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/* * /usr/local/devel/postgres-v4r2/src/contrib/xposthelp/RCS/posthelp.c,v 1.1 1993/07/24 03:03:50 aoki Exp */ /********************************************************** * Getting POSTGRES Table Info. Similar to the command * * describe in SQLPLUS (ORACLE). * **********************************************************/ #include "tmp/libpq.h" #include "utils/geo-decls.h" #define NUM_DBS 100 /* Maximum number of databases */ #define NUM_REL 1000 /* Maximum number of tables in each database */ char dbs[NUM_DBS][80], /* All databases */ user_name[80]; /* All users */ int user_num, /* User oid */ dbs_num, /* Number of databases */ tbs_num; /* Number of tables */ struct { char name[80]; /* Relation name */ int kind; /* 1 if it is a relation 0 if it is an index */ int ind; /* 1 if it is indexed 0 otherwise */ char oid[20]; /* oid of the relation */ int numrec; /* Number of records */ } tbs[NUM_REL]; char *GetIndex(); void main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { PortalBuffer *portalbuf; char *res, str[200], attr_name[80]; int ngroups,tupno, grpno, ntups, nflds, i, fldno, attr_type, tuple_index, j; static int extensive = 0; if (argc > 5) { printf("Wrong number of arguments. Type: \n\n posthelp {-ext} db_user {db_name} {table_name}\n"); exit(1); } else if (argc == 1) { FindAllUsers(); printf("\nNow you can try: \n\tposthelp <user_name> or \n\tposthelp ext <user_name> or \n\tposthelp <user_name> <db_name> or \n\tposthelp ext <user_name> <db_name> or \n\tposthelp <user_name> <db_name> <table_name>\n\n"); exit(1); } else if (argc > 1) { /* check if user wants extensive listing */ if ((strcmp(argv[1], "ext") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[1], "-ext") == 0)) { if (argc == 2) { printf(" You have to at least provide an user, i.e.\n\t\tposthelp -ext <user-name>\n\n"); exit(1); } extensive = 1; } else extensive = 0; } /* Get user name */ strcpy(user_name, argv[1 + extensive]); user_num = FindUser(user_name); if (argc == 2 + extensive) { /* Open up database */ PQsetdb("postgres"); /* Start up processing */ PQexec("begin"); /* Define query for this table */ sprintf(str, "retrieve iportal junk (p.datname) from p in pg_database where p.datdba = \"%d\" sort by datname", user_num); res = (char *)PQexec(str); if (*res == 'E') { printf("%s\nfailed",++res); goto exit_error; } res = (char *)PQexec("fetch all in junk"); if (*res != 'P') { printf("\nno portal"); goto exit_error; } /* Get portal buffer given portal name. */ portalbuf = PQparray(++res); /* Get number of groups in portal buffer */ ngroups = PQngroups(portalbuf); for (grpno = 0; grpno < ngroups; grpno++) { /* Get number of tuples in relation */ ntups = PQntuplesGroup(portalbuf, grpno); dbs_num = ntups; for (tupno = 0; tupno < ntups; tupno++) strcpy(dbs[tupno], PQgetvalue(portalbuf,tupno,0)); } PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); /* Write all tables for each dbase */ printf("*******\n*******\n\tUSER: %s (%d) \n\n", user_name, user_num); if (!extensive) printf("\tDATABASES:\n\n"); for (j = 0; j < dbs_num; j++) { if (extensive) { printf("\tDATABASE: %s \n\n", dbs[j]); FillTables(dbs[j]); for (i=0; i < tbs_num; i++) { if (tbs[i].ind) printf("\tTABLE = %s\n\tKIND = %s\n\tINDEXED = yes (%s)\n\tOID = %s\n\tRECORDS = %d\n", tbs[i].name, (tbs[i].kind) ? "relation": "index", GetIndex(tbs[i].oid), tbs[i].oid, tbs[i].numrec); else printf("\tTABLE = %s\n\tKIND = %s\n\tINDEXED = no\n\tOID = %s\n\tRECORDS = %d\n", tbs[i].name, (tbs[i].kind) ? "relation": "index", tbs[i].oid, tbs[i].numrec); /* Only print table if it is a relation. No indexes */ if (tbs[i].kind) { printf("\n"); PrintTable(tbs[i].oid); } else PrintIndexInfo(tbs[i].oid); printf("\n\n"); } } else printf("\t%s\n", dbs[j]); } } else { /* fill up only one database */ dbs_num = 1; strcpy(dbs[0], argv[2 + extensive]); if (!CheckDBase(dbs[0])) { printf("Database \"%s\" does not exist for USER \"%s\"\n", dbs[0], user_name); exit(1); } /* Get all tables in this db */ if (argc == 3 + extensive) { printf("*******\n*******\n\tUSER: %s (%d) \n\n", user_name, user_num); printf("\tDATABASE: %s \n\n", dbs[0]); /* Open up database */ FillTables(dbs[0]); if (extensive) { for (i=0; i < tbs_num; i++) { if (tbs[i].ind) printf("\tTABLE = %s\n\tKIND = %s\n\tINDEXED = yes (%s)\n\tOID = %s\n\tRECORDS = %d\n", tbs[i].name, (tbs[i].kind) ? "relation": "index", GetIndex(tbs[i].oid), tbs[i].oid, tbs[i].numrec); else printf("\tTABLE = %s\n\tKIND = %s\n\tINDEXED = no\n\tOID = %s\n\tRECORDS = %d\n", tbs[i].name, (tbs[i].kind) ? "relation": "index", tbs[i].oid, tbs[i].numrec); /* Only print table if it is a relation. No indexes */ if (tbs[i].kind) { printf("\n"); PrintTable(tbs[i].oid); } else PrintIndexInfo(tbs[i].oid); printf("\n\n"); } } else { printf("\tTABLE\t\t\tKIND\t\tINDEXED\tOID\tRECORDS\n\n"); for (i=0; i < tbs_num; i++) { FillName(tbs[i].name); printf("\t%s\t\t%c\t\t%c\t%s\t%d\n", tbs[i].name, (tbs[i].kind) ? 'r' : 'i', (tbs[i].ind) ? 'y' : 'n', tbs[i].oid, tbs[i].numrec); } } } else { tbs_num = 1; strcpy(tbs[0].name, argv[3 + extensive]); printf("*******\n*******\n\tUSER: %s (%d) \n\n", user_name, user_num); printf("\tDATABASE: %s \n\n", dbs[0]); FillOneTable(dbs[0]); if (tbs[0].ind) printf("\tTABLE = %s\n\tKIND = %s\n\tINDEXED = yes (%s)\n\tOID = %s\n\tRECORDS = %d\n", tbs[0].name, (tbs[0].kind) ? "relation": "index", GetIndex(tbs[0].oid), tbs[0].oid, tbs[0].numrec); else printf("\tTABLE = %s\n\tKIND = %s\n\tINDEXED = no\n\tOID = %s\n\tRECORDS = %d\n", tbs[0].name, (tbs[0].kind) ? "relation": "index", tbs[0].oid, tbs[0].numrec); if (tbs[0].kind) { printf("\n"); PrintTable(tbs[0].oid); } else PrintIndexInfo(tbs[0].oid); } } exit(0); exit_error: PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); exit(1); } /************************************************* * * * * * Given a table name it prints all * * the attibutes and their types. * * * * * * * *************************************************/ PrintTable(tableoid) char *tableoid; { PortalBuffer *portalbuf; char *res, str[200], attr_name[80], type_str[80]; int ngroups,tupno, grpno, ntups, nflds, i, fldno, attr_type, tuple_index; /* Start up processing */ PQexec("begin"); /* Define query for this table */ sprintf(str, "retrieve iportal junk (p.attname, p.atttypid, p.attnum) from p in pg_attribute where p.attrelid = \"%s\" and p.attnum > 0 sort by attnum", tableoid); res = (char *)PQexec(str); if (*res == 'E') { printf("%s\nfailed",++res); goto exit_error; } res = (char *)PQexec("fetch all in junk"); if (*res != 'P') { printf("\nno portal"); goto exit_error; } /* Get portal buffer given portal name. */ portalbuf = PQparray(++res); /* Get number of tuples in relation */ ntups = PQntuplesGroup(portalbuf, 0); /* Print header printf("\t\tAttribute\t\tType\t\t\tNumber\n\n");*/ printf("\t\tAttribute\t\tType\n\n"); /* Get the attribute name for this group and field number */ for (i = 0; i < ntups; i++) { int *tmp; strcpy(attr_name, PQgetvalue(portalbuf,i,0)); tmp = (int *) PQgetvalue(portalbuf,i,1); attr_type = *tmp; FillName(attr_name); switch(attr_type) { case 16: printf("\t\t%s\t\tboolean \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tboolean \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 18: printf("\t\t%s\t\tchar \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tchar \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 19: printf("\t\t%s\t\tchar16 \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tchar16 \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 22: printf("\t\t%s\t\tarray \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tarray \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 23: printf("\t\t%s\t\tint4 \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tint4 \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 25: printf("\t\t%s\t\ttext \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\ttext \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 26: printf("\t\t%s\t\toid \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\toid \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 600: printf("\t\t%s\t\tpoint \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tpoint \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 601: printf("\t\t%s\t\tlseg \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tlseg \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 602: printf("\t\t%s\t\tpath \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tpath \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 603: printf("\t\t%s\t\tbox \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tbox \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 604: printf("\t\t%s\t\tpolygon \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tpolygon \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 700: printf("\t\t%s\t\tfloat4 \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tfloat4 \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; case 701: printf("\t\t%s\t\tpoint \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tpoint \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; default: printf("\t\t%s\t\tother \n", attr_name); /* printf("\t\t%s\t\tother \t\t(%d)\n", attr_name, attr_type);*/ break; }/* end switch */ }/* end for loop on fldno */ if (ntups == 0) printf("\t\tEMPTY RELATION\n"); PQexec("end"); return; exit_error: PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); exit(1); } /************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *************************************************/ FillTables(dbname) char *dbname; { PortalBuffer *portalbuf; char *res, str[200], attr_name[80]; int ngroups,tupno, grpno, ntups, nflds, i, fldno, attr_type, tuple_index, j; /* Open up database */ PQsetdb(dbname); /* Start up processing */ PQexec("begin"); /* Define query for this table */ sprintf(str, "retrieve portal junk (p.relname,p.relkind,p.relhasindex, p.oid, p.reltuples) from p in pg_class where p.relowner = \"%d\" sort by relname", user_num); res = (char *)PQexec(str); if (*res == 'E') { printf("%s\nfailed",++res); goto exit_error; } res = (char *)PQexec("fetch all in junk"); if (*res != 'P') { printf("\nno portal"); goto exit_error; } /* Get portal buffer given portal name. */ portalbuf = PQparray(++res); /* Get number of groups in portal buffer */ ngroups = PQngroups(portalbuf); for (grpno = 0; grpno < ngroups; grpno++) { /* Get number of tuples in relation */ ntups = PQntuplesGroup(portalbuf, grpno); tbs_num = ntups; for (tupno = 0; tupno < ntups; tupno++) { char *c; int *tmp; strcpy(tbs[tupno].name, PQgetvalue(portalbuf,tupno,0)); c = PQgetvalue(portalbuf,tupno,1); tbs[tupno].kind = (c[0] == 'r') ? 1 : 0; c = (char *)PQgetvalue(portalbuf,tupno,2); tbs[tupno].ind = (c[0] == 't') ? 1 : 0; strcpy(tbs[tupno].oid, PQgetvalue(portalbuf,tupno,3)); c = (char *) PQgetvalue(portalbuf,tupno,4); tbs[tupno].numrec = atoi(c); } } PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); return; exit_error: PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); exit(1); } /************************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *************************************************/ FillOneTable(dbname) char *dbname; { PortalBuffer *portalbuf; char *res, str[200], attr_name[80], *c; int ngroups,tupno, grpno, ntups, nflds, i, fldno, attr_type, tuple_index, j; /* Open up database */ PQsetdb(dbname); /* Start up processing */ PQexec("begin"); /* Define query for this table */ sprintf(str, "retrieve portal junk (p.relname, p.relkind,p.relhasindex, p.oid, p.reltuples) from p in pg_class where p.relname = \"%s\"", tbs[0].name); res = (char *)PQexec(str); if (*res == 'E') { printf("%s\nfailed",++res); goto exit_error; } res = (char *)PQexec("fetch all in junk"); if (*res != 'P') { printf("\nno portal"); goto exit_error; } /* Get portal buffer given portal name. */ portalbuf = PQparray(++res); /* Get number of groups in portal buffer */ ngroups = PQngroups(portalbuf); for (grpno = 0; grpno < ngroups; grpno++) { /* Get number of tuples in relation */ ntups = PQntuplesGroup(portalbuf, grpno); if (ntups) { char *c; int *tmp; strcpy(tbs[0].name, PQgetvalue(portalbuf,0,0)); c = PQgetvalue(portalbuf,0,1); tbs[0].kind = (c[0] == 'r') ? 1 : 0; c = (char *)PQgetvalue(portalbuf,0,2); tbs[0].ind = (c[0] == 't') ? 1 : 0; strcpy(tbs[0].oid, PQgetvalue(portalbuf,0,3)); c = (char *) PQgetvalue(portalbuf,0,4); tbs[tupno].numrec = atoi(c); } else { printf(" Error: table %s does not exist in database %s.\n", tbs[0].name, dbname); goto exit_error; } } PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); return; exit_error: PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); exit(1); } FillName(attr_name) char *attr_name; { int length, i; /* Fill up attr_name if less than 8 characters */ length = strlen(attr_name); if (length <9) { for (i = length; i < 9; i++) attr_name[i] = ' '; attr_name[9] = '\0'; } } /************************************************* * * * * * Given an indexed table name it prints all * * the index information. * * * * In pg_index the attributes: * * * * indexrelid stands for the oid of the index * * relation. * * * * indrelid is the oid of the relation indexed. * * * *************************************************/ PrintIndexInfo(indexoid) char *indexoid; /* oid of the index relation. More than one key on this index */ { PortalBuffer *portalbuf; char *res, str[200], relname[80]; int ntups, i, relid, numkeys; struct { int key; char attname[20]; } keys[10]; /* Start up processing */ PQexec("begin"); /**************************************** * First let's find out the relation oid * * that was indexed by indexoid and the * * correpondent index keys * ****************************************/ /* Define query for this table */ sprintf(str,"retrieve portal junk (p.indrelid, p.indkey[1],p.indkey[2],p.indkey[3],p.indkey[4],p.indkey[5],p.indkey[6],p.indkey[7],p.indkey[8]) from p in pg_index where p.indexrelid = \"%s\"", indexoid); res = (char *)PQexec(str); if (*res == 'E') { printf("%s\nfailed",++res); goto exit_error; } res = (char *)PQexec("fetch all in junk"); if (*res != 'P') { printf("\nno portal"); goto exit_error; } /* Get portal buffer given portal name. */ portalbuf = PQparray(++res); /* Get number of tuples in relation */ ntups = PQntuplesGroup(portalbuf, 0); if (ntups) { char *tmp; tmp = (char *) PQgetvalue(portalbuf,0,0); /* relation oid on which the index is defined */ relid = atoi(tmp); for (i = 1; i < 9; i++) { /* Get each key attribute number */ tmp = (char *) PQgetvalue(portalbuf,0,i); if (atoi(tmp) == 0) break; keys[i-1].key = atoi(tmp); } numkeys = i-1; /****************************************************** * Now for each key number and for the relation oid * * get the relation name and the attribute name * ******************************************************/ for (i = 0; i < numkeys; i++) { PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); /* Start up processing */ PQexec("begin"); /* Define query for this table */ sprintf(str,"retrieve portal junk (p.relname, pg_attribute.attname) from p in pg_class where p.oid = \"%d\" and pg_attribute.attnum = \"%d\" and pg_attribute.attrelid = \"%d\"", relid, keys[i].key, relid); res = (char *)PQexec(str); if (*res == 'E') { printf("%s\nfailed",++res); goto exit_error; } res = (char *)PQexec("fetch all in junk"); if (*res != 'P') { printf("\nno portal"); goto exit_error; } /* Get portal buffer given portal name. */ portalbuf = PQparray(++res); /* Get number of tuples in relation */ ntups = PQntuplesGroup(portalbuf, 0); if (ntups) { strcpy(keys[i].attname, PQgetvalue(portalbuf,0,1)); strcpy(relname, PQgetvalue(portalbuf,0,0)); } } /* Put out info on relation name and key attribute names */ printf("\tINDEX ON= %s \n", relname); printf("\tKEYS = "); for (i=0; i< numkeys; i++) printf("%s ", keys[i].attname); printf("\n"); } PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); return; exit_error: PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); exit(1); } /************************************************* * * * Find all users in postgres system. * * * *************************************************/ int FindAllUsers() { PortalBuffer *portalbuf; char *res, str[200]; int ntups, result, i; /* Open up database */ PQsetdb("postgres"); /* Start up processing */ PQexec("begin"); /* Define query for this table */ strcpy(str,"retrieve portal junk (p.usename) from p in pg_user "); res = (char *)PQexec(str); if (*res == 'E') { printf("%s\nfailed",++res); goto exit_error; } res = (char *)PQexec("fetch all in junk"); if (*res != 'P') { printf("\nno portal"); goto exit_error; } /* Get portal buffer given portal name. */ portalbuf = PQparray(++res); /* Get number of tuples in relation */ ntups = PQntuplesGroup(portalbuf, 0); printf("\tUSERS: \n"); for (i = 0; i < ntups; i++) printf("\t\t%s\n", PQgetvalue(portalbuf,i,0)); PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); return; exit_error: PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); exit(1); } /************************************************* * * * Check if the given dbase exists in the * * postgres system. * * Returns TRUE if it exists FALSE otherwise. * * * *************************************************/ int CheckDBase(dbname) char *dbname; { PortalBuffer *portalbuf; char *res, str[200]; int ntups, result, i; /* Open up database */ PQsetdb("postgres"); /* Start up processing */ PQexec("begin"); /* Define query for this table */ sprintf(str,"retrieve portal junk (p.datname) from p in pg_database where p.datdba = \"%d\" and p.datname = \"%s\" ", user_num, dbname); res = (char *)PQexec(str); if (*res == 'E') { printf("%s\nfailed",++res); goto exit_error; } res = (char *)PQexec("fetch all in junk"); if (*res != 'P') { printf("\nno portal"); goto exit_error; } /* Get portal buffer given portal name. */ portalbuf = PQparray(++res); /* Get number of tuples in relation */ ntups = PQntuplesGroup(portalbuf, 0); PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); return(ntups); exit_error: PQexec("end"); PQfinish(); exit(1); }
These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by