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Release 0.1 Copyleft ©1995 by Thomas Engel. All Rights Reserved. Text (MiscExtensions) Declared In: Text_MiscExtensions.h Depends On: <appkit/appkit.h> Category Description This category is intendet to simplify the work with NeXTs Text class. Currently it only adds methods that will allow you to cut/copy and paste to a specified pasteboard. This is very useful because it is nasty to currupt the main pasteboard when dealing with the normal cut/copy/paste methods. The mecahnism of cut/copy/paste is very powerful when combined with the Texts find method. In the future we should have better methods for finding lines, strings that spand multiple runs (different fonts etc.) and many other things that we are used to from the MiscStrings. Note: The implementation requires a nasty hack because it uses a yet undocumented pasteboard type for RTFD text selections. The source for MailHelper (by Izumi Ohzawa and Manuel Alberto Ricart) brought me to this idea. It was tested using NeXTSTEP 3.2 and should work on all the other 3.x releases too. Remember that making selections inside on text object using selectAll: and its companions causes other text objects to forget about their selections if they are both in the same window (firstResponder mechanism). All the text run handling might not work on NSJ. I'm not able to test on a Japanese release. Method Types Cutting and Pasting - copyTo: - cutTo: - pasteFrom: Class Methods Instance Methods substringFromLine: - substringFromLine:(int)line Method description here. See also: - myReference findNextWord - findNextWord Method description here. See also: - myReference findPerviousWord - findPerviousWord Method description here. See also: - myReference findText:ignoreCase:backwards:wrap:font: - (BOOL)findText:(const char *)string ignoreCase:(BOOL)ignoreCaseflag backwards:(BOOL)backwardsflag wrap:(BOOL)wrapflag font:aSharedFont Searches for a given text but requires that the found portion of text is typeset in a special font. This should always be the shared font object for a certain typeface. See also: - findText:ignoreCase:backwards:wrap: fontAtPosition: - fontAtPosition:(int)position Returns the shared font object for a given position. Invalid positions will be handled as the run search method does. See also: - fontsInsideSelection:, - textRunForPosition: fontsInsideSelection - fontsInsideSelection Returns a List of Font objects. It is the receivers responsibility to free the List. Don't free the objects inside the list. Those are the shared font objects! If you need details information use the NXRuns directly. Note: I'm not sure about this method. It might disapear in favour of a general selTextRunCount method. Suggestions please. See also: - fontAtPosition:, - textRunForPosition: textRunForPosition: - (NXRun *)textRunForPosition:(int)position Returns the NXRun which holds the information on the specified text position. If the number is out of range it either returns the first or the last NXRun, depending on the given location. The position references the number of the character like the other text methods do (0 = first,...) See also: - firstTextBlock hasEmptySelection - (BOOL)hasEmptySelection This method returns YES is the text has no useful selection. Which means that either the selection has useless offsets or starts and ends at the same spot. See also: - myReference copyTo: - copyTo:aPasteboard This method returns YES is the text has no useful selection. Which means that either the selection has useless offsets or starts and ends at the same spot. See also: - myReference cutTo: - cutTo:aPasteboard Well here we will just copy the selection to the given pasteboard and then delete the selection. Basically this is a cut. See also: - cut: pasteFrom: - pasteFrom:aPasteboard Replaces the current selection with the contents of the specified pasteboard. See also: - paste:, - readSelectionFromPasteboard:
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