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Release MyVersion Copyleft ©1994 by MyCompany. All Rights Reserved. MyClass Inherits From: SuperClass : Object Conforms To: MyProtocol AnotherProtocolLine Declared In: MyClass.h Depends On: MySecondClass.h misckit/misckit.h Class Description Place class description here. The following text might be stupid and impossible to read. It was only intended to give you some cut/copy/paste templates for NeXTs documentation style. A small description might look like: · First item. · Next item. · Even more items. But you might choose different one. Sub pararaphs...and Method lists If you need to create sub so. They might look like that. A collection of methods that you want to give a pointer to might look like the following part.: textWillResize: textDidResize:oldBounds:invalid: textWillChange: Note: This should also be used inside the documention of a method if you for example want to list the methdos a subclass...or delegate must implement. But you might also decide to show them like a normal bold someMethod:With: selector entry. Listing too many methods in this way might not look very nice. So use it for single references only. Example code To show how to use this class you might include some example code sections: [[Application workspace] openFile:"/tmp/README" withApplication:"Edit"]; I hope you can use those templates when creating your documentation. Aloha ± Tomi. Instance Variables id panel; id userField; struct _cFlags1 { unsigned int state:1; unsigned int highlighted:1; unsigned int disabled:1; unsigned int editable:1; } cFlags1; firstID Just a temp. secondID Another temp. cFlags1.state The state of the MyClass (0 or 1). cFlags1.highlighted True if the MyClass is highlighted. cFlags1.disabled True if the MyClass is disabled. cFlags1.editable True if the text in the MyClass is editable. Method Types Creating new instances + new Doing other work - myMethod - findText:ignoreCase:backwards:wrap: Class Methods new + new Creates, if necessary, and returns the shared instance of NILoginPanel. See also: + otherAlloc Instance Methods myMethod - myMethod Method description here. If parameters reflect a certain instance variable you can write it like NX_PERIODICMASK (cflags1.continuous). A list of possbile parameter might look like that: NX_MOUSEUPMASK NX_MOUSEDOWNMASK NX_MOUSEDRAGGEDMASK NX_PERIODICMASK But here we either it returns nil or self. findText:ignoreCase:backwards:wrap: - (BOOL)findText:(const char *)string ignoreCase:(BOOL)ignoreCaseflag backwards:(BOOL)backwardsflag wrap:(BOOL)wrapflag Here you can copy a multiline ruler. If you need to show the constants a method accepts you might type it in the follwoing way: Constant Alignment NX_LEFTALIGNED Flush to left edge of the bodyRect. NX_JUSTIFIED Flush to left and right edges of the bodyRect; justified. Not yet implemented. ....or like that: Constant Shade NX_WHITE White NX_LTGRAY Light gray NX_DKGRAY Dark gray NX_BLACK Black A setTextGray: message doesn't cause the text to be redrawn. Returns TRUE. Flush to left and right edges object's default font (see setDefaultFont:) and uses bject's default font (see setDefaultFont:) and uses Methods Implemented by the Delegate setTextFilter: - setTextFilter:(NXTextFilterFunc)aFunc Sets the text filter function, the function that analyzes text the user enters. The text filter function is called with the following arguments: [super copyFromZone:zone]; This is how example source might be added. How cross class references might look like can be found below. See that the colon between the references is not bold and the dash is in the Symbol font. And don't forget to mention the returned data. Returns self. See also: - textFilter, - textFilter: (OtherObject), - moreTextFilter
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