
This is math.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* Copyright (c) 1992 NeXT Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 *	File:	<ansi/sparc/math.h>

 * Constants.

/*#define	HUGE_VAL	(__infinity())	/* Produces IEEE Infinity. */*/
#define	HUGE_VAL	(1e999)

#ifndef __STRICT_ANSI__

/*#define	HUGE		(infinity())	/* For historical compatibility. */*/
#define	HUGE		HUGE_VAL
#define NAN	(HUGE/HUGE)	/*FIXME: not in sun sources */

/* These values work with any binary representation of integers
 * where the high-order bit contains the sign. */

/* a number used normally for size of a shift */
#define BITS(type)	(BITSPERBYTE * (int)sizeof(type))

/* short, regular and long ints with only the high-order bit turned on */
#define HIBITS	((short)(1 << BITS(short) - 1))
#define HIBITI	(1 << BITS(int) - 1)
#define HIBITL	(1L << BITS(long) - 1)

/* largest short, regular and long int */
#define MAXSHORT	((short)~HIBITS)
#define MAXINT	(~HIBITI)
#define MAXCHAR ((char)0x7f)	/*FIXME: not in sun sources */

#define MINCHAR ((char)0x80)	/*FIXME: not in sun sources */
#define MINSHORT ((short)0x8000)	/*FIXME: not in sun sources */
#define MININT 	((int)0x80000000)	/* max negative 32-bit integer */	/*FIXME: not in sun sources */
#define MINLONG ((long)0x80000000)	/*FIXME: not in sun sources */

/* various values that describe the binary floating-point representation
 * _EXPBASE	- the exponent base
 * DMAXEXP 	- the maximum exponent of a double (as returned by frexp())
 * FMAXEXP 	- the maximum exponent of a float  (as returned by frexp())
 * DMINEXP 	- the minimum exponent of a double (as returned by frexp())
 * FMINEXP 	- the minimum exponent of a float  (as returned by frexp())
 * MAXDOUBLE	- the largest double
			((_EXPBASE ** DMAXEXP) * (1 - (_EXPBASE ** -DSIGNIF)))
 * MAXFLOAT	- the largest float
			((_EXPBASE ** FMAXEXP) * (1 - (_EXPBASE ** -FSIGNIF)))
 * MINDOUBLE	- the smallest double (_EXPBASE ** (DMINEXP - 1))
 * MINFLOAT	- the smallest float (_EXPBASE ** (FMINEXP - 1))
 * DSIGNIF	- the number of significant bits in a double
 * FSIGNIF	- the number of significant bits in a float
 * DMAXPOWTWO	- the largest power of two exactly representable as a double
 * FMAXPOWTWO	- the largest power of two exactly representable as a float
 * _IEEE	- 1 if IEEE standard representation is used
 * _DEXPLEN	- the number of bits for the exponent of a double
 * _FEXPLEN	- the number of bits for the exponent of a float
 * _HIDDENBIT	- 1 if high-significance bit of mantissa is implicit
 * LN_MAXDOUBLE	- the natural log of the largest double  -- log(MAXDOUBLE)
 * LN_MINDOUBLE	- the natural log of the smallest double -- log(MINDOUBLE)
 * LN_MAXFLOAT	- the natural log of the largest float  
 * LN_MINFLOAT	- the natural log of the smallest float
#define MAXDOUBLE	1.797693134862315708e+308
#define MAXFLOAT	((float)3.40282346638528860e+38)
#define MINDOUBLE	4.94065645841246544e-324
#define MINFLOAT	((float)1.40129846432481707e-45)
#define	_IEEE		1
#define _DEXPLEN	11
#define _HIDDENBIT	1
#define LN_MAXFLOAT	8.8722839052068e+01
#define LN_MINFLOAT	-1.03278929903432e+02
#define _LENBASE	1
#define _EXPBASE	(1 << _LENBASE)
#define _FEXPLEN	8
#define DSIGNIF	(BITS(double) - _DEXPLEN + _HIDDENBIT - 1)
#define FSIGNIF	(BITS(float)  - _FEXPLEN + _HIDDENBIT - 1)
#define DMAXPOWTWO	((double)(1L << BITS(long) - 2) * \
				(1L << DSIGNIF - BITS(long) + 1))
#define FMAXPOWTWO	((float)(1L << FSIGNIF - 1))
#define DMAXEXP	((1 << _DEXPLEN - 1) - 1 + _IEEE)
#define FMAXEXP	((1 << _FEXPLEN - 1) - 1 + _IEEE)
#define LN_MINDOUBLE	(M_LN2 * (DMINEXP - 1))

#define	M_LN2	0.69314718055994530942
#define	M_PI	3.14159265358979323846
#define	M_SQRT2	1.41421356237309504880

#define	M_E		2.7182818284590452354
#define	M_LOG2E		1.4426950408889634074
#define	M_LOG10E	0.43429448190325182765
#define	M_LN10		2.30258509299404568402
#define	M_PI_2		1.57079632679489661923
#define	M_PI_4		0.78539816339744830962
#define	M_1_PI		0.31830988618379067154
#define	M_2_PI		0.63661977236758134308
#define	M_2_SQRTPI	1.12837916709551257390
#define	M_SQRT1_2	0.70710678118654752440

#endif /* __STRICT_ANSI__ */

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