
This is NSNotification.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/*	NSNotification.h
  	Copyright 1993, 1994, NeXT, Inc.
	Posting and observing notifications;
	NeXT, June 93

#import <foundation/NSDictionary.h>

/* Example of use:
    Say you have a port object that is dying and an object (observer) that needs to know about the death of that port.
    The observer would initially register as:
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:observer selector:@selector(handlePortDeath:) forNotificationName:@"NSPortInvalid" fromObject:port];
    When a port dies, the following code gets executed:
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@"NSPortInvalid" object:port];
    The notification center will then perform:
    - (void)handlePortDeath:(NSNotification *)notification {
	/* we know that [port isEqual:[notification object]]*/

/***************	Notification	***************/

@interface NSNotification:NSObject <NSCopying>
    /* Note that notifications may contain extra information, but then that extra data must be agreed upon between notifiers and observers */

- (NSString *)notificationName;
    /* A string denoting the notification such as "NSPPLChanged" or "NSPortInvalid" */
- notificationObject;
    /* The object of the notification; often is the object that posted a notification about itself;
    may be nil */

+ allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone;
    /* Creates an instance of a concrete class (substitutes a concrete class if called with NSNotification) */

+ (NSNotification *)notificationWithName:(NSString *)name object:object;
    /* copies name; retains object */


/***************	Notification Center	***************/

@interface NSNotificationCenter:NSObject {
    id			_lock;
    NSMutableDictionary	*_registry;
    id			_noNotificationNameRegistry;

+ (NSNotificationCenter *)defaultCenter;
    /* a per-task notification center used for generic notifications */
- (void)postNotification:(NSNotification *)notification;

- (void)addObserver:observer selector:(SEL)selector notificationName:(NSString *)notificationName object:object;
    /* observer will perform selector with the notification as argument when notification with given name from given object is posted;
    observer is not retained which implies that removeObserver: must be called prior to invalidating the observer;
    If object is nil, observer will get posted whatever the object was;
    object (when non-nil) is not retained by the notification center which implies that removeObserver: must be called prior to invalidating the object;
    object identity is pointer equality;
    If notificationName is nil, observer will get posted whatever for all notifications that match object */

- (void)removeObserver:observer notificationName:(NSString *)notificationName object:object;
    /* This method will remove all observers with same notificationName and same object (even when object is nil) */ 

- (void)removeObserver:observer;
    /* Removes all the observations of observer;
    Relativly slow (goes over all tables) */

- (void)postNotificationName:(NSString *)notificationName object:object;
    /* Short cut for posting an notification */


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