
This is driverTypes.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* 	Copyright (c) 1991 NeXT Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved. 
 * driverTypes.h - Data types and #defines for driverServer interface.
 * 05-June-91    Doug Mitchell at NeXT
 *      Created. 


#import <bsd/sys/types.h>
#import <mach/port.h>
#import <mach/mach_types.h>
#import <architecture/arch_types.h>
#import <driverkit/return.h>
#import <objc/objc.h>

#ifndef	NULL
		#undef NULL
#define	NULL	0
 * Simple data types.
typedef unsigned int 	IOChannelCommand;
typedef unsigned int	IOChannelEnqueueOption;
typedef unsigned int 	IOChannelDequeueOption;
typedef unsigned char 	IODescriptorCommand;
typedef unsigned int	IODeviceNumber;
typedef unsigned int 	IOObjectNumber;

 * Machine-independent DMA channel status.
typedef enum {
	IO_None,			/* no appropriate status*/
	IO_Complete,			/* DMA channel idle*/
	IO_Running,			/* DMA channel running */
	IO_Underrun,			/* under/overrun*/
	IO_BusError,			/* bus error*/
	IO_BufferError,			/* DMA buffer error*/
} IODMAStatus;

typedef enum {
	IO_DMARead,			/* device to memory*/
	IO_DMAWrite			/* memory to device*/
} IODMADirection;

 * Machine-independent caching specification.
typedef	enum {
	IO_CacheOff,			/* cache inhibit*/
} IOCache;

 * A typoedef which distinguishes direct, indirect, and pseudo devices.
typedef enum {
} IODeviceStyle;

 * Indicates a range of values.  Used for memory regions, port regions, etc.
typedef struct range {
	unsigned int	start;
	unsigned int	size;
} IORange;

 * Map between #defined or enum'd constants and text description.
typedef struct {
	int value;
	const char *name;
} IONamedValue;

 * Value-to-string conversion arrays in libDriver.
extern const IONamedValue IODMAStatusStrings[];		/* for IODMAStatus*/

 * Specify DMA alignment.
 * A value of 0 means no restriction for associated parameter.
typedef struct {
	unsigned	readStart;
	unsigned	writeStart;
	unsigned	readLength;
	unsigned	writeLength;
} IODMAAlignment;

 * Machine-independent type for a machine-dependent DMA buffer.
typedef void *IODMABuffer;

 * Memory alignment -- specified as a power of two.
typedef unsigned int	IOAlignment;

#define IO_NULL_VM_TASK		((vm_task_t)0)

 * Hardcoded IOSlotId for native devices.
#define IO_NATIVE_SLOT_ID	((IOSlotId)-1)

 * Hardcoded IODeviceType for slot devices.
#define IO_SLOT_DEVICE_TYPE	((IODeviceType)-1)

 * IOSlotId and IODeviceType for non-existent device.
#define IO_NULL_SLOT_ID		((IOSlotId)0)
#define IO_NULL_DEVICE_TYPE	((IODeviceType)0)
#define IO_NULL_DEVICE_INDEX	((IODeviceIndex)0)

 * Maximum sizes for IOMapSlot() and IOMapBoard().
#define IO_MAX_BOARD_SIZE	(256 * 1024 * 1024)
#define IO_MAX_NRW_SLOT_SIZE	(15 * 1024 * 1024)
#define IO_MAX_SLOT_SIZE	(16 * 1024 * 1024)

 * Standard type for an ASCII name (e.g., deviceName, deviceType).
typedef char IOString[IO_STRING_LENGTH];

 * Parameter name for get/set parameter RPCs.
typedef char IOParameterName[IO_MAX_PARAMETER_NAME_LENGTH];

 * Actual data arrays passed in get/set parameter RPCs.
typedef int IOIntParameter[IO_MAX_PARAMETER_ARRAY_LENGTH];
typedef char IOCharParameter[IO_MAX_PARAMETER_ARRAY_LENGTH];

 * Pull in machine specific stuff.

#import <driverkit/machine/driverTypes.h>

 * Values for IOChannelCommand.
#define IO_CC_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS		0x00000001	/* enable interrrupts*/
#define IO_CC_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS	0x00000002	/* disable interrupts*/
#define IO_CC_CONNECT_FRAME_LOOP	0x00000004	/* create DMA frame */
							/*    loop*/
#define IO_CC_DISCONNECT_FRAME_LOOP	0x00000008	/* disconnect DMA frame*/
							/*    loop*/

 * m68k only. 
#define IO_CC_START_READ		0x00000008	/* start DMA Read*/
#define IO_CC_START_WRITE		0x00000010	/* start DMA Write*/
#define IO_CC_ABORT			0x00000020	/* abort current */
							/*   operation*/
#define IO_CC_ENABLE_DEVICE_INTERRUPTS	0x00000040	/* enable ints, device */
							/*   level*/
#define IO_CC_DISABLE_DEVICE_INTERRUPTS	0x00000080	/* disable ints, device*/
							/*   level*/

 * Used as channelNumber argument for commands which do not refer to a
 * channel.
#define IO_NO_CHANNEL	(-1)

 * Values for IOChannelEnqueueOption.
#define IO_CEO_END_OF_RECORD		0x00000001	/* end of record*/
#define IO_CEO_DESCRIPTOR_INTERRUPT	0x00000002	/* generate descriptor */
							/*    interrupt*/
#define IO_CEO_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS	0x00000004	/* enable interrupt*/
#define IO_CEO_ENABLE_CHANNEL		0x00000008	/* enable channel (m68k*/
							/*    only)*/
#define IO_CEO_DESCRIPTOR_COMMAND	0x00000010	/* enable descriptor */
							/* command (nrw only)*/

 * Values for IOChannelDequeueOption.
 * IF IO_CDO_ALL is specified and the channel is running, CR_BUSY will be
 * returned and all other options will be ignored.
#define IO_CDO_DONE			0x00000001	/* dequeue completed*/
							/*   descriptors*/
#define IO_CDO_ALL			0x00000002	/* dequeue all */
							/*   descriptors */
#define IO_CDO_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS	0x00000004	/* enable interrupt*/
#define IO_CDO_ENABLE_INTERRUPTS_IF_EMPTY 0x00000008	/* enable interrupt if*/
							/* no more descriptors*/
							/* can be dequeued*/

#define IO_NULL_DMA_ID	((unsigned) 0)

typedef void *IOAddressMap;
typedef unsigned int IOPhysicalAddress;
typedef unsigned int IOVirtualAddress;

typedef void 		(*IOInterruptHandler)(void *identity, 
				void *state, 
				unsigned int arg);


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