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/* * Copyright (C) 1985-1992 New York University * * This file is part of the Ada/Ed-C system. See the Ada/Ed README file for * warranty (none) and distribution info and also the GNU General Public * License for more details. */ /* Todo: 3-12-86 ds Modify format of as_return node so that new node of type as_number put in N_AST3 field to hold depth count formerly kept in N_VAL. 30-oct-84 ds Note that N_VAL for node produced at end of return_statement() is different, is now integer giving depth, was tuple of length two. id is defined in goto_statement but never used */ #include "attr.h" #include "hdr.h" #include "vars.h" #include "setprots.h" #include "dclmapprots.h" #include "miscprots.h" #include "errmsgprots.h" #include "dbxprots.h" #include "evalprots.h" #include "nodesprots.h" #include "smiscprots.h" #include "chapprots.h" #define label_unreachable 0 #define label_reachable 1 static void new_symbol(Symbol, int, Symbol, Tuple, Symbol); static Const get_static_nval(Node); static void replace_others(Node, Node, int, int); Symbol slice_type(Node node, int is_renaming) /*;slice_type*/ { Node array_node, range_node, low_node, high_node, type_node; Node new_range_node, arg1, arg2, var_node; Symbol type_name, type_mark, index_name, i_type; Tuple tup; int attr_prefix, kind; /* We must have a subtype for the aggregate to give the bounds */ if (is_renaming) { var_node = N_AST3(node); } else var_node = N_AST1(node); array_node = N_AST1(var_node); range_node = N_AST2(var_node); kind = N_KIND(range_node); if (kind == as_simple_name || kind == as_name) type_name = N_UNQ(range_node); else { if (kind == as_subtype) { type_node = N_AST1(range_node); new_range_node = N_AST2(range_node); low_node = N_AST1(new_range_node); high_node = N_AST2(new_range_node); } else if (kind == as_range) { low_node = N_AST1(range_node); high_node = N_AST2(range_node); } else if (kind == as_attribute) { /*att_node = N_AST1(range_node); -- not needed in C */ arg1 = N_AST2(range_node); arg2 = N_AST3(range_node); /* subtract code for ATTR_FIRST to get T_ or O_ value */ /* recall that in C attribute kind kept in range_node*/ attr_prefix = (int)attribute_kind(range_node)-ATTR_RANGE; /* 'T' or 'O' */ attribute_kind(range_node) = (char *)((int) attr_prefix+ATTR_FIRST); low_node = range_node; high_node = new_attribute_node(attr_prefix+ATTR_LAST, copy_node(arg1), copy_node(arg2), get_type(range_node)); eval_static(low_node); eval_static(high_node); } else { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(342, 343, range_node); #else errmsg("Unexpected range in slice", "", range_node ); #endif low_node = OPT_NODE; high_node = OPT_NODE; } /* We need the bounds twice, for the slice and for the aggregate * so we build an anonymous subtype to avoid double evaluation */ if (N_KIND(array_node) == as_simple_name || N_KIND(array_node) == as_name) type_mark = TYPE_OF(N_UNQ(array_node)); else type_mark = N_TYPE(array_node); type_mark = base_type(type_mark); /* get base type */ index_name = named_atom("slice_index_type"); type_name = named_atom("slice_type"); i_type= (Symbol) index_type(type_mark); tup = constraint_new(0); tup[2] = (char *) low_node; tup[3] = (char *) high_node; new_symbol(index_name, na_subtype, i_type, tup, ALIAS(i_type)); SCOPE_OF(index_name) = scope_name; tup = constraint_new(4); tup[1] = (char *) tup_new1((char *) index_name); tup[2] = (char *) component_type(type_mark); new_symbol(type_name, na_subtype, type_mark, tup, ALIAS(type_mark)); SCOPE_OF(type_name) = scope_name; tup = tup_new(2); tup[1] = (char *) new_subtype_decl_node(index_name); tup[2] = (char *) new_subtype_decl_node(type_name); make_insert_node(node, tup, copy_node(node)); N_AST1(var_node) = array_node; N_AST2(var_node) = new_name_node(index_name); copy_span(range_node, N_AST2(var_node)); } return type_name; } static void new_symbol(Symbol new_name, int new_nature, Symbol new_type, Tuple new_signature, Symbol new_alias) /*;new_symbol*/ { NATURE(new_name) = new_nature; TYPE_OF(new_name) = new_type; SIGNATURE(new_name) = new_signature; ALIAS(new_name) = new_alias; dcl_put(DECLARED(scope_name), str_newat(), new_name); } Symbol get_type(Node node) /*;get_type*/ { /* * GET_TYPE is procedure get_type() in C: * macro GET_TYPE(node); * (if N_KIND(node) in [as_simple_name, as_subtype_indic] * then TYPE_OF(N_UNQ(node)) * } * else N_TYPE(node) end ) endm; */ int nk; Symbol sym; nk = N_KIND(node); if (nk == as_simple_name || nk == as_subtype_indic) { sym = N_UNQ(node); if (sym == (Symbol)0) { #ifdef DEBUG zpnod(node); #endif chaos("get_type: N_UNQ not defined for node"); } else sym = TYPE_OF(sym); } else sym = N_TYPE(node); return sym; } void assign_statement(Node node) /*;assign_statement*/ { Node var_node, exp_node; Symbol t, t1, t2, ok_sym; Set t_l, t_left, t_right, ok_types, ook_types; Forset tiv, tforl, tforr, fs1; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : assign_statement"); var_node = N_AST1(node); exp_node = N_AST2(node); noop_error = FALSE; /* To clear previous type errors */ adasem(var_node); find_old(var_node); /* left-hand side is a name.*/ adasem(exp_node); resolve1(var_node); t_l = N_PTYPES(var_node); t_left = set_new(0); FORSET(t = (Symbol), t_l, tiv); if (! is_limited_type(t)) t_left = set_with(t_left, (char *) t); ENDFORSET(tiv); resolve1(exp_node); t_right = N_PTYPES(exp_node); if (noop_error) { /* previous error. */ noop_error = FALSE; return; } ok_types = set_new(0); FORSET(t1 = (Symbol), t_left, tforl); FORSET(t2 = (Symbol), t_right, tforr); if (compatible_types(t1, t2) ) ok_types = set_with(ok_types, (char *) t1); ENDFORSET(tforr); ENDFORSET(tforl); /* For the assignment to be unambiguous, the left-hand and right_hand * sides must have a single compatible interpretation. */ if (set_size(ok_types) == 0) { if (set_size(t_l) == 1 && set_size(t_left) == 0) { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(344, 278, var_node); #else errmsg("assignment not available on a limited type", "7.4.2", var_node); #endif set_free(ok_types); return; } else { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(345, 346, node); #else errmsg("incompatible types for assignment", "5.2", node); #endif set_free(ok_types); return; } } else if (set_size(ok_types) > 1) { /* ambiguous left-hand side */ remove_conversions(var_node); /* last chance. */ ook_types = ok_types; ok_types = set_new(0); FORSET(ok_sym=(Symbol), N_PTYPES(var_node), fs1); if (set_mem((char *) ok_sym, ook_types)) ok_types = set_with(ok_types, (char *)ok_sym); ENDFORSET(fs1); set_free(ook_types); if (set_size(ok_types) != 1) { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(347, 346, var_node); #else errmsg("ambiguous types for assigment", "5.2", var_node); #endif set_free(ok_types); return; } } t1 = (Symbol) set_arb(ok_types); /* Now unique. */ set_free(ok_types); out_context = TRUE; resolve2(var_node, t1); out_context = FALSE; /*if (N_KIND(var_node) == as_slice && (N_KIND(exp_node) == as_aggregate ||N_KIND(exp_node) == as_string_literal)){*/ /* we don't have to care about the type of the right hand side cf Setl */ if (N_KIND(var_node) == as_slice) { /* context is constrained, even though type of lhs is base type * This means that an OTHERS association is allowed. */ t1 = slice_type(node,0); resolve2 (exp_node, t1); return; } if(NATURE(t1) == na_array && N_UNQ(var_node) != (Symbol)0 && (NATURE(N_UNQ(var_node))==na_inout || NATURE(N_UNQ(var_node))==na_out)) replace_others(exp_node, var_node, tup_size(index_types(t1)), 1); resolve2(exp_node, t1); if (! is_variable(var_node)){ #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(348, 346, var_node); #else errmsg("left-hand side in assignment is not a variable", "5.2", var_node); #endif return; } if (is_array(t1) ) { /* array assignments are length_checked in the interpreter, and don't * carry a qualification. */ ; } else if (!in_qualifiers(N_KIND(exp_node))) { /* a constraint check on the right hand side may be needed.*/ N_TYPE(exp_node) = base_type(t1); apply_constraint(exp_node, t1); } eval_static(var_node); eval_static(exp_node); noop_error = FALSE; /* clear error flag */ } static void replace_others(Node agg_node, Node var_node, int max_dim, int dim) /*;replace_others*/ { /* This function's sole purpose is to replace the OTHERS choice in an * array aggregate with a RANGE choice, when the OTHERS is the only * choice and the aggregate is on the right side of an assignment * statement. It presumes that the aggregate is properly formed * since that is checked elsewhere. It must call itself recursively * to check the higher numbered dimensions. */ Node association, choice_list, choices, choice; Tuple assoc_list; Fortup ft1; /* Check conditions allowing immediate return */ if (N_KIND(agg_node) != as_aggregate) return; if (dim > max_dim) /* All dimensions have been checked */ return; if ((assoc_list = N_LIST(agg_node)) == (Tuple)0 || tup_size(assoc_list) ==0) /* Return if no entries (component associations) in aggregate */ return; /* Recursive call for each association's expression */ FORTUP(association = (Node), assoc_list, ft1) replace_others(N_AST2(association), var_node, max_dim, dim + 1); ENDFORTUP(ft1) /* Check for OTHERS to be replaced */ if (tup_size(assoc_list) != 1) return; choice_list = (Node)assoc_list[1]; if (N_KIND(choice_list) != as_choice_list) return; choices = N_AST1(choice_list); if (N_LIST(choices) == (Tuple)0) return; if (tup_size(N_LIST(choices)) != 1) return; choice = (Node)N_LIST(choices)[1]; if (N_KIND(choice) != as_others_choice) return; /* Replace */ N_KIND(choice) = as_range_choice; choice = (N_AST1(choice) = node_new(as_attribute)); N_AST1(choice) = node_new(as_number); N_VAL(N_AST1(choice)) = (char *)ATTR_RANGE; N_AST2(choice) = copy_node(var_node); N_AST3(choice) = OPT_NODE; } int is_variable(Node node) /*;is_variable*/ { /* Verify that an expression is a variable name. This is called for * assignment statements, when validating -out- and -inout- * parameters in a procedure or entry call, and for generic inout parms. */ Node array_node, sel_node; Node rec_node, exp_node; int nat ; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : is_variable"); switch (N_KIND(node)) { case as_simple_name: nat = NATURE(N_UNQ(node)); return ( nat == na_obj || nat == na_inout || nat == na_out); case as_index: case as_slice: array_node = N_AST1(node); return (is_variable(array_node) ); case as_selector: rec_node = N_AST1(node); sel_node= N_AST2(node); return (is_variable(rec_node) && NATURE(N_UNQ(sel_node)) == na_obj ); case as_all: /* access_node = N_AST1(node); * return (N_KIND(access_node) == as_simple_name || * is_variable(access_node) || * N_KIND(access_node) == as_call * && is_access(N_TYPE(access_node)) * ); */ return TRUE; /* designated object is always assignable */ case as_convert: exp_node = N_AST2(node); return (is_variable(exp_node)); default: return FALSE; } } void statement_list(Node node) /*;statement_list*/ { Node stmt_list, label_list, l; Symbol ls; int i; Fortup ft1; Tuple labs; stmt_list = N_AST1(node); label_list = N_AST2(node); /* labs := [N_UNQ(l) : l in N_LIST(label_list)]; */ labs = tup_new(tup_size(N_LIST(label_list))); FORTUPI(l = (Node), N_LIST(label_list), i, ft1); labs[i] = (char *) N_UNQ(l); ENDFORTUP(ft1); /* Within the statement list, all labels defined therein are reachable * by goto statements in that list. */ FORTUP(ls = (Symbol), labs, ft1); label_status(ls) = (Tuple) label_reachable; ENDFORTUP(ft1); FORTUP(l = (Node), N_LIST(stmt_list), ft1); if (N_KIND(l) != as_line_no) adasem(l); ENDFORTUP(ft1); /* On exit, these labels become unreachable.*/ FORTUP(ls = (Symbol), labs, ft1); label_status(ls) = (int) label_unreachable; ENDFORTUP(ft1); tup_free(labs); } void if_statement(Node node) /*;if_statement*/ { Fortup ft1; Node cond_node, stmt_node, if_list, else_node, tnode; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : if_statement"); if_list = N_AST1(node); else_node = N_AST2(node); FORTUP(tnode = (Node), N_LIST(if_list), ft1); cond_node = N_AST1(tnode); stmt_node = N_AST2(tnode); adasem(cond_node); adasem(stmt_node); ENDFORTUP(ft1); adasem(else_node); } void case_statement(Node node) /*;case_statement*/ { Symbol exptype; Node exp_node, cases; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : case_statement"); exp_node = N_AST1(node); cases = N_AST2(node); adasem(exp_node); check_type_d(exp_node); exptype = N_TYPE(exp_node); if (exptype == symbol_any) /* Type error. */ return; else if (exptype == symbol_universal_integer) /*exptype = symbol_integer;*/ specialize(exp_node, symbol_integer); process_case(exptype, cases); } void process_case(Symbol exptype, Node cases) /*;process_case*/ { Forset fs1; int invalid_case_type; Symbol exp_base_type; Node exp_lo, exp_hi; int t; int exp_lov, exp_hiv, range_size; Tuple case_list, cs, tup, sig, choice_alt; int is_others_part; Set valset; int numval; Node stmt_list, choice_list, c, ch, choices; Node choice, lo, hi, last_choices, alternative; Node constraint, tmpnode; Symbol choicev; int lov, hiv, is_static; Tuple numcon; Node stmts; int range_choice, duplicate_choice, a, b; Fortup ft1, ft2; Const con; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : process_case"); /* This procedure is given the type of the case expression and * uses this type to resolve the choices appearing in the case_list. * It also checks that the choices are static expressions and * constructs the case statement intermediate code. * It is called both for case statements and for variant parts. * * The case_list has the form * * case_list ::= [ [choice_list, statement_list] ... ] * * where a choice_list is a sequence of choices, * * choice_list ::= [choice ...] * * each of the form * * choice ::= ["simple_choice", simp_expr ] * |["range_coice", discr_range] * |["others_choice", OPT_NODE] * * * case_statement ::= ["case", expr, altlist, others] * * where * altlist ::= { {choice} -> statement_list} * and * choice ::= choiceval | ["range", choiceval, choiceval] * * On exit, the VAL field of each choice list is the set of discrete * values corresponding to the choices in the list. */ if (cdebug2 > 0) { #ifdef ERRMSG TO_ERRFILE("case evaluation", exptype); #endif TO_ERRFILE("case evaluation"); } /* Check that the case expression is of a discrete type * and that its range is static, and find the length of * the range. * */ invalid_case_type = FALSE; exp_base_type = base_type(exptype); if ( !is_discrete_type(exp_base_type)) { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(349, 350, cases); #else errmsg("Case expression not of discrete type", "3.7.3, 5.4", cases); #endif invalid_case_type = TRUE; /* Still check the alternatives*/ } else if (is_generic_type(exp_base_type)) { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(351, 352, cases); #else errmsg("Case expression cannot be of a generic type", "5.4", cases); #endif invalid_case_type = TRUE; } numcon = (Tuple) SIGNATURE(exptype); if (numcon == (Tuple) 0 ) { exp_lo = (Node)0; exp_hi = (Node)0; } else { exp_lo = (Node) numeric_constraint_low(numcon); exp_hi = (Node) numeric_constraint_high(numcon); } is_static = is_static_subtype(exptype); if (! is_static) { tup = SIGNATURE(exp_base_type); if (tup == (Tuple)0 ) { exp_lo = (Node)0; exp_hi = (Node)0; } else { exp_lo = (Node) tup[2]; exp_hi = (Node) tup[3]; } if (! is_static_expr(exp_lo) || !is_static_expr(exp_hi)) /* This alternative can arise only if the type of the * case expression does not have static bounds. This * has alreay been caught, so we give no error message here, * but only the choices are type checked and no code put out. */ invalid_case_type = TRUE; } if (! invalid_case_type) { con = (Const) N_VAL(exp_lo); exp_lov = (int) con->const_value.const_int; con = (Const) N_VAL(exp_hi); exp_hiv = con->const_value.const_int; t = (exp_hiv - exp_lov + 1); range_size = t > 0 ? t : 0; } /* Now check each of the case choices against exp_base_type, and ensure * that each is static. */ case_list = N_LIST(cases); FORTUP(c =(Node), case_list, ft1); /* Process statements or declarations, and resolve names in*/ /* choice expressions. */ choices = N_AST1(c); stmts = N_AST2(c); sem_list(choices); adasem(stmts); ENDFORTUP(ft1); is_others_part = FALSE; valset = set_new(0); numval = 0; if (tup_size(case_list)) { /* empty case list is allowed */ tmpnode = (Node) case_list[tup_size(case_list)]; last_choices = N_AST1(tmpnode); cs = N_LIST(last_choices); if (tup_size(cs) == 1 && N_KIND((Node)cs[1]) == as_others_choice) { is_others_part = TRUE; /* label the whole alternative as an OTHERS choice .*/ N_KIND(tmpnode) = as_others_choice; } FORTUP(alternative =(Node) , case_list, ft1); choice_list = N_AST1(alternative); stmt_list = N_AST2(alternative); choice_alt = tup_new(0); FORTUP(ch=(Node), N_LIST(choice_list), ft2); if (N_KIND(ch) == as_others_choice) { is_others_part = TRUE; continue; } choice = N_AST1(ch); /* Type check the choice and ensure that it is static, * in the range for the expression subtype, and that * it appears no more than once in the list of values. */ if (N_KIND(ch) == as_choice_unresolved ) { find_old(choice); choicev = N_UNQ(choice); if (is_type (choicev) ) { if (! compatible_types(choicev, exp_base_type)) { #ifdef ERRNUM id_errmsgn(353, exp_base_type, 352, ch); #else errmsg_id("Choice must have type %", exp_base_type, "5.4", ch); #endif continue; } sig = SIGNATURE(choicev); lo = (Node) sig[2]; hi = (Node) sig[3]; if (is_static_expr(lo) && is_static_expr(hi) ) { eval_static(lo); con = (Const) N_VAL(lo); lov = con->const_value.const_int; eval_static(hi); con = (Const) N_VAL(hi); hiv = con->const_value.const_int; } else { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(354, 350, ch); #else errmsg("Case choice not static", "3.7.3, 5.4", ch); #endif continue; } /* Reformat node as a simple type name. */ copy_attributes(choice, ch); } else /* expression: resolve below.*/ N_KIND(ch) = as_simple_choice; } if (N_KIND(ch) == as_simple_choice) { check_type(exp_base_type, choice); if (N_TYPE(choice) == symbol_any || invalid_case_type ) continue; else if (is_static_expr(choice)) { con = get_static_nval(choice); if (con == (Const)0) /* previous error (?) */ continue; lov = con->const_value.const_int; lo = hi = choice; hiv = lov; } else { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(354, 350, ch); #else errmsg("Case choice not static", "3.7.3, 5.4", ch); #endif continue; } } else if (N_KIND(ch) == as_range_choice) { check_type(exp_base_type, choice); if (N_TYPE(choice) == symbol_any || invalid_case_type) continue; else { constraint = N_AST2(choice); lo = N_AST1(constraint); hi = N_AST2(constraint); if (is_static_subtype(N_TYPE(choice)) && is_static_expr(lo) && is_static_expr(hi)) { con = get_static_nval(lo); lov = con->const_value.const_int; con = get_static_nval(hi); hiv = con->const_value.const_int; } else { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(354, 350, ch); #else errmsg("Case choice not static", "3.7.3, 5.4", ch); #endif continue; } } } /* At this point the choice is known to be static and is expressed * as a range [lov, hiv]. */ if (is_static && (lov<=hiv) && (lov<exp_lov || hiv > exp_hiv)) { #ifdef ERRNUM l_errmsgn(355, 356, 352, ch); #else errmsg_l("choice value(s) not in range of static ", "subtype of case expression", "5.4", ch); #endif } /* Remove junk values from below*/ if (lov < exp_lov) lov = exp_lov; /* Remove junk values from above*/ if (hiv > exp_hiv) hiv = exp_hiv; /* normalize all nodes to be ranges. */ N_KIND(ch) = as_range; N_AST1(ch) = lo; N_AST2(ch) = hi; if (lov > hiv ) /* Null range -- ignore it.*/ continue; /* Ensure that range is disjoint from all others. */ range_choice = hiv > lov; duplicate_choice = FALSE; FORSET(tup =(Tuple) , valset, fs1); if (lov >= (int) tup[1] && lov <= (int)tup[2]) { duplicate_choice = TRUE; lov = (int)tup[2] + 1; break; } ENDFORSET(fs1); if (range_choice) { FORSET(tup = (Tuple), valset, fs1); a = (int) tup[1]; b = (int) tup[2]; if (hiv >= a && hiv <= b) { duplicate_choice = TRUE; hiv = a - 1; break; } ENDFORSET(fs1); } if (range_choice) { FORSET(tup = (Tuple), valset, fs1); a = (int) tup[1]; b = (int) tup[2]; if (lov<a && hiv>b) { duplicate_choice = TRUE; break; } ENDFORSET(fs1); } if (duplicate_choice) { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(357, 350, ch); #else errmsg("Duplicate choice value(s)", "3.7.3, 5.4", ch); #endif } if (lov > hiv) /*Again check for null range*/ continue; /* Add interval to set of values seen so far, add the number * of choices to the count of values covered. */ tup = tup_new(2); tup[1] = (char *) lov; tup[2] = (char *) hiv; valset = set_with(valset, (char *)tup); numval += (hiv - lov + 1); /* finally, normalize all nodes to be discrete ranges. */ N_KIND(ch) = as_range; N_AST1(ch) = lo; N_AST2(ch) = hi; ENDFORTUP(ft2); ENDFORTUP(ft1); } /* Check that all of the possibilities in the range of the * case expression have been used. */ if (! invalid_case_type && ! is_others_part && (numval != range_size || exptype == symbol_universal_integer)) { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(358, 350, cases); #else errmsg("Missing OTHERS choice", "3.7.3, 5.4", cases); #endif } } int is_static_subtype(Symbol subtype) /*;is_static_subtype*/ { Symbol bt; Node lo, hi; Tuple tup; bt = TYPE_OF(subtype); if (is_generic_type(bt) || in_incp_types(bt) || (! is_scalar_type(bt))) /* RM 4.9 (11) */ return FALSE; else if (bt == subtype) return TRUE; else { tup = (Tuple) SIGNATURE(subtype); lo = (Node) tup[2]; tup = (Tuple) SIGNATURE(subtype); hi = (Node) tup[3]; return (is_static_subtype(bt) && N_KIND(lo) == as_ivalue && N_KIND(hi) == as_ivalue); } } static Const get_static_nval(Node node) /*;get_static_nval */ { /* a choice may be a qualification, or it may carry a (spurious) constraint * check. Reformat node to be a ivalue, as we know it is in bounds. */ int kind; kind = N_KIND(node); if (kind == as_qual_range) { copy_attributes(N_AST1(node), node); return get_static_nval(node); } else if (kind == as_qualify || kind == as_convert) { copy_attributes(N_AST2(node), node); return get_static_nval(node); } else return (Const)N_VAL(node); } void new_block(Node node) /*;new_block*/ { Node id_node, decl_node, stmt_node, handler_node; Symbol block_name; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : new_block"); id_node = N_AST1(node); decl_node = N_AST2(node); stmt_node = N_AST3(node); handler_node = N_AST4(node); /* block names are declared when procedure containing them is entered. */ block_name = N_UNQ(id_node); NATURE(block_name) = na_block; newscope(block_name); adasem(decl_node); adasem(stmt_node); adasem(handler_node); check_incomplete_decls(block_name, decl_node); popscope(); force_all_types(); } void loop_statement(Node node) /*;loop_statement*/ { Tuple t; Symbol loop_name; Node id_node, iter_node, stmt_node; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : loop_statement"); id_node = N_AST1(node); iter_node = N_AST2(node); stmt_node = N_AST3(node); /* loop names are declared when procedure containing them is entered.*/ find_old(id_node); loop_name = N_UNQ(id_node); NATURE(loop_name) = na_block; OVERLOADS(loop_name) = (Set) BLOCK_LOOP; t = tup_new(1); t[1] = (char *) FALSE; SIGNATURE(loop_name) = t; /* The loop is the scope of definition of the iteration variable. */ newscope(loop_name); adasem(iter_node); adasem(stmt_node); popscope(); /* Exit from loop scope.*/ } /*?? is return needed */ Symbol iter_var(Node node) /*;iter_var*/ { Node id_node, range_node, def_node; Symbol loop_var, iter_type, type_def; Tuple t, tt, toptup, it; int n; char *id; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : iter_var"); id_node = N_AST1(node); range_node = N_AST2(node); adasem(range_node); id = N_VAL(id_node); /* Insert loop variable in scope of loop. */ loop_var = find_new(id); N_UNQ(id_node) = loop_var; /* If the iteration is given by a discrete range, construct an anonymous * type for it, and save the defining expression. It is emitted as part * of the loop header. */ iter_type = make_index(range_node); /* $$$ PERHAPS */ n = tup_size(newtypes); toptup = (Tuple) newtypes[n]; /* top newtypes */ if ((Symbol)toptup[tup_size(toptup)] == iter_type) { /* Remove from anonymous types, and save subtype definition. */ it = (Tuple)tup_frome(toptup); type_def = (Symbol) subtype_expr(iter_type); } else type_def = (Symbol) tup_new(0); NATURE(loop_var) = na_constant; TYPE_OF(loop_var) = iter_type; /* create dummy non-static default expression node for this (dummy) const */ def_node = node_new(as_simple_name); N_VAL(def_node) = ""; #ifdef IBM_PC N_VAL(def_node) = strjoin("",""); /* copy literal */ #endif N_UNQ(def_node) = symbol_undef; default_expr(loop_var) = (Tuple) def_node; t = tup_new(2); t[1] = (char *) iter_type; t[2] = (char *) type_def; tt = SIGNATURE(scope_name); tt = tup_with(tt, (char *) t); SIGNATURE(scope_name) = tt; return loop_var; } void exit_statement(Node node) /*;exit_statement*/ { Node id_node, cond_node; Symbol scope, sc; int exists; Fortup ft1; char *id; Tuple tup; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : exit_statement"); id_node = N_AST1(node); cond_node = N_AST2(node); /* An unqualified exit refers to the innermost enclosing scope. */ if (id_node == OPT_NODE) { exists = FALSE; FORTUP(scope = (Symbol), open_scopes, ft1); if ((int)OVERLOADS(scope) == BLOCK_LOOP) { /* Indicate that loop label must be emitted. */ tup = SIGNATURE(scope); tup[1] = (char *)TRUE; exists = TRUE; break; } ENDFORTUP(ft1); if (! exists) { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(359, 360, node); #else errmsg("EXIT statement not in loop", "5.7", node); #endif return; } } else { id = N_VAL(id_node); /* Verify that loop label exists.*/ exists = FALSE; FORTUP(scope = (Symbol), open_scopes, ft1); if (((int)OVERLOADS(scope) == BLOCK_LOOP) && streq(original_name(scope), id)) { tup = SIGNATURE(scope); tup[1] = (char *) TRUE; exists = TRUE; break; } ENDFORTUP(ft1); if (! exists) { #ifdef ERRNUM str_errmsgn(361, id, 362, id_node); #else errmsg_str("Invalid loop label in EXIT: %",id, "5.5, 5.7", id_node); #endif return; } } N_UNQ(node) = scope; /* Now verify that the exit statement does not try to exit from * a procedure, task, package or accept statement. This amounts * to requiring that the scope stack contain only blocks up to the * scope being exited. */ FORTUP(sc = (Symbol), open_scopes, ft1); if (sc == scope) break; else if (NATURE(sc) != na_block) { #ifdef ERRNUM nat_errmsgn(363, sc, 360, node); #else errmsg_nat("attempt to exit from %", sc, "5.7", node); #endif break; } ENDFORTUP(ft1); adasem(cond_node); } void return_statement(Node node) /*;return_statement*/ { Node exp_node, proc_node; int j, nat, out_depth, certain; Symbol r_type, proc_name, tsym; Fortup ft1; int i, blktyp; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : return_statement"); exp_node = N_AST1(node); /* Find subprogram or accept statement which is enclosing scope, and keep * track of the number of blocks that have to be exited. This number * is kept in the N_AST3 field for the node. * The N_AST of the node receives an additional * simple node to hold the unique name of the subprogram being exited. */ has_return_stk[tup_size(has_return_stk)] = (char *)TRUE; certain = FALSE; FORTUPI(proc_name = (Symbol), open_scopes, i, ft1); nat = NATURE(proc_name); if (nat != na_block) { certain = TRUE; break; } ENDFORTUP(ft1); out_depth = i - 1; /* Exception handlers are blocks for syntactic purposes, but not at * run-time. They must be excluded from this count. * The same is true for loops. */ for (j = 1; j <= i; j++) { tsym = (Symbol) open_scopes[j]; blktyp = (int)OVERLOADS(tsym); if (blktyp == BLOCK_HANDLER || blktyp == BLOCK_LOOP) out_depth -= 1; } if ((nat == na_function || nat == na_procedure || nat == na_generic_function || nat == na_generic_procedure || nat == na_entry || nat == na_entry_family)) { ; } else { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(364, 365, node); #else errmsg("invalid context for RETURN statement", "5.8", node); #endif return; } r_type = nat == na_entry_family ? symbol_none : TYPE_OF(proc_name); if (exp_node != OPT_NODE) { if (r_type == symbol_none) { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(366, 365, exp_node); #else errmsg("Procedure cannot return value", "5.8", exp_node); #endif } else { /* If the value returned is an aggregate, there is no sliding * for it, and named associations can appear together with * "others" (see 4.3.2(6)). */ full_others = TRUE; adasem(exp_node); check_type(r_type, exp_node); full_others = FALSE; } } else if (r_type != symbol_none) { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(367, 365, node); #else errmsg("Function must return value", "5.8", node); #endif } proc_node = node_new(as_simple_name); N_UNQ(proc_node) = proc_name; N_AST1(node) = exp_node; N_AST2(node) = proc_node; N_AST3(node) = new_number_node(out_depth); N_AST4(node) = (Node) 0; } void label_decl(Node node) /*;label_decl*/ { Symbol label; Fortup ft1; char *id; Tuple tlabs; Node id_node; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : label_decl"); FORTUP(id_node = (Node), N_LIST(node), ft1); id = N_VAL(id_node); label = find_new(id); N_UNQ(id_node) = label; if (NATURE(label) == na_void && !tup_mem((char *) label , (Tuple) lab_seen[tup_size(lab_seen)])) { NATURE(label) = na_label; label_status(label) = (int) label_unreachable; /* top(lab_seen) with:= label; */ tlabs = (Tuple) lab_seen[tup_size(lab_seen)]; tlabs = tup_with(tlabs, (char *) label); lab_seen[tup_size(lab_seen)] = (char *) tlabs; } else { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(368, 3, id_node); #else errmsg("Duplicate identifier for label", "5.1", id_node); #endif } ENDFORTUP(ft1); } void lab_init() /*;lab_init*/ { if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : lab_init "); lab_seen = tup_with(lab_seen, (char *) tup_new(0)); } void lab_end() /*;lab_end*/ { char *old_labels; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : lab_end "); /* The value of old_labels is irrelevant, as we are just removing * last element from lab_seen */ old_labels = tup_frome(lab_seen); } void goto_statement(Node node) /*;goto_statement*/ { Node id_node, id; Symbol label, s; Fortup ft1; if (cdebug2 > 3) TO_ERRFILE("AT PROC : goto_statement"); id_node = N_AST1(node); id = (Node) N_VAL(id_node); /*?? id is never used */ find_old(id_node); label = N_UNQ(id_node); if (NATURE(label) != na_label) { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(369, 370, id_node); #else errmsg("target of goto is not a label", "5.9", id_node); #endif } else if ((int)label_status(label) == label_unreachable) { #ifdef ERRNUM errmsgn(371, 370, id_node); #else errmsg("target of goto is not a reachable label", "5.9", id_node); #endif } else { FORTUP(s = (Symbol), open_scopes, ft1); if (s == SCOPE_OF(label)) break; else if (NATURE(s) != na_block) { #ifdef ERRNUM nat_errmsgn(372, s, 370, node); #else errmsg_nat("attempt to jump out of %", s, "5.9", node); #endif } ENDFORTUP(ft1); } }
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