
This is dspmemsize.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

   dspmemsize.c  -- report the amount of DSP RAM installed. 
	92-09-10 Izumi Ohzawa


#import <sound/sound.h>
#import <mach.h>
#import <stdlib.h>
#import <stdio.h>

#define	DSP_PROGRAM	"dspmemsize.lod"		/* DSP program file */

main ()
    int result;
    int src_data = 1234;
    int s_err, size;
    kern_return_t k_err;
    port_t dev_port = 0, owner_port = 0, cmd_port;
    SNDSoundStruct *dspStruct;

    // get the device port for the sound/dsp driver on the local machine
    // and try to become owner of the dsp resource.  Note that it fails
    // if you are logged into a remote machine which is not a "public sound
    // server" (as set in the UNIX section of the Preferences application).
    s_err = SNDAcquire(SND_ACCESS_DSP, 0, 0, 0, NULL_NEGOTIATION_FUN,
			0, &dev_port, &owner_port);
    if (s_err != KERN_SUCCESS) {
	fprintf(stderr,"*** Could not acquire DSP\nSNDAcquire: %s\n",

    // get the command port
    k_err = snddriver_get_dsp_cmd_port(dev_port,owner_port,&cmd_port);
    if (k_err != KERN_SUCCESS) {
	mach_error("Cannot acquire command port ", k_err);

    // parse a the .lod assembly file and boot the dsp with it
    s_err = SNDReadDSPfile(DSP_PROGRAM, &dspStruct, NULL);
    if (s_err != SND_ERR_NONE) {
	fprintf(stderr,"Cannot parse DSP load image : %s\n",

    s_err = SNDBootDSP(dev_port, owner_port, dspStruct);
    if (s_err != SND_ERR_NONE) {
	fprintf(stderr,"Cannot boot dsp : %s\n", SNDSoundError(s_err));
    // write just one number to the DSP
    k_err = snddriver_dsp_write(cmd_port, &src_data, 1, sizeof(int), 0);
    if (k_err != KERN_SUCCESS) {
	mach_error("Cannot write to DSP ", k_err);
    // read the result from the DSP
    size = 1;
    k_err = snddriver_dsp_read(cmd_port, (void *)(&result), &size, 
    							sizeof(int), 0);
    if (k_err != KERN_SUCCESS || size != 1) {
	mach_error("Cannot read from DSP ", k_err);

    printf("%d words of DSP RAM (external) installed\n", result);

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.