
This is IXStoreDirectory.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Copyright 1991, NeXT Computer, Inc.

#import	<objc/Object.h>
#import	<store/IXStoreFile.h>

@class IXBTreeCursor;

/* This class implements a simple directory for managing store clients.  The */
/* store clients must conform to the IXBlockAndStoreAccess protocol.  Any */
/* object may be stored in an IXStoreDirectory, however, as long as it responds */
/* to init and the archiving methods read: and write:.*/

@interface IXStoreDirectory: Object <IXNameAndFileAccess>
@interface IXStoreDirectory: Object
    BOOL		_freeStore;
    char		*_handleName;
    unsigned		_handle;
    IXStore		*_store;
    IXBTreeCursor       *_btreeCursor;
    id                  _btreeCursor;

/* Returns the receiver's store, primarily as a convenience for transaction */
/* management - e.g., [[client store] startTransaction].*/

- (IXStore *)store;

/* These methods add new named entries to the directory.  Any class may be */
/* supplied, as long as the instances can be meaningfully initialized with the */
/* init method and archived with NXWriteRootObject.  If the class is a store */
/* client, the instance will be initialized in the directory's store using the */
/* initFromBlock:inStore: method.*/

- addEntryNamed:(const char *)aName ofClass:aClass;
- addEntryNamed:(const char *)aName ofClass:aClass atBlock:(unsigned)aHandle;
- addEntryNamed:(const char *)aName forObject:anObject;

/* This method is obselete.  Use entryNames instead.*/
- (const char **)entries; /* caller must free the array of entry names*/

/* Returns newline delimited string containing entry names; caller must free.*/
- (const char *)entryNames;

/* These methods remove entries from the directory, but don't remove the */
/* associated objects from the store.  Use empty and freeEntryNamed: to free */
/* the objects, as well as the entries.*/

- reset; /* removes all entries*/
- removeName:(const char *)aName; /* removes, but doesn't free entry object*/

- empty; /* frees all entries*/
- freeEntryNamed:(const char *)aName; /* removes and frees associated object*/

/* The first of these two methods is redundant.  openEntryNamed simply returns */
/* nil if passed an invalid name;  otherwise, it returns the associated object.*/

- (BOOL)hasEntryNamed:(const char *)aName;
- openEntryNamed:(const char *)aName;

- getBlock:(unsigned *)aBlock ofEntryNamed:(const char *)aName;
- getClass:(Class *)aClass ofEntryNamed:(const char *)aName;


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