
This is RTFExampleClass.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 0.4  Copyright ©1994 by My NEXTSTEP Development Company, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.


Inherits From:	Object

Declared In:	RTFExampleClass.h

Class Description

Now this is a simple example class that should show you how RTF source can look like so that it still remains parsable.

The ClassEditor application must be able to read the method definitons without any RTF command char noise inside. Sometime the first char in a line must match a certain character (like: '{', '-', '+' ). If you set a font especially of that line it will very like not work. But as you can see from the initialize method¼colorizing makes no harm in this case.
Try it on your own. In the worst case ClassEditor will ignore your code and you are not able to browse it.

With ASCII colorization RTF source has gotten a lot more useless.

Note:  This documentation is typeset in the old style which gets no longer produced by ClassEditor. Anyway¼don't take any of the text in here too serious¼this is a dummy class.

Instance Variables

id name;
id selectorName;

name	Used to store the full method name.

selectorName	No description.

Method Types

	- free
	- init
	- initFromText:
	+ initialize
	- isInstanceMethod
	- name
	- selectorName

Class Methods

+ initialize

Just sets the version of the class.

See also:  

Instance Methods

-  (void *)doNothing:(int)right

Just to test a mulit line method. And it will work !
But this kind of method will no be created by the auto-document feature. You have to copy/paste the rulers on your own!

See also:  

-  free

Frees the objec and all its properties.

See also:  

-  init
-  initFromText:theLine

This is a multimethod documentation. It serves the init and initFromText method.

See also:  

-  (BOOL)isInstanceMethod

Returns NO if this mehtod is a instance method of the given class.

See also:  

-  (char *)name

Returns the name of the method.

See also:  

-  (char *)selectorName

Returns a character pointer to the selector name. Selector names are the shorted versions of the method names. E.g: addObject:atIndex:   or move::: . Don't modify the providided object !

See also:  

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.