
This is MultibitCompView.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// MultibitComp.h
// Copyright (c) 1991 by Jiro Nakamura
// All Rights Reserved.
// Original Author:	Jiro Nakamura
// Created:		Jan 6, 1991
// RCS Information
// Revision Number->	$Revision: 2.1 $
// Last Revised->	$Date: 91/07/02 17:38:39 $
// ------------------
// History:
//	 3-Jun-91	Jiro Nakamura at The Shaman Group (jiro@shaman.com)
//		Frozen for Release 2.0 of ScanApp
// 	 6-Jan-91	Jiro Nakamura 
//		Created.

#import <appkit/View.h>

@interface MultibitCompView:View
	int	brightness,
+ newFrame: (const NXRect *) frameRect;
- drawSelf: (const NXRect *) rects : (int) rectCount;
- setBrightness: (int) b andContrast: (int) c;


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