
This is IXFileRecord.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Copyright 1991, NeXT Computer, Inc.

#import	<bsd/sys/stat.h>
#import	<objc/hashtable.h>
#import	<objc/Object.h>
#import	<remote/transport.h>

#import	"protocols.h"

@class IXFileFinder;

/* These are atoms for the standard file attributes.*/

extern NXAtom	IXFileNameAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXBaseNameAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXFileTypeAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXFileDeviceAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXFileInodeAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXFileModeAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXFileLinksAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXFileOwnerAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXFileGroupAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXFileSizeAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXAccessTimeAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXModifyTimeAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXChangeTimeAttribute;
extern NXAtom	IXUnixTypeAttribute;

typedef enum IXUnixType	{
    IXUnixFile, IXUnixDirectory, 
	IXUnixBlock, IXUnixCharacter, IXUnixLink, IXUnixSocket
} IXUnixType;

@interface IXFileRecord: Object <NXTransport, IXAttributeBinding>
    id			_bindings;
    unsigned		filedate;
    IXFileFinder	*fileFinder;
    char		*filename;
    char		*filetype;
    char		*description;
    struct stat		*statBuffer;

- (IXFileFinder *)fileFinder;
- initWithFileFinder:(IXFileFinder *)aFinder;
- setFileFinder:(IXFileFinder *)aFinder;

- (const struct stat *)statBuffer; /* stats file if necessary*/

- (IXUnixType)unixType; /* returns the unix type of the file*/

- (ino_t)fileInode; /* returns the inode number*/
- (dev_t)fileDevice; /* returns the device number*/

- (unsigned short)fileMode; /* returns the file mode*/
- (short)fileLinks; /* returns the number of links to the file*/

- (gid_t)fileGroup; /* returns the file's group id*/
- (uid_t)fileOwner; /* returns the file's owner id*/

- (off_t)fileSize; /* returns the file size in bytes*/

- (time_t)accessTime; /* returns the time of the last access*/
- (time_t)changeTime; /* returns the time of the last change*/
- (time_t)modifyTime; /* returns the time of the last update*/

- (BOOL)hasBindings; /* returns TRUE if the receiver has bindings*/
- (IXAttributeBinder *)attributeBinder; /* returns the receiver's binder*/
- freeBindings; /* frees the receiver's attribute bindings*/

- (const char *)filename; /* returns the recorded file name*/
- setFilename:(const char *)name; /* sets the recorded file name*/
- (const char *)basename; /* returns the recorded base name*/

- (const char *)filetype; /* returns the recorded file type */
- setFiletype:(const char *)type; /* sets the recorded file type*/

- (const char *)description; /* returns the recorded description */
- setDescription:(const char *)aDescription; /* sets the recorded description*/

- (unsigned)filedate; /* returns the recorded modification date*/
- setFiledate:(unsigned)date; /* sets the recorded modification date*/


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.