
This is adared.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * Copyright (C) 1985-1992  New York University
 * This file is part of the Ada/Ed-C system.  See the Ada/Ed README file for
 * warranty (none) and distribution info and also the GNU General Public
 * License for more details.


#include "ada.h"

#define SPAN(node) get_left_span(node),get_right_span(node)

/* Macros for convenient use of the rh array:
AST(n) represents the node in the nth position of the rh array (non-terminal).
IND(n) repesents the index of the terminal in the nth position of the rh
LOC(n) represents the starting location of the terminal in the nth position 
of the rh array.
END_LOC(n) represents the ending location of the terminal in the nth position 
of the rh array.
#define AST(j) (rh[j]->ptr.ast)
#define IND(j) (rh[j]->ptr.token->index)
#define LOC(j) (&rh[j]->ptr.token->loc)
#define END_LOC(j) 	\

/* FREEAST recursively frees the nth child of node and its children. */
#define FREEAST(node,n) {if ((node->links.subast)[n] != opt_node) \

/* These macros are just to make coding easier */
#define NAST1 node->links.subast = new_ast1
#define NAST2 node->links.subast = new_ast2
#define NAST3 node->links.subast = new_ast3
#define NAST4 node->links.subast = new_ast4
#define NN(kind) node = new_node(kind)

/* The following 2 macros are for looping through a circular linked list of
   structs of type two_pool. list is the list to go through, and var is
   the variable name to be used for the current element of the list. */
#define LLOOPTOP(list,var) {if (list != NULL) {struct two_pool *bottom, *var;\
	var = bottom = list; do	 { var = var->link;
#define LLOOPBOTTOM(var) } while (var != bottom); }}

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.