This is initobj.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]
/* * Copyright (C) 1985-1992 New York University * * This file is part of the Ada/Ed-C system. See the Ada/Ed README file for * warranty (none) and distribution info and also the GNU General Public * License for more details. */ #define GEN #include "hdr.h" #include "vars.h" #include "gvars.h" #include "attr.h" #include "setprots.h" #include "gutilprots.h" #include "gmiscprots.h" #include "smiscprots.h" #include "gnodesprots.h" #include "initobjprots.h" static Tuple proc_init_rec(Tuple, Node, Node); static Node initialization_proc(Symbol, Symbol, Tuple, Tuple); static Tuple build_comp_names(Node); Node build_proc_init_ara(Symbol type_name) /*;build_proc_init_ara*/ { /* * This is the main procedure for building default initialization * procedures for array types. Those initialization procedures are * built if the type given contains some subcomponent for which a * default initialization exists (at any level of nesting), or if it * has determinants. * Note that scalar objects are not initialized at all, which implies * that they get whatever initial value is in that location in memory * This saves some time in object creation. * * All init. procedures have an 'out' parameter that designates the * object being initialized (the space has already been allocated). * */ int side_effect; Tuple tup, formals, subscripts; Symbol c_type, ip, index_t, proc_name, index_sym; Node one_component, init_stmt, out_param, i_nodes, d_node, iter_node; Fortup ft1; Node iterator, index_node; #ifdef TRACE if (debug_flag) { gen_trace_symbol("BUILD_PROC_INIT_ARR", type_name); } #endif side_effect = FALSE; /* Let's hope... TBSL */ tup = SIGNATURE(type_name); c_type = (Symbol) tup[2]; one_component = new_node(as_index); ip = INIT_PROC(base_type(c_type)); if (ip != (Symbol)0 ){ /* Use the initialization procedure for the component type */ init_stmt = (Node) build_init_call(one_component, ip, c_type, OPT_NODE); } else if (is_task_type(c_type)) { /* initialization is task creation. */ init_stmt = new_assign_node(one_component, new_create_task_node(c_type)); } else if (is_access_type(c_type)) { /* default value is the null pointer. */ init_stmt = new_assign_node(one_component, new_null_node(c_type)); } else { init_stmt = (Node) 0; } if (init_stmt != (Node)0) { /* body of initialization procedure is a loop over the indices */ /* allocating each component. Generate loop variables and code */ /* for iteration, using the attributes of the type. */ proc_name = new_unique_name("type_name+INIT"); out_param = new_param_node("param_type_name", proc_name, type_name, na_out); generate_object(N_UNQ(out_param)); formals = tup_new1((char *) out_param); subscripts = tup_new(0); FORTUP(index_t=(Symbol), index_types(type_name), ft1); /*index = index_t + 'INDEX';*/ index_sym = new_unique_name("index_t+INDEX"); NATURE (index_sym) = na_obj; TYPE_OF(index_sym) = index_t; subscripts = tup_with(subscripts, (char *)new_name_node(index_sym)); ENDFORTUP(ft1); i_nodes = new_node(as_list); /* need tup_copy since subscripts used destructively below */ N_LIST(i_nodes) = tup_copy(subscripts); /* Build the tree for the one_component of the array. */ N_AST1(one_component) = out_param; N_AST2(one_component) = i_nodes; N_TYPE(one_component) = c_type; while (tup_size(subscripts)) { /* Build loop from innermost index outwards. The iterations */ /* span the ranges of the array being initialized. */ /* dimension spanned by this loop: */ d_node = new_ivalue_node(int_const(tup_size(subscripts)), symbol_integer); iterator = new_attribute_node(ATTR_O_RANGE, new_name_node(N_UNQ(out_param)), d_node, type_name); index_node = (Node) tup_frome(subscripts); iter_node = new_node(as_for); N_AST1(iter_node) = index_node; N_AST2(iter_node) = iterator; init_stmt = new_loop_node(OPT_NODE, iter_node, tup_new1((char *)init_stmt)); } INIT_PROC(type_name) = proc_name; return initialization_proc(proc_name, type_name, formals, tup_new1((char *) init_stmt)); } else { return OPT_NODE; } } Node build_proc_init_rec(Symbol type_name) /*;build_proc_init_rec*/ { /* * This is the main procedure for building default initialization * procedures for record types. Those initialization procedures are * built if the type given contains some subcomponent for which a * default initialization exists (at any level of nesting), or if it * has determinants. * Note that scalar objects are not initialized at all, which implies * that they get whatever initial value is in that location in memory * This saves some time in object creation. * * All init. procedures have an 'out' parameter that designates the * object begin initialized (the space has already been allocated). * */ int side_effect; Node invar_node; /* TBSL: is invar_node local??*/ Tuple stmts, tup, nstmts, formals, invariant_fields; Tuple discr_list; /* is this local ?? TBSL */ Fortup ft1; Symbol d, proc_name; Node param, var_node, out_param; Node node, node1, node2, discr_value_node; #ifdef TRACE if (debug_flag) gen_trace_symbol("BUILD_PROC_INIT_REC", type_name); #endif side_effect = FALSE; /* Let's hope... TBSL */ /* * The initialization procedure for records has the usual out param., * and one in parameter per discriminant. The CONSTRAINED flag is the * first of the discriminants */ proc_name = new_unique_name("Init_ type_name"); out_param = new_param_node("param_type_name", proc_name, type_name, na_out); generate_object(proc_name); generate_object(N_UNQ(out_param)); tup = SIGNATURE(type_name); invar_node = (Node) tup[1]; var_node = (Node) tup[2]; discr_list = (Tuple) tup[3]; invariant_fields = build_comp_names(invar_node); stmts = tup_new(0); if (tup_size(discr_list)) { /* Generate formal parameters for each. The body of the procedure */ /* assigns them to the field of the object. */ /* Note: the 'constrained' field is part of the discriminants. */ formals = tup_new(0); FORTUP(d=(Symbol), discr_list, ft1); param = new_param_node("param_type_name", proc_name, TYPE_OF(d), na_in); generate_object(N_UNQ(param)); formals = tup_with(formals, (char *) param ); stmts = tup_with(stmts, (char *) new_assign_node(new_selector_node(out_param, d), param)); discr_value_node = new_selector_node (out_param, d); /* generate code in order to test if the value of discriminant is * compatible with its subtype */ node1 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_T_FIRST, new_name_node(TYPE_OF(d)), OPT_NODE, TYPE_OF(d)); node2 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_T_LAST, new_name_node(TYPE_OF(d)), OPT_NODE, TYPE_OF(d)); node = node_new (as_list); make_if_node(node, tup_new1((char *) new_cond_stmts_node( new_binop_node(symbol_or, new_binop_node(symbol_lt, discr_value_node, node1, symbol_boolean), new_binop_node(symbol_gt, discr_value_node, node2, symbol_boolean), symbol_boolean), new_raise_node(symbol_constraint_error))), OPT_NODE); stmts = tup_with(stmts, (char *) node); ENDFORTUP(ft1); formals = tup_with(formals, (char *) out_param ); /* if there are default expressions for any other components, */ /* further initialization steps are needed. */ tup = proc_init_rec(invariant_fields, var_node, out_param); /*stmts += proc_init_rec(invariant_fields, var_node, out_param);*/ nstmts = tup_add(stmts, tup); tup_free(stmts); tup_free(tup); stmts = nstmts; } else { /* record without discriminants. There may still be default values */ /* for some components. */ formals = tup_new1((char *) out_param); stmts = proc_init_rec(invariant_fields, var_node, out_param); } if (tup_size(stmts)) { INIT_PROC(type_name) = proc_name; return initialization_proc(proc_name, type_name, formals, stmts); } else { return OPT_NODE; } } static Tuple proc_init_rec(Tuple field_names, Node variant_node, Node out_param) /*;proc_init_rec*/ { /* * This is a subsidiary procedure to BUILD_PROC_INIT, which performs * the recursive part of construction of an initialization procedure * for a record type. * * Input: field_names is a list of component unique names (excluding * discriminants. Variant node is the AST for the variant part * of a component list. * variant_node is the variant part of the record declaration * and has the same structure as a case statement. * * out_param designates the object being initialized * * Output: the statement list required to initialize this fragment of * the record, or [] if not default initialization is needed. */ Tuple init_stmt, stmts; Node one_component, f_init, c_node, variant_list; Symbol f_type, f_name, ip; Fortup ft1; int empty_case; Tuple case_list, comp_case_list; Node choice_list, comp_list, disc_node; Node invariant_node, new_case, list_node, case_node; Tuple tup, index_list; int nb_dim, i; Node d_node, node, node1, node2, node3, node4, node5; Symbol one_index_type; /* process fixed part first. */ init_stmt = tup_new(0); FORTUP(f_name=(Symbol), field_names, ft1); one_component = new_selector_node(out_param, f_name); f_type = TYPE_OF(f_name); REC_WITH_TASKS |= (int) CONTAINS_TASK(f_type); f_init = (Node) default_expr(f_name); if (f_init != OPT_NODE) { init_stmt = tup_with(init_stmt, (char *) new_assign_node(one_component, remove_discr_ref(f_init, out_param))); } else if ((ip = INIT_PROC(base_type(f_type)))!=(Symbol)0) { init_stmt = tup_with(init_stmt, (char *) build_init_call(one_component, ip, f_type, out_param)); } else if (is_task_type(f_type)) { init_stmt = tup_with(init_stmt, (char *) new_assign_node(one_component, new_create_task_node(f_type))); } else if (is_access_type(f_type)) { init_stmt = tup_with(init_stmt, (char *) new_assign_node(one_component, new_null_node(f_type))); } /* if we have an aray then we have to check if its bounds are * compatible with the index subtypes (of the unconstrained array) * (This code was generated beforehand in type.c ("need_qual_r") but * it was wrong : we have to test the bounds only if the field is * present (case of variant record). * The generation of the tests is easier here */ if (is_array_type (f_type)) { tup = (Tuple) SIGNATURE(TYPE_OF(f_type)); index_list = tup_copy((Tuple) tup[1]); nb_dim = tup_size(index_list); for (i = 1; i <= nb_dim; i++) { one_index_type = (Symbol) (tup_fromb (index_list)); d_node = new_ivalue_node(int_const(i), symbol_integer); node1 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_O_FIRST, one_component, d_node, one_index_type); node2 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_O_LAST, one_component, d_node, one_index_type); node3 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_T_FIRST, new_name_node(one_index_type), OPT_NODE, one_index_type); node4 = new_attribute_node(ATTR_T_LAST, new_name_node(one_index_type), OPT_NODE, one_index_type); node5 = new_binop_node(symbol_or, new_binop_node(symbol_lt, node1, node3, symbol_boolean), new_binop_node(symbol_gt, node2, node4, symbol_boolean), symbol_boolean); node = node_new (as_list); make_if_node(node, tup_new1((char *) new_cond_stmts_node( new_binop_node(symbol_and, new_binop_node(symbol_le, node1, node2, symbol_boolean), node5, symbol_boolean), new_raise_node(symbol_constraint_error))), OPT_NODE); init_stmt = tup_with(init_stmt, (char *) (node)); } } ENDFORTUP(ft1); /* then build case statement to parallel structure of variant part. */ empty_case = TRUE; /* assumption */ if (variant_node != OPT_NODE) { disc_node= N_AST1(variant_node); variant_list = N_AST2(variant_node); case_list = tup_new(0); comp_case_list = N_LIST(variant_list); FORTUP(c_node=(Node), comp_case_list, ft1); choice_list = N_AST1(c_node); comp_list = N_AST2(c_node); invariant_node = N_AST1(comp_list); variant_node = N_AST2(comp_list); field_names = build_comp_names(invariant_node); stmts = proc_init_rec(field_names, variant_node, out_param); /*empty_case and= stmts = [];*/ empty_case = empty_case ? (tup_size(stmts)==0) : FALSE; new_case = (N_KIND(c_node) == as_others_choice) ? new_node(as_others_choice) : new_node(as_variant_choices); N_AST1(new_case) = copy_tree(choice_list); N_AST2(new_case) = new_statements_node(stmts); case_list = tup_with(case_list, (char *) new_case ); ENDFORTUP(ft1); if (! empty_case) { /* Build a case statement ruled by the value of the discriminant */ /* for this variant part. */ list_node = new_node(as_list); N_LIST(list_node) = case_list; case_node = new_node(as_case); N_AST1(case_node) = new_selector_node(out_param, N_UNQ(disc_node)); N_AST2(case_node) = list_node; init_stmt = tup_with(init_stmt, (char *) case_node ); } } return init_stmt; } int is_discr_ref(Node expr_node) /*;is_discr_ref*/ { int n, i, nk; Node node; Tuple tup; if (N_KIND(expr_node) == as_discr_ref) return TRUE; nk = N_KIND(expr_node); node = N_AST1(expr_node); if (node != (Node)0 && is_discr_ref(node)) return TRUE; node = N_AST2_DEFINED(nk) ? N_AST2(expr_node) : (Node) 0; if (node != (Node)0 && is_discr_ref(node)) return TRUE; node = N_AST3_DEFINED(nk) ? N_AST3(expr_node) : (Node) 0; if (node != (Node)0 && is_discr_ref(node)) return TRUE; node = N_AST4_DEFINED(nk) ? N_AST4(expr_node) : (Node) 0; if (node != (Node)0 && is_discr_ref(node)) return TRUE; tup = N_LIST_DEFINED(nk) ? N_LIST(expr_node) : (Tuple) 0; if (tup==(Tuple)0) return FALSE; n = tup_size(tup); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) if (is_discr_ref((Node) tup[i])) return TRUE; return FALSE; } Node remove_discr_ref(Node expr_node, Node object) /*;remove_discr_ref*/ { /* Within the record definition, a discriminant reference can be replaced * by a selected component for the instance of the record being built. */ Node e; int i, nk; Tuple tup; if (N_KIND(expr_node) == as_discr_ref) return new_selector_node(object, N_UNQ(expr_node)); else if (N_KIND(expr_node) == as_opt) return OPT_NODE; else { e = copy_node(expr_node); nk = N_KIND(e); if (N_AST1_DEFINED(nk) && N_AST1(e)!=(Node)0) N_AST1(e) = remove_discr_ref(N_AST1(e), object); if (N_AST2_DEFINED(nk) && N_AST2(e)!=(Node)0) N_AST2(e) = remove_discr_ref(N_AST2(e), object); if (N_AST3_DEFINED(nk) && N_AST3(e)!=(Node)0) N_AST3(e) = remove_discr_ref(N_AST3(e), object); if (N_AST4_DEFINED(nk) && N_AST4(e)!=(Node)0) N_AST4(e) = remove_discr_ref(N_AST4(e), object); } /*N_LIST(e) = [remove_discr_ref(n, object): n in N_LIST(e)];*/ if (N_LIST_DEFINED(nk) && N_LIST(e)!=(Tuple)0) { tup = N_LIST(e); for (i = 1; i <= tup_size(tup); i++) tup[i] = (char *) remove_discr_ref((Node) tup[i], object); } return e; } static Node initialization_proc(Symbol proc_name, Symbol type_name, Tuple formals, Tuple stmts) /*;initialization_proc*/ { /* Build procedure with given formals and statement list. */ Node proc_node; int i, n; Tuple tup; NATURE (proc_name) = na_procedure; n = tup_size(formals); tup = tup_new(n); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) tup[i] = (char *) N_UNQ((Node)formals[i]); SIGNATURE(proc_name) = tup; generate_object(proc_name); /* * Create as_subprogram_tr node with statements node as N_AST1 * instead of N_AST3 as it is with as_subprogram. */ proc_node = new_node(as_subprogram_tr); N_UNQ(proc_node) = proc_name; N_AST1(proc_node) = new_statements_node(stmts); N_AST2(proc_node) = OPT_NODE; N_AST4(proc_node) = OPT_NODE; return proc_node; } Node build_init_call(Node one_component, Symbol proc_name, Symbol c_type, Node object) /*;build_init_call*/ { /* * Construct statement to initialize an object component for which * an initialization procedure exists. The statement is a call to that * procedure. * c_type is the (composite) type of the component. * If this is a record type whose discriminants have default values, * use these defaults as parameters of the initialization procedure. * * If it is a subtype, use the discriminant values elaborated for * the subtype template. * * In the case of record component that is a record subtype, the const- * raint may be given by a discriminant of the outer record. Such const- * raints can only be evaluated when the outer object itself is being * elaborated. In that case the value of discriminant is rewritten as * a selected component of the enclosing object. * * The constrained bit is treated like other discriminants. Its value is * FALSE for a record type, TRUE for a record subtype. * * If this is an array type, the procedure has one_component as its * single actual. */ Tuple disc_vals, tup, discr_map, arg_list; Fortup ft1; Symbol d; Node node, p_node, args_node, d_val, d_val_new; int i, n; #ifdef TRACE if (debug_flag) gen_trace_symbol("BUILD_INIT_CALL", proc_name); #endif if (is_record_type(c_type)) { if (is_record_subtype(c_type)) { /* examine constraint of subtype. */ disc_vals = tup_new(0); tup = SIGNATURE(c_type); discr_map = (Tuple) tup[2]; FORTUP(d=(Symbol), discriminant_list_get(c_type), ft1); d_val = discr_map_get(discr_map, d); if (is_discr_ref(d_val) ) { /* depends on determinant of outer object */ d_val_new = remove_discr_ref(d_val, object); } else if (is_ivalue(d_val) ) { /* useless to retrieve from subtype here */ d_val_new = d_val; } else { /* elaborated: retrieve from subtype. */ d_val_new = new_discr_ref_node(d, c_type); } disc_vals = tup_with(disc_vals, (char *) d_val_new); ENDFORTUP(ft1); } else { /* Use default values to initialize discriminants. */ tup = discriminant_list_get(c_type); n = tup_size(tup); disc_vals = tup_new(n); for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) disc_vals[i] = (char *) default_expr((Symbol) tup[i]); } arg_list = disc_vals;/* last use of disc_vals so no need to copy*/ arg_list = tup_with(arg_list, (char *) one_component); } else { arg_list = tup_new1((char *) one_component); } /* Build call to initialization procedure. */ node = new_node(as_init_call); p_node = new_name_node(proc_name); args_node = new_node(as_list); N_LIST(args_node) = arg_list; N_AST1(node) = p_node; N_AST2(node) = args_node; N_SIDE(node) = FALSE; return node; } static Tuple build_comp_names(Node invariant_node) /*;build_comp_names*/ { /* Collect names of record components in the invariant part of the * record. Skip nodes generated for internal anonymous subtypes. */ Tuple all_component_names; Node node, id_list_node, id_node; Fortup ft1, ft2; all_component_names = tup_new(0); FORTUP(node=(Node), N_LIST(invariant_node), ft1); if(N_KIND(node) ==as_subtype_decl || N_KIND(node)==as_deleted) continue; id_list_node= N_AST1(node); FORTUP(id_node=(Node), N_LIST(id_list_node), ft2); all_component_names = tup_with(all_component_names, (char *) N_UNQ(id_node)); ENDFORTUP(ft2); ENDFORTUP(ft1); return all_component_names; }
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