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#!./pgperl # # /usr/local/devel/postgres-v4r2/src/contrib/pgperl/RCS/,v 1.5 1993/06/14 19:47:35 aoki Exp # # An example of how to use Postgres from perl. # This example is modelled after the example in the libpq reference manual. # Be certain you execute this from the contrib/pgperl directory of your # Postgres distribution, and that the postgres ``bin'' directory # is in your path. Also, you *must* have the postmaster running! $dbname = "pgperltest"; $pgdata = $ENV{'PGDATA'}; &init_handler(); # Destroy then create the database # an error is ok in destroydb, since the database may not exist. printf("Destroying database $dbname\n"); system("destroydb $dbname"); printf("Creating database $dbname\n"); if (system("createdb $dbname") / 256) { die("$0: createdb failed on $pgdata/$dbname\n"); } # specify the database to access &PQsetdb ($dbname); $thedb = &PQdb(); printf("Accessing database $thedb\n"); printf("\nCreating relation person:\n"); &test_create(); printf("\nRelation person before appends:\n"); &test_functions(); printf("\nAppending to relation person:\n"); &test_append(); printf("\nRelation person after appends:\n"); &test_functions(); printf("\nTesting copy:\n"); &test_copy(); printf("\nRelation person after copy:\n"); &test_functions(); printf("\nTesting other things:\n"); &test_rest(); printf("\nRemoving from relation person:\n"); &test_remove(); printf("\nRelation person after removes:\n"); &test_functions(); printf("\nPrinting values of global variables:\n"); &test_vars(); printf("\nTests complete!\n"); # finish execution &PQfinish (); exit(0); sub doPQexec { local($query) = @_; local($result); $result = &PQexec($query); if ($result eq "R" || $result eq "E") { die("$0: doPQexec: the query\n\t$query\nproduced the error\n\t$PQerrormsg"); } } sub test_create { local($query, $result); $query = "create person (name = char16, age = int4, location = point)"; printf("query = %s\n", $query); &doPQexec($query); } sub test_append { local($i, $query); &doPQexec("begin"); # transaction for ($i=50; $i <= 150; $i = $i + 10) { $query = "append person (name = \"fred\", age = $i, location = \"($i,10)\"::point)"; printf("query = %s\n", $query); &doPQexec($query); } &doPQexec("end"); # transaction } sub test_remove { local($i, $query); for ($i=50; $i <= 150; $i = $i + 10) { $query = "delete person where person.age = $i "; printf("query = %s\n", $query); &doPQexec($query); } } sub test_functions { local($p, $g, $t, $n, $m, $k, $i, $j); # fetch tuples from the person table &doPQexec ("begin"); &doPQexec ("retrieve portal eportal (person.all)"); &doPQexec ("fetch all in eportal"); # examine all the tuples fetched $p = &PQparray ("eportal"); # remember: $p is a pointer ! $g = &PQngroups ($p); $t = 0; for ($k=0; $k < $g; $k++) { printf("New tuple group:\n"); $n = &PQntuplesGroup($p, $k); $m = &PQnfieldsGroup($p, $k); # print out the attribute names for ($i=0; $i < $m; $i++) { printf("%-15s", &PQfnameGroup($p, $k, $i)); } printf("\n"); # print out the tuples for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) { for ($j=0; $j < $m; $j++) { printf("%-15s", &PQgetvalue($p, $t + $i, $j)); } printf("\n"); } $t = $t + $n; } # close the portal &doPQexec ("close eportal"); &doPQexec ("end"); &PQclear("eportal"); } sub test_vars { printf("PQhost = \"%s\"\n", $PQhost); printf("PQport = \"%s\"\n", $PQport); printf("PQtty = \"%s\"\n", $PQtty); printf("PQoption = \"%s\"\n", $PQoption); printf("PQdatabase = \"%s\"\n", $PQdatabase); printf("PQportset = %d\n", $PQportset); printf("PQxactid = %d\n", $PQxactid); printf("PQtracep = %d\n", $PQtracep); printf("PQerrormsg = \"%s\"\n", $PQerrormsg); } sub test_copy { &doPQexec("copy person from stdin"); &PQputline("bill 21 (1,2)\n"); &PQputline("bob 61 (3,4)\n"); &PQputline("sally 39 (5,6)\n"); &PQputline(".\n"); &PQendcopy(); } sub test_rest { printf("Opening 2 portals:\n"); &doPQexec ("begin"); &doPQexec ("retrieve portal eportal (person.all)"); &doPQexec ("fetch all in eportal"); &doPQexec ("retrieve portal fportal (person.all)"); &doPQexec ("fetch all in fportal"); printf("Number of portals open: %d\n", &PQnportals(0)); @names = &PQpnames (0); print "Portal names: ", join(', ',@names), ".\n"; $p = &PQparray ("eportal"); printf("Portal eportal %s asynchronous.\n",&PQrulep($p) ? "is" : "is not"); printf("Portal eportal has %d tuples.\n",&PQntuples($p)); printf("Portal eportal has %d instances.\n",&PQninstances($p)); printf("Portal eportal has %d groups.\n",&PQngroups($p)); printf("Portal eportal group 0 has %d instances.\n",&PQninstancesGroup($p,0)); printf("Portal eportal tuple 0 has %d fields.\n",&PQnfields($p, 0)); printf("Portal eportal tuple 0 field 2 is %d bytes long.\n",&PQgetlength($p, 0, 2)); printf("Portal eportal tuple 0 field 2 is type %d.\n",&PQftype($p, 0, 2)); printf("Portal eportal tuple 0 is in group %d.\n",&PQgetgroup($p, 0)); printf("Portal eportal tuple 0 field \"location\" is index %d.\n",&PQfnumber($p, 0, "location")); printf("Portal eportal tuple 0 field 1 is name \"%s\".\n",&PQfname($p, 0, 1)); printf("Portal eportal tuples 0 and 1 %s the same type.\n",&PQsametype($p, 0, 1) ? "are" : "are not"); printf("Portal eportal group 0 field \"location\" is index %d.\n",&PQfnumberGroup($p, 0, "location")); printf("Closing 2 portals:\n"); &doPQexec ("close eportal"); &doPQexec ("close fportal"); &doPQexec ("end"); &PQclear("eportal"); &PQclear("fportal"); printf("Number of portals open: %d\n", &PQnportals(0)); @names = &PQpnames (0); print "Portal names: ", join(', ',@names), ".\n"; } sub init_handler { $SIG{'HUP'} = 'handler'; $SIG{'INT'} = 'handler'; $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'handler'; } sub handler { # 1st argument is signal name local($sig) = @_; print "Caught a SIG$sig--shutting down connection to Postgres.\n"; &PQfinish(); exit(0); }
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