
This is PowerGlove.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* default sample rate, in the asm code, is 100msec intervals (10 per second)
 * uses powerglove.lod file (in current directlry) if avail 
 * otherwise it uses powerglove.snd in the executable
/* Generated by Interface Builder */

#import <objc/Object.h>
#include <mach/cthreads.h>
#import <dpsclient/dpsclient.h>	/* dpsaddport ... createcontext*/

@interface PowerGlove:Object
	DPSContext ourContext;	/* created so we can do mouse dinking*/
	port_t	cmd_port;	/* we need this to change rates */
	int	feedMouse;	/* not used now */
	int	evs_dev;	/* used when feeding the mouse */
	int	DSPRunning;	/* number of times started */
				/* next two used whenever the data has changed
				 * since the last time someone got the values*/
	BOOL	newPosition;	/* glove movement */
	BOOL	newFinger;	/* finger movement */
	char raw_data[9];	/* the 9 bytes that are the raw data */
				/* really only 8 bytes */
	/* amount glove has to move for newFinger to be true */
	char	x_hyst,y_hyst,z_hyst;	


- init;
- free;

/* public methods */

- startDSP:sender;	/* glove sends to self in init? */
- stopDSP:sender;

/* methods that change the rate the PowerGlove class samples the Glove at */
- feedGloveToMouse:(BOOL)flag;		/* try and feed the glove to ev drive*/

- (BOOL)dspIsRunning;		/* are we really running */
- (BOOL)feedingMouse;		/* not working yet */
- (char)getDataByte:(int)bNum;	/* access raw_data 1 byte at a time */

				/* does not include roll, only x,y,z */
- (BOOL)gloveMoved;		/* check if hysteresis overcome */
				/* default is 1 (+/-) range is 0-127 */
- setxHyst:(char)x yHyst:(char)y zHyst:(char)z;
- (BOOL)fingerMoved;		/* check if any finger movement */

- (int)gloveX;
- (int)gloveY;
- (int)gloveZ;
- (int)gloveRot;	
- (int)thumb;
- (int)index;
- (int)middle;
- (int)ring;
- (BOOL)padUp;			/* each one individually */
- (BOOL)padDown;
- (BOOL)padLeft;
- (BOOL)padRight;
- (BOOL)aPressed;
- (BOOL)bPressed;
- (BOOL)startPressed;
- (BOOL)selectPressed;

- getDataFromPort;		/* should be private */


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.