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/* ** relshow - display details of a given relation ** ** Author : David J. Hughes ( ** Date : Jan - 1993 ** ** Copyright (C) 1993 David J. Hughes ** Permission is granted for unrestricted use of this software, either ** in part or in full provided that credit is given to the author within ** the subsequent code and documentation. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <varargs.h> #include "tmp/libpq.h" /* ** Note : I tried to get the attribute name and type name using a join ** of pg_attribute and pg_type but this failed on all of ** the catalog relations (but worked on user defined ** relations). Either this shows my lack of postquel knowledge ** or reflects a bug in Postgres 4.0.1 under SunOS 4.1.1 on a ** Sun3. The method used is not as efficient as a join (ie. ** another query is sent to the backend) but it does work and is ** plainly clear for novice database programmers. ** ** The Mdb* routines are from a database interface library I ** wrote for the Minerva network management system. They ** provide a simple interface to the database for data ** retrieval by abstracting the query mechanism. They ** return a simple linked list of the tuples found during ** the query (or NULL on error or non-existent tuples). */ typedef struct dbData_t { char *data; struct dbData_t *next; } dbData; typedef struct dbTable_t { char **data; struct dbTable_t *next; } dbTable; #define NOSORT 0 #define ASCEND 1 #define DESCEND 2 char *PQexec(); char *index(); dbData *MdbCreateValueList(); dbTable *MdbVaCreateTable(); /**************************************************************************** ** _MdbCreateValueList ** ** Purpose : Builds a linked list of DB values and hides the complexity ** Args : Relation name (char *) ** Field name (char *) ** Query condition (char *) ** Sorting criteria (int) ** Returns : Pointer to linked list structure or NULL on error. ** Notes : The list returned is malloc'ed during a call to this ** routine. A subsequent call to MdbDestroyValueList() ** should be made to free the space when the data is no ** longer required. */ dbData *MdbCreateValueList(rel,field,condition,sort) char *rel, *field, *condition; int sort; { PortalBuffer *p; int index, items; char query[200], *result; dbData *head, *cur; /* ** Snarf the data */ if (condition) (void) sprintf(query,"retrieve (%s.%s) where %s" ,rel,field,condition); else (void) sprintf(query,"retrieve (%s.%s)", rel,field); if (sort) { strcat(query," sort by "); strcat(query,field); strcat(query," using "); if (sort == ASCEND) strcat(query,"<"); else strcat(query,">"); } result = PQexec(query); if (*result == 'R') return(NULL); /* ** Extract the data and make a list */ head = cur = NULL; p = PQparray(&(result[1])); items = PQntuples(p); if(!items) { PQclear(&(result[1])); PQexec(" "); return(NULL); } for (index = 0; index < items; index++) { if (!head) head = cur = (dbData *)malloc(sizeof(dbData)); else { cur->next = (dbData *)malloc(sizeof(dbData)); cur = cur->next; } cur->data = strdup(PQgetvalue(p,index,0)); cur->next = NULL; } PQclear(&(result[1])); PQexec(" "); return(head); } /**************************************************************************** ** _MdbDestroyValueList ** ** Purpose : Reclaim the memory used by a value list ** Args : Pointer to the value list ** Returns : Nothing ** Notes : */ MdbDestroyValueList(list) dbData *list; { dbData *cur; cur = list; while(cur) { list = cur; cur = cur->next; if(list->data) free(list->data); free(list); } } /**************************************************************************** ** _MdbVaCreateTable ** ** Purpose : Create a multi entry table from a Postgres query ** Args : Relation name (char *) ** number of fields (int) ** field names (char *, char * ......) ** Condition (char *) (NULL OK) ** Field for sorting (char *) (NULL OK) ** Sorting criteria (int) ** Returns : Pointer to head of table list. ** Notes : Memory is malloc'ed during this routine. Call ** MdbDestroyTable() to free it. */ dbTable *MdbVaCreateTable(va_alist) va_dcl { PortalBuffer *p; va_list arg; char query[1024], tmpBuf[200], *rel, *field, *result, *where, *sortField; int numFields=0, numArgs, index, items, curField, sort; dbTable *head, *cur; /* ** Snarf the table from the Database */ va_start(arg); rel = va_arg(arg, char *); numArgs = va_arg(arg, int); sprintf(query,"retrieve ("); for (index = 0; index < numArgs; index++) { field = va_arg(arg,char *); numFields++; sprintf(tmpBuf,"%s.%s,",rel,field); strcat(query,tmpBuf); } query[strlen(query)-1] = ')'; where = va_arg(arg, char *); if (where) { (void) strcat(query, " where "); (void) strcat(query, where); } sortField = va_arg(arg, char *); sort = va_arg(arg, int); if (sort) { if (sortField) { strcat(query," sort by "); strcat(query,sortField); strcat(query," using "); if (sort == ASCEND) strcat(query,"<"); else strcat(query,">"); } } result = PQexec(query); if (*result == 'R') return(NULL); /* ** Extract the data and build the table */ head = cur = NULL; p = PQparray(&(result[1])); items = PQntuples(p); if(!items) { PQclear(&(result[1])); PQexec(" "); return(NULL); } for (index = 0; index < items; index++) { if (!head) { head = cur = (dbTable *)malloc(sizeof(dbTable)); head->data = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*numFields); } else { cur->next = (dbTable *)malloc(sizeof(dbTable)); cur = cur->next; cur->data = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char *)*numFields); } for (curField = 0; curField < numFields; curField++) { *(cur->data + curField) = strdup(PQgetvalue(p,index,curField)); } cur->next = NULL; } PQclear(&(result[1])); PQexec(" "); return(head); } /**************************************************************************** ** _MdbDestroyTable ** ** Purpose : Reclaim table memory ** Args : Pointer to table (dbTable *) ** Number of fileds in table (int) ** Returns : Nothing ** Notes : */ MdbDestroyTable(table,fields) dbTable *table; int fields; { dbTable *cur; int index; cur = table; while(cur) { table = cur; cur = cur->next; for (index = 0; index < fields; index ++) { if(table->data[index]) free(table->data[index]); } free(table); } } /**************************************************************************** ** _usage ** ** Purpose : Display usage info ** Args : None ** Returns : Nothing ** Notes : */ usage() { printf("\nUsage : relshow [dbName [relName]]\n\n"); printf(" Where dbName is the name of a database\n"); printf(" relname is the name of a relation\n\n"); printf("If no database is given, list the known databases\n"); printf("If no relation is given, list relations in the database\n"); printf("If database and relation given, list fields and field types"); printf(" in the relation\n\n\007"); } /**************************************************************************** ** _main ** ** Purpose : usual ** Args : usual ** Returns : Nothing ** Notes : */ main(argc,argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { char dbshow = 0, relshow = 0, attshow = 0; int index, items, numFields; char cond[200], *result, oid[10]; dbData *data, *cur; dbTable *att, *curAtt, *types, *curType; /* ** Work out what we here to do */ switch(argc) { case 1: dbshow++; break; case 2: relshow++; if (*argv[1] == '-') { usage(); exit(1); } break; case 3: attshow++; break; default:usage(); exit(1); } /* ** Fire up Postgres */ if (!dbshow) PQsetdb(argv[1]); else PQsetdb("template1"); PQexec("begin"); /* ** List the availabel databases if required */ if (dbshow) { data = MdbCreateValueList("pg_database","datname",NULL,ASCEND); if (!data) { printf("\nCouldn't get database list! "); printf("Have you run initdb?\n\n"); exit(1); } printf("\n\nDatabase = postgres (default)\n\n"); printf(" +-----------------+\n"); printf(" | Databases |\n"); printf(" +-----------------+\n"); cur = data; while(cur) { printf(" | %-15.15s |\n", cur->data); cur = cur->next; } printf(" +-----------------+\n\n"); MdbDestroyValueList(data); exit(0); } /* ** List the available relations if required */ if (relshow) { data = MdbCreateValueList("pg_class","relname", "pg_class.relname !~ \"^pg_\"", ASCEND); if (!data) { printf("\nUnable to list relations in database %s ", argv[1]); printf("(may be empty database)\n\n"); exit(1); } printf("\n\nDatabase = %s\n\n",argv[1]); printf(" +---------------------+\n"); printf(" | Relation |\n"); printf(" +---------------------+\n"); cur = data; while(cur) { printf(" | %-19.19s |\n", cur->data); cur = cur->next; } printf(" +---------------------+\n\n"); MdbDestroyValueList(data); exit(0); } /* ** List the attributes and types if required */ if (attshow) { /* ** Get the list of attributes */ (void)sprintf(cond,"pg_class.relname = \"%s\"",argv[2]); data = MdbCreateValueList("pg_class","oid",cond,NOSORT); if (!data) { printf("\nCouldn't find %s in %s!\n\n", argv[2], argv[1]); exit(1); } (void)sprintf(cond,"pg_attribute.attrelid = %s::oid and pg_attribute.attnum > 0", data->data); att = MdbVaCreateTable("pg_attribute",2,"attname","atttypid", cond,"attname",ASCEND); if (!att) { printf("Could not retrieve information!\n"); printf("Database = %s\nRelation = %s\n\n", argv[1], argv[2]); exit(1); } /* ** Get the table of type names and OID's */ types = MdbVaCreateTable("pg_type",2,"oid","typname",NULL, "oid", ASCEND); if (!types) { printf("Could not generate list of valid types "); printf("(from pg_type relation)!\n\n"); exit(1); } /* ** Display the information */ printf("\nDatabase = %s\n",argv[1]); printf("\nRelation = %s\n\n",argv[2]); printf(" +-----------------+----------+\n"); printf(" | Field | Type |\n"); printf(" +-----------------+----------+\n"); curAtt = att; while(curAtt) { printf(" | %-15.15s | ",curAtt->data[0]); /* ** find the type name */ curType = types; while(curType) { if(strcmp(curType->data[0],curAtt->data[1])==0) break; curType = curType->next; } if (curType) printf("%-8.8s |\n",curType->data[1]); else printf("Unknown |\n"); curAtt = curAtt->next; } printf(" +-----------------+----------+\n\n"); } }
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