
This is predef3.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * Copyright (C) 1985-1992  New York University
 * This file is part of the Ada/Ed-C system.  See the Ada/Ed README file for
 * warranty (none) and distribution info and also the GNU General Public
 * License for more details.


/*    +---------------------------------------------------+
      |                                                   |
      |          I N T E R P     P R E D E F S            |
      |            Part 3: Utility Procedures             |
      |                  (C Version)                      |
      |                                                   |
      |   Adapted From Low Level SETL version written by  |
      |                                                   |
      |                  Monte Zweben                     |
      |               Philippe Kruchten                   |
      |               Jean-Pierre Rosen                   |
      |                                                   |
      |    Original High Level SETL version written by    |
      |                                                   |
      |                   Clint Goss                      |
      |               Tracey M. Siesser                   |
      |               Bernard D. Banner                   |
      |               Stephen C. Bryant                   |
      |                  Gerry Fisher                     |
      |                                                   |
      |              C version written by                 |
      |                                                   |
      |               Robert B. K. Dewar                  |
      |                                                   |

/*  This module contains routines for the implementation of some of
 *  the predefined Ada packages and routines, namely SEQUENTIAL_IO,
 *  DIRECT_IO, TEXT_IO, and CALENDAR. Part 3 contains utility routines
 *  for access to paramerters on the stack and for returning values.

#include <stdlib.h>
#ifdef IBM_PC
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "ipredef.h"
#include "intcprots.h"
#include "predefprots.h"


/* Procedure to get argument address. The parameter is the offset from the
 * TOS to the base/offset entry. The corresponding pointer is returned.

int *get_argument_ptr(int offset)			          /*;get_argument_addr*/
	return ADDR(TOSM(offset + 1), TOSM(offset));


/* Procedure to get argument value of type string. The parameter is the offset
 * from the TOS to the entry for the string (consisting of a descriptor and a
 * value. The string value is converted from internal Ada form to standard C
 * form and stored in work_string.

void get_string_value(int offset)		               /*;get_string_value*/
	int     displ, a_base, size;
	char   *cp;
	int    *ip;

	displ = TOSM(offset);       /* base + offset of template address */
	a_base = TOSM(offset + 1);
	size = SIZE(ADDR(a_base, displ));

	displ = TOSM(offset + 2);   /* base + offset of array */
	a_base = TOSM(offset + 3);

	ip = ADDR(a_base, displ);
	cp = work_string;
		*cp++ = *ip++;
	*cp++ = 0;


/* This procedure takes the string in work_string, allocates a block to hold
 * it and then copies the string to this block, returning its address. The
 * caller should eventually free this space using predef_free.

char *make_string()							                  /*;make_string*/
	char   *s;

	s = predef_alloc(strlen(work_string) + 1);
	strcpy(s, work_string);
	return s;


/* Procedure to get argument value of type int. The parameter is the offset
 * from the TOS to the base/offset address. The integer value stored at this
 * address is returned as the result.

int get_argument_value(int offset)			         /*;get_argument_value*/
	return *ADDR(TOSM(offset + 1), TOSM(offset));


/* Procedure to get argument value of type float. The parameter is the offset
 * from the TOS to the base/offset address. The float value stored at this
 * address is returned as the result.

float get_float_argument_value(int offset)		 /*;get_float_argument_value*/
	return *((float *)(ADDR(TOSM(offset + 1), TOSM(offset))));


/* Procedure to get argument value of type long. The parameter is the offset
 * from the TOS to the base/offset address. The long value stored at this
 * address is returned as the result.

long get_long_argument_value(int offset)		   /*;get_long_argument_value*/
	return *((long *)(ADDR(TOSM(offset + 1), TOSM(offset))));


/* Get an integer value using the base and offset values on top of the
 * stack and store the result in filenum.

void get_filenum()					                          /*;get_filenum */
	filenum = *ADDR(TOSM(1),TOS);


/* Retrieves file argument if necessary, else provides default file.
 * Sets file_offset to 2 if there is a file argument, 0 otherwise.
 * The PREDEF operation codes are arranged so that range tests can be
 * used to determine whether or not a file argument is present, and
 * if not, whether the default file is the current in or out file.

void get_file_argument_or_default()         /*;get_file_argument_or_default*/
	if (operation <= P_P_FILE) {
		filenum = *ADDR(TOSM(1),TOS);
		file_offset = 2;
	else {
		filenum = (operation <= P_P_IN) ? current_in_file : current_out_file;
		file_offset = 0;


/* S is a C string that is first converted to an Ada string. The parameter
 * param_off is the offset in the stack where the place holder begins. Puts
 * on the stack necessary information to return string s. Used by functions
 * which return a string result.

void return_string(char *s, int param_off)		            /*;return_string*/
	int     length, i;
	int     bse, off;
	int    *ptr;

	length = strlen(s);
	create(length, &bse, &off, &ptr);

	for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
		*ptr++ = *s++;

	TOSM(param_off + 3) = bse;
	TOSM(param_off + 2) = off;

	create(WORDS_S_ARRAY, &bse, &off, &ptr);
	S_ARRAY(ptr) -> ttype = TT_S_ARRAY;
	S_ARRAY(ptr) -> object_size = length;
	S_ARRAY(ptr) -> index_size = 1;
	S_ARRAY(ptr) -> salow = 1;
	S_ARRAY(ptr) -> sahigh = length;

	TOSM(param_off + 1) = bse;
	TOSM(param_off) = off;

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.