
This is TrickyClass.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 0.4  Copyleft ©1995 by ClassEditor.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	MySuperObject

Conforms To:	MyProtocol

Declared In:	TrickyClass.h

Depends On:	MySecondClass.h

Class Description

This class is a simple dummy which show that the Classeditor can even handle the tricky cases of method naming. See the method docus for a hint why they are a problem.

Instance Variables

id firstID;

id secondID;

firstID	Just a temp.

secondID	Another temp.

Method Types

	- myMethod

Class Methods


+ name

This is the class method.
It is no problem to maintain class and instance methods with the same selector.

See also:  - name

Instance Methods


- init

The init method. Silly searching¼as I did it in v0.3¼caused some trouble cause init was even part or initWith an depnding on the order in which they appeared this cause some damage.

See also:  - initWith


- initWith

Looks almost like init...but it is different.

See also:  - init, 


- name

This is the instance method.
As you can see it is no problem to maintain class and instance methods with the same selector.

See also:  - name

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