- (void)setDiskSize			: (unsigned)size;
- (void)setBlockSize			: (unsigned)size;
- (void)setIsPhysical			: (BOOL)isPhysical;
- nextLogicalDisk;
- (void)setRemovable			: (BOOL)removableFlag;
- (void)setDriveName			: (const char *)name;
- (IODiskReadyState)lastReadyState;
- (void)setLastReadyState		: (IODiskReadyState)readyState;
- (void)setWriteProtected		: (BOOL)writeProtectFlag;
- (void)setFormattedInternal 		: (BOOL)formattedFlag;

 * Statistics support.
 * These methods are invoked by subclass during I/O.
- (void)addToBytesRead		: (unsigned)bytesRead
				  totalTime  : (ns_time_t)totalTime
				  latentTime : (ns_time_t)latentTime;
- (void)addToBytesWritten	: (unsigned)bytesWritten
				  totalTime  : (ns_time_t)totalTime
				  latentTime : (ns_time_t)latentTime;
- (void)incrementReadRetries;
- (void)incrementReadErrors;
- (void)incrementWriteRetries;
- (void)incrementWriteErrors;
- (void)incrementOtherRetries;
- (void)incrementOtherErrors;

 * For gathering cumulative statistics.
- (IOReturn)getIntValues		: (unsigned *)parameterArray
			   forParameter : (IOParameterName)parameterName
			          count : (unsigned *)count;	/* in/out*/

 * Obtain statistics in array defined by IODiskStatIndices.
#define IO_DISK_STATS		"IODiskStats"

 * RPC equivalent of isKindOfClassNamed:IODisk. Used in 
 * getParameterInt. Returns no data; just returns IO_R_SUCCESS.
#define IO_IS_A_DISK		"IOIsADisk"

 * RPC equivalent of _isPhysDevice. Used in getParameterInt. Returns one 
 * int, the value of _isPhysDevice.
#define IO_IS_A_PHYSICAL_DISK	"IOIsAPhysicalDisk"

 * Indices into array obtained via getParameterInt : IO_DISK_STATS.
typedef enum {
} IODiskStatIndices;
#define IO_DISK_STAT_ARRAY_SIZE		(IO_OtherErrors + 1)

 * Register a connection with LogicalDisk.
- (void) setLogicalDisk	: diskId;

 * Lock/Unlock device for LogicalDisk-specific methods. Invoked only by
 * LogicalDisks which are attached to this device.
- (void)lockLogicalDisks;
- (void)unlockLogicalDisks;

 * Convert an IOReturn to text. Overrides superclass's method of same name
 * to allow for additional IOReturn's defined in this file.
- (const char *)stringFromReturn	: (IOReturn)rtn;

 * Request a "please insert disk" panel.
- (void)requestInsertionPanelForDiskType : (IODiskType)diskType;

 * Notify volCheck thread that specified device is in a "disk ejecting" state.
- (void)diskIsEjecting : (IODiskType)diskType;

 * Notify volCheck that disk has gone not ready. Typically called on
 * gross error detection.
- (void)diskNotReady;

 * To be optionally overridden by subclass. IODisk version returns NO.
 * If subclass's version returns NO, and the drive is a removable media 
 * drive, the drive will not be polled once per second while ready state
 * is IO_NotReady or IO_NoDisk; instead; polling will only occur when
 * an DKIOCCHECKINSERT ioctl is executed on the vol driver.
- (BOOL)needsManualPolling;


/* End of IODisk interface. */

 * The IOPhysicalDiskMethods protocol must be implemented by each bottom-level 
 * physical disk subclass of IODisk.

@protocol IOPhysicalDiskMethods

 * Get physical parameters (dev_size, block_size, etc.) from new disk. Called 
 * upon disk insertion detection or other transition to RS_READY.
- (IOReturn)updatePhysicalParameters;

 * Called by volCheck thread when WS has told us that a requested disk is
 * not present. Pending I/Os which require a disk to be present must be 
 * aborted.
- (void)abortRequest;

 * Called by the volCheck thread when a transition to "ready" is detected.
 * Pending I/Os which require a disk may proceed.
- (void)diskBecameReady;

 * Inquire if disk is present; if not, and 'prompt' is TRUE, ask for it. 
 * Returns IO_R_NODISK if:
 *    prompt TRUE, disk not present, and user cancels request for disk.
 *    prompt FALSE, disk not present.
 * Else returns IO_R_SUCCESS.
- (IOReturn)isDiskReady	: (BOOL)prompt;

 * Device-specific eject method, only called on physical device.
- (IOReturn) ejectPhysical;

 * Determine basic state of device. This method should NOT implement any
 * retries. It also should not return RS_EJECTING (That's only used in the
 * lastReadyState instance variable).
- (IODiskReadyState)updateReadyState;


/* end of IOPhysicalDiskMethods protocol */

 * Standard IODisk read/write protocol. Offsets are in blocks.
 * Lengths are in bytes.
 * FIXME - readAsyncAt should NOT copy data back to caller on return in
 * Distrubuted Objects implementation.
@protocol IODiskReadingAndWriting

#ifndef	KERNEL
- (IOReturn) readAt		: (unsigned)offset 
				  length : (unsigned)length 
				  buffer : (unsigned char *)buffer
				  actualLength : (unsigned *)actualLength;
- (IOReturn) readAsyncAt	: (unsigned)offset 
				  length : (unsigned)length 
				  buffer : (unsigned char *)buffer
				  pending : (void *)pending;	/* untyped*/
- (IOReturn) writeAt		: (unsigned)offset 
				  length : (unsigned)length 
				  buffer : (unsigned char *)buffer
				  actualLength : (unsigned *)actualLength;
- (IOReturn) writeAsyncAt	: (unsigned)offset 
				  length : (unsigned)length 
				  buffer : (unsigned char *)buffer
				  pending : (void *)pending;

- (IOReturn) readAt		: (unsigned)offset 
				  length : (unsigned)length 
				  buffer : (unsigned char *)buffer
				  actualLength : (unsigned *)actualLength 
				  client : (vm_task_t)client;

- (IOReturn) readAsyncAt	: (unsigned)offset 
				  length : (unsigned)length 
				  buffer : (unsigned char *)buffer
				  pending : (void *)pending
				  client : (vm_task_t)client;
- (IOReturn) writeAt		: (unsigned)offset 
				  length : (unsigned)length 
				  buffer : (unsigned char *)buffer
				  actualLength : (unsigned *)actualLength 
				  client : (vm_task_t)client;
- (IOReturn) writeAsyncAt	: (unsigned)offset 
				  length : (unsigned)length 
				  buffer : (unsigned char *)buffer
				  pending : (void *)pending
				  client : (vm_task_t)client;


/* end of DiskDeviceRw protocol */

 * IOReturn's specific to IODisk.
#define IO_R_NO_LABEL		(-1100)		/* no label present */
#define IO_R_UNFORMATTED	(-1101)		/* disk not formatted */
#define IO_R_NO_DISK		(-1102)		/* disk not present */
#define IO_R_NO_BLOCK_ZERO	(-1103)		/* can't read first sector */
#define IO_R_NO_NEXT_PART	(-1104)		/* No NeXT partition on */
						/* DOS disk */
extern IONamedValue readyStateValues[];

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