
This is unzip.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]



  UnZip - a zipfile extraction utility.  See below for make instructions, or
  read the comments in Makefile and the various Contents files for more de-
  tailed explanations.  To report a bug, send a *complete* description to
  zip-bugs@cs.ucla.edu; include machine type, operating system and version,
  compiler and version, and reasonably detailed error messages or problem
  report.  To join Info-ZIP, send a message to info-zip-request@cs.ucla.edu.

  UnZip 5.x is a greatly expanded and partially rewritten successor to 4.x,
  which in turn was almost a complete rewrite of version 3.x.  For a detailed
  revision history, see UnzpHist.zip at Info-ZIP headquarters (below).  For a 
  (partial) list of the many (near infinite) contributors, see "CONTRIBS" in
  the UnZip source distribution.


  To compile (partial instructions):

     under Unix (cc):  make <system name>
       (type "make list" for a list of valid names, or read Makefile for 
       details.  "make unzip" works for most systems.  If you have a NEW
       system, not covered by any of the existing targets, send FULL infor-
       mation--hardware, OS, versions, etc.--to zip-bugs@cs.ucla.edu)

     under MS-DOS (MSC, Turbo C, or Borland C++):  use the makefiles or
       project files in the MSDOS sub-archive; edit or otherwise modify
       as appropriate.  For MSC, use NMAKE.

     under MS Windows 3.x:  get wunz12sr.{zip | zoo | whatever} and use
       the included makefile

     under OS/2 (MSC, gcc, IBM C Set/2, Watcom C):  make -f makefile.os2
       (from OS2 sub-archive; for MSC, use NMAKE)

     under VMS (VAX C or GNU C):  @make_unzip_vaxc  or  @make_unzip_gcc
       (from VMS sub-archive; can also use MMS or MAKE/VMS; see VMS.notes)

     under Macintosh OS:  Double click on unzip.make.  Press <Command>-M.
       (from MAC sub-archive)

     under Windows NT:  use makefile.nt (from NT sub-archive)

     under AmigaDOS:  try one of the makefiles in the AMIGA sub-archive;
       may need some work yet...

     under Atari TOS:  needs considerable work yet...


  Version:  unz50p1.{tar.Z | zip | zoo} for Unix, VMS, OS/2, MS-DOS, Windows,
              Windows NT, Macintosh and Amiga.  Decryption requires sources
              in zcrypt19.zip, and Windows (not NT) support requires sources
              in wunz12sr.zip.  See accompanying file "Where" in the main
              source distribution for ftp, uucp and mail-server sites.
  Copyrights:  see accompanying file "COPYING" in UnZip source distribution.


#include "unzip.h"               /* includes, defines, and macros */
#ifdef MSWIN
#  include "wizunzip.h"          /* see History.500 for version history */

#define VERSION  "5.0p1 of 12 January 1993"
/* #define VERSION  "v5.0p BETA of 8-21-92" */   /* internal beta level */
#define PAKFIX   /* temporary(?) solution to PAK-created zipfiles */

/*  Global Variables  */

int aflag=0;          /* -a: do ASCII to EBCDIC translation, or CR-LF  */
                      /*     to CR or LF conversion of extracted files */
/* int bflag=0; RESERVED for -b: extract as binary */
int cflag=0;          /* -c: output to stdout */
int fflag=0;          /* -f: "freshen" (extract only newer files) */
int jflag=0;          /* -j: junk pathnames */
int overwrite_none=0; /* -n: never overwrite files (no prompting) */
int overwrite_all=0;  /* -o: OK to overwrite files without prompting */
int force_flag=0;     /* (shares -o for now): force to override errors, etc. */
int quietflg=0;       /* -q: produce a lot less output */
#ifdef DOS_OS2
   int sflag=1;       /* -s: allow spaces (blanks) in filenames */
#endif /* DOS_OS2 */
int tflag=0;          /* -t: test */
int uflag=0;          /* -u: "update" (extract only newer & brand-new files) */
static int U_flag=0;  /* -U: leave filenames in upper or mixed case */
static int vflag=0;   /* -v: view directory (only used in unzip.c) */
int V_flag=0;         /* -V: don't strip VMS version numbers */
#ifdef VMS
   int secinf=0;      /* -X: keep owner/protection */
#endif /* VMS */
int zflag=0;          /* -z: display only the archive comment */
int process_all_files=0;

longint csize;        /* used by list_files(), ReadByte(): must be signed */
longint ucsize;       /* used by list_files(), unReduce(), explode() */

char *fnames[2] = {"*", NULL};   /* default filenames vector */
char **fnv = fnames;
char sig[5];
char answerbuf[10];

min_info info[DIR_BLKSIZ], *pInfo=info;

#ifdef OS2
   int longname;              /* used in extract.c, mapname.c and file_io.c */
   char longfilename[FILNAMSIZ];
#endif /* OS2 */

#ifdef CRYPT
   char *key = (char *)NULL;  /* password with which to decrypt data, or NULL */
#endif /* CRYPT */

    unShrink/unReduce/explode/inflate working storage and globals:

union work area;              /* see unzip.h for the definition of work */
ULONG crc32val;

UWORD mask_bits[] = {
    0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000f, 0x001f, 0x003f, 0x007f, 0x00ff,
    0x01ff, 0x03ff, 0x07ff, 0x0fff, 0x1fff, 0x3fff, 0x7fff, 0xffff

    Input file variables:

byte *inbuf, *inptr;     /* input buffer (any size is legal) and pointer */
int incnt;

ULONG bitbuf;
int bits_left;
boolean zipeof;

int zipfd;               /* zipfile file handle */
#ifdef MSWIN
   char *zipfn;
   char zipfn[FILNAMSIZ];

char local_hdr_sig[5] = "\120";    /* remaining signature bytes come later   */
char central_hdr_sig[5] = "\120";  /*  (must initialize at runtime so unzip  */
char end_central_sig[5] = "\120";  /*  executable won't look like a zipfile) */
/* char extd_local_sig[5] = "\120";  NOT USED YET */

cdir_file_hdr crec;      /* used in unzip.c, extract.c, misc.c */
local_file_hdr lrec;     /* used in unzip.c, extract.c */
ecdir_rec ecrec;         /* used in unzip.c, extract.c */
struct stat statbuf;     /* used by main(), mapped_name(), check_for_newer() */

longint extra_bytes = 0;        /* used in unzip.c, misc.c */
longint cur_zipfile_bufstart;   /* extract_or_test_files, readbuf, ReadByte */
#ifdef MACOS
   short  gnVRefNum;
   long  glDirID;
   OSType  gostCreator;
   OSType  gostType;
   boolean  fMacZipped;
   boolean  macflag;
   CursHandle  rghCursor[4];    /* status cursors */
   short  giCursor = 0;

    Output stream variables:

byte *outbuf;                   /* buffer for rle look-back */
byte *outptr;
#ifdef MSWIN
   byte __far *outout;
   char *filename;
#else /* !MSWIN */
   byte *outout;                /* scratch pad for ASCII-native trans */
   char filename[FILNAMSIZ];
#endif /* ?MSWIN */
byte *extra_field = (byte *)NULL;  /* used by VMS, Mac and OS/2 versions */
longint outpos;                 /* absolute position in outfile */
int outcnt;                     /* current position in outbuf */
int outfd;
int mem_mode = 0;
int disk_full;

    unzip.c static global variables (visible only within this file):

static byte *hold;
static char unkn[10];
static longint ziplen;
static UWORD methnum;

    unzip.c repeated error messages (we use all of these at least twice)

char *EndSigMsg = "\nwarning:\
  didn't find end-of-central-dir signature at end of central dir.\n";
char *CentSigMsg =
  "error:  expected central file header signature not found (file #%u).\n";
char *SeekMsg =
  "error:  attempt to seek before beginning of zipfile\n%s";

#ifdef VMS
char *ReportMsg = "\
  (please check that you have transferred or created the zipfile in the\n\
  appropriate BINARY mode--this includes ftp, Kermit, AND unzip'd zipfiles)\n";
#else /* !VMS */
char *ReportMsg = "\
  (please check that you have transferred or created the zipfile in the\n\
  appropriate BINARY mode and that you have compiled unzip properly)\n";
#endif /* ?VMS */

#ifndef XPLZ

#ifdef MSWIN
/* MS Windows Setup  and Take-Down functions bracket calls to 
 * process_zipfile().
 * These functions allocate and free the necessary buffers, set and clear
 * any global variables so that  process_zipfile()  can be called multiple
 * times in the same session of WizUnzip. You'll recognize some of the 
 * code from main() in SetUpToProcessZipFile().
HANDLE hOutOut;   /* added 04/03/92 for version 1.1 */
HANDLE hFileName;

BOOL FSetUpToProcessZipFile(int ncflag, int ntflag, int nvflag, int nUflag, 
       int nzflag, int ndflag, int noflag, int naflag, int argc,
       LPSTR lpszZipFN, PSTR *FNV)
    /* clear all global flags -- need to or not. */

    tflag = vflag=cflag=aflag=U_flag=quietflg=zflag = 0;
    fnv = &fnames[0];       /* assign default file name vector */

    cflag = ncflag ; overwrite_all = noflag;
    tflag = ntflag ; vflag = nvflag; zflag = nzflag; U_flag = nUflag;
    aflag = naflag;
    sflag = 1;

    local_hdr_sig[0] = central_hdr_sig[0] = end_central_sig[0] = '\120';
    local_hdr_sig[1] = central_hdr_sig[1] = end_central_sig[1] = '\0';

    if (!(hZipFN = LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, FILNAMSIZ)))
        return FALSE;

    zipfn = (char *)LocalLock(hZipFN);
    lstrcpy(zipfn, lpszZipFN);
    if (stat(zipfn, &statbuf) || (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
        strcat(zipfn, ZSUFX);

    if (stat(zipfn, &statbuf)) {  /* try again */
        fprintf(stderr, "error:  can't find zipfile [ %s ]\n", zipfn);
        return TRUE;              /* 9:  file not found */
    } else
        ziplen = statbuf.st_size;

    if (argc != 0) {
        fnv = FNV;
        process_all_files = FALSE;
    } else
        process_all_files = TRUE;       /* for speed */

    Okey dokey, we have everything we need to get started.  Let's roll.

    if (hInBuf = LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, INBUFSIZ+4)) {  /* 4 extra: hold[] */
        inbuf = (byte *) LocalLock(hInBuf);
    if (hOutBuf = LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, OUTBUFSIZ+1)) {  /* extra: ASCIIZ */
        outbuf = (byte *)LocalLock(hOutBuf);
        if (aflag) {   /* if LF => CR,LF translation */
            if (hOutOut = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE,OUTBUFSIZ)) {
                outout = (byte _far *)GlobalLock(hOutOut);
        } else    /* no translation; just re-use output buffer */
            outout = (byte _far *)outbuf;  /*  point to outbuf */
    if ( hFileName = LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, FILNAMSIZ)) {
        filename = (char *)LocalLock(hFileName);

    if ((inbuf == NULL) || (outbuf == NULL) || (outout == NULL) ||
        (zipfn == NULL) || (filename == NULL))
        return FALSE;

    hold = &inbuf[INBUFSIZ];   /* to check for boundary-spanning signatures */

    return TRUE;    /* set up was OK */

void TakeDownFromProcessZipFile(void)
    if (inbuf) {
        inbuf = NULL;
    if (hInBuf)
        hInBuf = LocalFree(hInBuf);

    if (outbuf) {
        outbuf = NULL;
    if (hOutBuf)
        hOutBuf = LocalFree(hOutBuf);

    if (aflag && outout)    /* if doing LF => CR,LF translation */
    outout = NULL;          /* free now, translation or not     */
    if (hOutOut)
        hOutOut = GlobalFree(hOutOut);  /* mark buffer as freed */

    if (zipfn) {
        zipfn = NULL;
    if (hZipFN)
        hZipFN = LocalFree(hZipFN);

    if (filename) {
        filename = NULL;
    if (hFileName)
        hFileName = LocalFree(hFileName);

#else /* !MSWIN */

/*  Main program  */

#ifndef XPLZ
int main(argc, argv)   /* return PK-type error code (except under VMS) */
    int argc;
    char *argv[];
    char *s;
    int c, error=FALSE, negative=0;

    Macintosh initialization code.

#ifdef MACOS
#ifdef THINK_C
#   include <console.h>
    static char *argstr[30], args[30*64];
    Point p;
    SFTypeList sfT;
    EventRecord theEvent;
    short eMask;
    SFReply fileRep;
#endif /* THINK_C */
    int a;

    for (a = 0;  a < 4;  ++a)
        rghCursor[a] = GetCursor(a+128);
    giCursor = 0;

    area.Slide = (byte *)calloc(8193, sizeof(short)+sizeof(char)+sizeof(char));
    area.shrink.Prefix_of = (short *)area.Slide;
    area.shrink.Suffix_of = area.Slide + (sizeof(short)*(HSIZE+1));
    area.shrink.Stack = area.Slide + (sizeof(short) + sizeof(char))*(HSIZE+1);

#ifdef THINK_C   
    for (a = 0;  a < 30;  ++a)
        argstr[a] = &args[a*64];
    tflag=vflag=cflag=aflag=jflag=U_flag=quietflg=fflag=uflag=zflag = 0;
    local_hdr_sig[1] = central_hdr_sig[1] = end_central_sig[1] = '\0';
/*  extd_local_sig[1] = '\0';  */
    error = FALSE;

    argc = ccommand(&argv);
    SetPt(&p, 40, 40);

    SFGetFile(p, "\pSpecify ZIP file:", 0L, -1, sfT, 0L, &fileRep);
    if (fileRep.good) {
        ResolveMacVol(fileRep.vRefNum, &gnVRefNum, &glDirID, NULL);
        for (a = 1;  a < argc;  ++a)
            if (argv[a][0] == '-')
                BlockMove(argv[a], argstr[a], (strlen(argv[a]) > 63) ? 64 :
        PtoCstr((char *)fileRep.fName);
        strcpy(argstr[a], (char *)fileRep.fName);
        for (;  a < argc;  ++a)
            BlockMove(argv[a], argstr[a+1], (strlen(argv[a]) > 63) ? 64 :
        argv = argstr;

        if (hfsflag == FALSE)  /* can't support directories:  junk pathnames */
            jflag = 1;
#endif /* THINK_C */
#endif /* MACOS */

    Set signal handler for restoring echo, warn of zipfile corruption, etc.

    signal(SIGINT, handler);
    signal(SIGTERM, handler);
#ifdef SIGBUS
    signal(SIGBUS, handler);
#ifdef SIGSEGV
    signal(SIGSEGV, handler);

    Debugging info for checking on structure padding:

    printf("local_file_hdr size: %X\n",
    printf("local_byte_hdr size: %X\n",
    printf("actual size of local headers: %X\n", LREC_SIZE);

    printf("central directory header size: %X\n",
    printf("central directory byte header size: %X\n",
    printf("actual size of central dir headers: %X\n", CREC_SIZE);

    printf("end central dir record size: %X\n",
    printf("end central dir byte record size: %X\n",
    printf("actual size of end-central-dir record: %X\n", ECREC_SIZE);
#endif /* DEBUG_STRUC */

    Put environment-variable options into the queue, then rip through any
    command-line options lurking about...

    envargs(&argc, &argv, ENV_UNZIP);

    while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') {
        s = argv[0] + 1;
        while ((c = *s++) != 0) {    /* "!= 0":  prevent Turbo C warning */
            switch (c) {
                case ('-'):
                case ('a'):
                    if (negative)
                        aflag = FALSE, negative = 0;
                        aflag = TRUE;
#if 0
                case ('b'):    /* force binary mode */
                    if (negative)
                        bflag = FALSE, negative = 0;
                        bflag = TRUE;
                case ('c'):
                    if (negative) {
                        cflag = FALSE, negative = 0;
#ifdef NATIVE
                        aflag = FALSE;
                    } else {
                        cflag = TRUE;
#ifdef NATIVE
                        aflag = TRUE;  /* so you can read it on the screen */
                case ('d'):    /* re-create directory structure (default) */
                    if (negative)
                        jflag = TRUE, negative = 0;
                case ('e'):    /* just ignore -e, -x options (extract) */
                case ('f'):    /* "freshen" (extract only newer files) */
                    if (negative)
                        fflag = uflag = FALSE, negative = 0;
                        fflag = uflag = TRUE;
                case ('j'):    /* junk pathnames/directory structure */
                    if (negative)
                        jflag = FALSE, negative = 0;
                        jflag = TRUE;
                case ('l'):
                    if (negative) {
                        vflag = MAX(vflag-negative,0);
                        negative = 0;
                    } else
                case ('n'):    /* don't overwrite any files */
                    if (negative)
                        overwrite_none = FALSE, negative = 0;
                        overwrite_none = TRUE;
                case ('o'):    /* OK to overwrite files without prompting */
                    if (negative) {
                        overwrite_all = MAX(overwrite_all-negative,0);
                        force_flag = MAX(force_flag-negative,0);
                        negative = 0;
                    } else {
                        ++force_flag;  /* (share -o for now) force to cont. */
                case ('p'):    /* pipes:  stdout, no tranlation, no messages */
                    if (negative) {
                        cflag = FALSE;
                        quietflg = MAX(quietflg-999,0);
                        negative = 0;
                    } else {
                        cflag = TRUE;
                        quietflg += 999;
                case ('q'):    /* quiet:  fewer comments/messages */
                    if (negative) {
                        quietflg = MAX(quietflg-negative,0);
                        negative = 0;
                    } else
#ifdef DOS_OS2
                case ('s'):    /* spaces in filenames:  allow by default */
                    if (negative)
                        sflag = TRUE, negative = 0;
                        sflag = FALSE;
                case ('t'):
                    if (negative)
                        tflag = FALSE, negative = 0;
                        tflag = TRUE;
                case ('U'):    /* Uppercase (don't convert to all-lower) */
                    if (negative)
                        U_flag = FALSE, negative = 0;
                        U_flag = TRUE;
                case ('u'):    /* update (extract only new and newer files) */
                    if (negative)
                        uflag = FALSE, negative = 0;
                        uflag = TRUE;
                case ('V'):    /* Version (retain VMS/DEC-20 file versions) */
                    if (negative)
                        V_flag = FALSE, negative = 0;
                        V_flag = TRUE;
                case ('v'):    /* verbose */
                    if (negative) {
                        vflag = MAX(vflag-negative,0);
                        negative = 0;
                    } else if (vflag)
                        vflag = 2;
#ifdef VMS
                case ('X'):   /* restore owner/protection info (need privs?) */
                    if (negative)
                        secinf = FALSE, negative = 0;
                        secinf = TRUE;
#endif /* VMS */
                case ('x'):    /* extract:  default */
                case ('z'):    /* display only the archive comment */
                    if (negative) {
                        zflag = MAX(zflag-negative,0);
                        negative = 0;
                    } else
                    error = TRUE;

            } /* end switch */
        } /* end while (not end of argument string) */
    } /* end while (not done with switches) */

    Make sure we aren't trying to do too many things here.  [This seems like
    kind of a brute-force way to do things; but aside from that, isn't the
    -a option useful when listing the directory (i.e., for reading zipfile
    comments)?  It's a modifier, not an action in and of itself, so perhaps
    it should not be included in the test--certainly, in the case of zipfile
    testing, it can just be ignored.]

    if ((aflag && tflag) || (aflag && vflag) || (cflag && tflag) ||
        (cflag && uflag) || (cflag && vflag) || (tflag && uflag) ||
        (tflag && vflag) || (uflag && vflag) || (fflag && overwrite_none)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error:\
  -at, -av, -ct, -cu, -cv, -fn, -tu, -tv, -uv combinations not allowed\n");
        error = TRUE;
    if (quietflg && zflag)
        quietflg = 0;
    if (overwrite_all && overwrite_none) {
        fprintf(stderr, "caution:  both -n and -o specified; ignoring -o\n");
        overwrite_all = FALSE;
    if ((argc-- == 0) || error)

    Now get the zipfile name from the command line and see if it exists as a
    regular (non-directory) file.  If not, append the ".zip" suffix.  We don't
    immediately check to see if this results in a good name, but we will do so
    later.  In the meantime, see if there are any member filespecs on the com-
    mand line, and if so, set the filename pointer to point at them.

    strcpy(zipfn, *argv++);
    if (stat(zipfn, &statbuf) || (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
        strcat(zipfn, ZSUFX);
#if (defined(UNIX) && !defined(VMS)) /* Unix executables have no extension-- */
    else if (statbuf.st_mode & S_IXUSR)  /* might find zip, not zip.zip; etc */
        fprintf(stderr, "\nnote:  file [ %s ] may be an executable\n\n", zipfn);
#endif /* UNIX && !VMS */

    if (stat(zipfn, &statbuf)) {/* try again */
        fprintf(stderr, "error:  can't find zipfile [ %s ]\n", zipfn);
        RETURN(9);              /* 9:  file not found */
    } else
        ziplen = statbuf.st_size;

    if (argc != 0) {
        fnv = argv;
        process_all_files = FALSE;
    } else
        process_all_files = TRUE;       /* for speed */

    Okey dokey, we have everything we need to get started.  Let's roll.

    inbuf = (byte *) malloc(INBUFSIZ + 4);     /* 4 extra for hold[] (below) */
    outbuf = (byte *) malloc(OUTBUFSIZ + 1);   /* 1 extra for string termin. */
#ifndef DOS_OS2
    if (aflag)                  /* if need an ascebc scratch, */
        outout = (byte *) malloc(OUTBUFSIZ);
    else                        /*  allocate it... */
#endif /* !DOS_OS2 */
        outout = outbuf;        /*  else just point to outbuf */

    if ((inbuf == (byte *)NULL) || (outbuf == (byte *)NULL) ||
        (outout == (byte *)NULL)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "error:  can't allocate unzip buffers\n");
        RETURN(4);              /* 4-8:  insufficient memory */
    hold = &inbuf[INBUFSIZ];    /* to check for boundary-spanning signatures */

    RETURN(process_zipfile());  /* keep passing errors back... */

} /* end main() */

/*  Function usage()  */

int usage(error)   /* return PK-type error code */
    int error;
#ifdef NATIVE
#ifdef EBCDIC
    char *astring = "-a  convert ASCII to EBCDIC";
#else /* !EBCDIC */
    char *astring = "-a  convert ASCII to native chars";
#endif /* ?EBCDIC */
/*  char *astring = "-a  convert ASCII to " NATIVE;  (ANSI C concatenation)  */
    char *loc_str = "";
#else /* !NATIVE */
#ifdef DOS_OS2
    char *astring = "-a  convert text (LF => CR LF)";
    char *loc_str = "-s  spaces in filenames => _";
#else /* !DOS_OS2 */
#ifdef MACOS
    char *astring = "-a  convert text (CR LF => CR)";
    char *loc_str = "";
#else /* !MACOS:  UNIX, VMS */
    char *astring = "-a  convert text (CR LF => LF)";
#ifdef VMS
    char *loc_str = "-X  restore owner/protection info";
#else /* !VMS */
    char *loc_str = "";
#endif /* ?VMS */
#endif /* ?MACOS */
#endif /* ?DOS_OS2 */
#endif /* ?NATIVE */
    FILE *usagefp;

    If user requested usage, send it to stdout; else send to stderr.

    if (error)
        usagefp = (FILE *) stderr;
        usagefp = (FILE *) stdout;

    fprintf(usagefp, "\
UnZip %s, by Info-ZIP.  Portions (c) 1989 by S. H. Smith.\n\
Bug reports ONLY to zip-bugs%%wkuvx1.bitnet@ukcc.uky.edu; see README for detail\
s\n\n", VERSION);

    fprintf(usagefp, "\
Usage: unzip [ -options[modifiers] ] file[.zip] [filespec...]\n\
  -x  extract files (default)                -l  list files (short format)\n\
  -c  extract files to stdout/screen (CRT)   -v  list files (verbose format)\n\
  -f  freshen existing files, create none    -p  extract to pipe, no messages\n\
  -u  update files, create if necessary      -t  test archive integrity\n\
                                             -z  display archive comment\n\
  -n  never overwrite existing files         %s\n", loc_str);
    fprintf(usagefp, "\
  -o  overwrite files WITHOUT prompting      %s\n\
  -j  junk paths (don't make directories)    -U  don't make names lowercase\n\
  -q  quiet mode (-qq => quieter)            -V  retain VMS version numbers\
Examples: (See manual for more information)\n\
  unzip data1 ReadMe   => extracts file ReadMe from zipfile data1.zip\n\
  unzip -p foo | more  => send contents of foo.zip via pipe into program more\n\
  unzip -fo foo        => quietly replace existing files if archive files newer\
\n", astring);

#ifdef VMS
    fprintf(usagefp, "\
  unzip \"-V\" foo \"Bar\" => must quote uppercase options and filenames in VMS\

    if (error)
        return 10;    /* 10:  bad or illegal parameters specified */
        return 0;     /* just wanted usage screen: no error */

} /* end function usage() */

#endif /* ?MSWIN */

/*  Function process_zipfile()  */

int process_zipfile()    /* return PK-type error code */
    int error=0, error_in_archive;
    longint real_ecrec_offset, expect_ecrec_offset;

    Open the zipfile for reading and in BINARY mode to prevent CR/LF trans-
    lation, which would corrupt the bitstreams.

#ifdef VMS
    if (check_format())         /* check for variable-length format */
        return 2;               /* 2:  error in zipfile */
#endif /* VMS */

    if (open_input_file())      /* this should never happen, given the */
        return 9;               /*   stat() test in main(), but... */

    Reconstruct the various PK signature strings, and find and process the
    end-of-central-directory header.

    strcat(local_hdr_sig, LOCAL_HDR_SIG);
    strcat(central_hdr_sig, CENTRAL_HDR_SIG);
    strcat(end_central_sig, END_CENTRAL_SIG);
/*  strcat(extd_local_sig, EXTD_LOCAL_SIG);  */

    if (find_end_central_dir()) {   /* not found; nothing to do */
        return 2;                   /* 2:  error in zipfile */

    real_ecrec_offset = cur_zipfile_bufstart+(inptr-inbuf);
#ifdef TEST
    printf("\n  found end-of-central-dir signature at offset %ld (%.8lXh)\n",
      real_ecrec_offset, real_ecrec_offset);
    printf("    from beginning of file; offset %d (%.4Xh) within block\n",
      inptr-inbuf, inptr-inbuf);

    if ((error_in_archive = process_end_central_dir()) > 1) {
        return error_in_archive;

    if (zflag) {
        return 0;

    Test the end-of-central-directory info for incompatibilities and incon-

#ifndef PAKFIX
    if (ecrec.number_this_disk == 0) {
#else /* PAKFIX */
    error = ((ecrec.number_this_disk == 1) &&
             (ecrec.num_disk_with_start_central_dir == 1));
    if ((ecrec.number_this_disk == 0) || error) {
        if (error) {
     "\n     Warning:  zipfile claims to be disk 2 of a two-part archive;\n\
     attempting to process anyway.  If no further errors occur, this\n\
     archive was probably created by PAK v2.51 or earlier.  This bug\n\
     was reported to NoGate in March 1991 and was supposed to have been\n\
     fixed by mid-1991; as of mid-1992 it still hadn't been.\n\n");
            error_in_archive = 1;  /* 1:  warning */
#endif /* ?PAKFIX */
        expect_ecrec_offset = ecrec.offset_start_central_directory +
        if ((extra_bytes = real_ecrec_offset - expect_ecrec_offset) < 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "\nerror:  missing %ld bytes in zipfile (\
attempting to process anyway)\n\n", -extra_bytes);
            error_in_archive = 2;       /* 2:  (weak) error in zipfile */
        } else if (extra_bytes > 0) {
            if ((ecrec.offset_start_central_directory == 0) &&
                (ecrec.size_central_directory != 0))   /* zip 1.5 -go bug */
                fprintf(stderr, "\nerror:  NULL central directory offset (\
attempting to process anyway)\n\n");
                ecrec.offset_start_central_directory = extra_bytes;
                extra_bytes = 0;
                error_in_archive = 2;   /* 2:  (weak) error in zipfile */
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "\nwarning:  extra %ld bytes at beginning or\
 within zipfile\n          (attempting to process anyway)\n\n", extra_bytes);
                error_in_archive = 1;   /* 1:  warning error */

        Check for empty zipfile and exit now if so.

        if (expect_ecrec_offset == 0L  &&  ecrec.size_central_directory == 0) {
            fprintf(stderr, "warning:  zipfile is empty\n");
            return (error_in_archive > 1)? error_in_archive : 1;

        Compensate for missing or extra bytes, and seek to where the start
        of central directory should be.  If header not found, uncompensate
        and try again (necessary for at least some Atari archives created
        with STZIP, as well as archives created by J.H. Holm's ZIPSPLIT).

        LSEEK( ecrec.offset_start_central_directory )
        if ((readbuf(sig, 4) <= 0) || strncmp(sig, central_hdr_sig, 4)) {
            longint tmp = extra_bytes;

            extra_bytes = 0;
            LSEEK( ecrec.offset_start_central_directory )
            if ((readbuf(sig, 4) <= 0) || strncmp(sig, central_hdr_sig, 4)) {
            "error:  start of central directory not found; zipfile corrupt.\n");
                fprintf(stderr, ReportMsg);
                return 3;           /* 3:  severe error in zipfile */
            fprintf(stderr, "error:  reported length of central directory is \
%d bytes too\n        long (Atari STZIP zipfile?  J.H. Holm ZIPSPLIT zipfile?)\
.\n        Compensating...\n\n", -tmp);
            error_in_archive = 2;   /* 2:  (weak) error in zipfile */

        Seek to the start of the central directory one last time, since we
        have just read the first entry's signature bytes; then list, extract
        or test member files as instructed, and close the zipfile.

        LSEEK( ecrec.offset_start_central_directory )
        if (vflag)
            error = list_files();               /* LIST 'EM */
            error = extract_or_test_files();    /* EXTRACT OR TEST 'EM */
        if (error > error_in_archive)   /* don't overwrite stronger error */
            error_in_archive = error;   /*  with (for example) a warning */
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "\nerror:  zipfile is part of multi-disk archive \
(sorry, not supported).\n");
    /*  fprintf(stderr, "Please report to zip-bugs@cs.ucla.edu\n");  */
        error_in_archive = 11;  /* 11:  no files found */

    return error_in_archive;

} /* end function process_zipfile() */

/*  Function find_end_central_dir() */

int find_end_central_dir()   /* return 0 if found, 1 otherwise */
    int i, numblks;
    longint tail_len;

    Treat case of short zipfile separately.

    if (ziplen <= INBUFSIZ) {
        lseek(zipfd, 0L, SEEK_SET);
        if ((incnt = read(zipfd,(char *)inbuf,(unsigned int)ziplen)) ==

            /* 'P' must be at least 22 bytes from end of zipfile */
            for (inptr = inbuf+(int)ziplen-22;  inptr >= inbuf;  --inptr)
                if ((ascii_to_native(*inptr) == 'P')  &&
                     !strncmp((char *)inptr, end_central_sig, 4)) {
                    incnt -= inptr - inbuf;
                    return 0;   /* found it! */
                }               /* ...otherwise fall through & fail */

    Zipfile is longer than INBUFSIZ:  may need to loop.  Start with short
    block at end of zipfile (if not TOO short).

    } else {
        if ((tail_len = ziplen % INBUFSIZ) > ECREC_SIZE) {
            cur_zipfile_bufstart = lseek(zipfd, ziplen-tail_len, SEEK_SET);
            if ((incnt = read(zipfd,(char *)inbuf,(unsigned int)tail_len)) !=
                goto fail;      /* shut up; it's expedient. */

            /* 'P' must be at least 22 bytes from end of zipfile */
            for (inptr = inbuf+(int)tail_len-22;  inptr >= inbuf;  --inptr)
                if ((ascii_to_native(*inptr) == 'P')  &&
                     !strncmp((char *)inptr, end_central_sig, 4)) {
                    incnt -= inptr - inbuf;
                    return 0;   /* found it */
                }               /* ...otherwise search next block */
            strncpy((char *)hold, (char *)inbuf, 3);    /* sig may span block
                                                           boundary */
        } else {
            cur_zipfile_bufstart = ziplen - tail_len;

        Loop through blocks of zipfile data, starting at the end and going
        toward the beginning.  Need only check last 65557 bytes of zipfile:
        comment may be up to 65535 bytes long, end-of-central-directory rec-
        ord is 18 bytes (shouldn't hardcode this number, but what the hell:
        already did so above (22=18+4)), and sig itself is 4 bytes.

        numblks = (int)
                  ((MIN(ziplen,65557L) - tail_len + (INBUFSIZ-1)) / INBUFSIZ);
        /*          =amount to search=   ==done==   ==rounding==    =blksiz= */

        for (i = 1;  i <= numblks;  ++i) {
            cur_zipfile_bufstart -= INBUFSIZ;
            lseek(zipfd, cur_zipfile_bufstart, SEEK_SET);
            if ((incnt = read(zipfd,(char *)inbuf,INBUFSIZ)) != INBUFSIZ)
                break;          /* fall through and fail */

            for (inptr = inbuf+INBUFSIZ-1;  inptr >= inbuf;  --inptr)
                if ((ascii_to_native(*inptr) == 'P')  &&
                     !strncmp((char *)inptr, end_central_sig, 4)) {
                    incnt -= inptr - inbuf;
                    return 0;   /* found it */
            strncpy((char *)hold, (char *)inbuf, 3);    /* sig may span block
                                                           boundary */

    } /* end if (ziplen > INBUFSIZ) */

    Searched through whole region where signature should be without finding
    it.  Print informational message and die a horrible death.

#ifdef MSWIN

    fprintf(stderr, "\nFile:  %s\n\n\
     End-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not\n\
     a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the\n\
     latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on\n\
     the last disk(s) of this archive.\n", zipfn);
    return 1;

} /* end function find_end_central_dir() */

/*  Function process_end_central_dir() */

int process_end_central_dir()    /* return PK-type error code */
    ec_byte_rec byterec;
    int error=0;

    Read the end-of-central-directory record and do any necessary machine-
    type conversions (byte ordering, structure padding compensation) by
    reading data into character array, then copying to struct.

    if (readbuf((char *) byterec, ECREC_SIZE+4) <= 0)
        return 51;

    ecrec.number_this_disk =
    ecrec.num_disk_with_start_central_dir =
    ecrec.num_entries_centrl_dir_ths_disk =
    ecrec.total_entries_central_dir =
    ecrec.size_central_directory =
    ecrec.offset_start_central_directory =
    ecrec.zipfile_comment_length =

    Get the zipfile comment, if any, and print it out.  (Comment may be up
    to 64KB long.  May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the armpits of
    anyone who actually takes advantage of this fact.)  Then position the
    file pointer to the beginning of the central directory and fill buffer.

#ifdef MSWIN
    cchComment = ecrec.zipfile_comment_length; /* save for comment button */
    if (ecrec.zipfile_comment_length && zflag) {
#else /* !MSWIN */
    if (ecrec.zipfile_comment_length && !quietflg) {
        if (!zflag)
          printf("[%s] comment:\n", zipfn);
#endif /* ?MSWIN */
        if (do_string(ecrec.zipfile_comment_length,DISPLAY)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "\ncaution:  zipfile comment truncated\n");
            error = 1;          /* 1:  warning error */

    return error;

} /* end function process_end_central_dir() */

/* also referenced in UpdateListBox() in updatelb.c (Windows version) */
char *Headers[][2] = {
    {" Length    Date    Time    Name",
     " ------    ----    ----    ----"},
    {" Length  Method   Size  Ratio   Date    Time   CRC-32     Name",
     " ------  ------   ----  -----   ----    ----   ------     ----"}

/* Function list_files() */

int list_files()    /* return PK-type error code */
    char **fnamev;
    int do_this_file=FALSE, ratio, error, error_in_archive=0;
    int which_hdr=(vflag>1), date_format;
    UWORD j, yr, mo, dy, hh, mm, members=0;
    ULONG tot_csize=0L, tot_ucsize=0L;
#ifdef OS2
    ULONG tot_easize=0L, tot_eafiles=0L, ea_size;
#ifdef MSWIN
    PSTR psLBEntry;  /* list box entry */
    min_info info;
    static char *method[NUM_METHODS+1] =
        {"Stored", "Shrunk", "Reduce1", "Reduce2", "Reduce3", "Reduce4",
         "Implode", "Token", "Deflate", unkn};

    Unlike extract_or_test_files(), this routine confines itself to the cen-
    tral directory.  Thus its structure is somewhat simpler, since we can do
    just a single loop through the entire directory, listing files as we go.

    So to start off, print the heading line and then begin main loop through
    the central directory.  The results will look vaguely like the following:

  Length  Method   Size  Ratio   Date    Time   CRC-32     Name ("^" ==> case
  ------  ------   ----  -----   ----    ----   ------     ----   conversion)
   44004  Implode  13041  71%  11-02-89  19:34  8b4207f7   Makefile.UNIX
    3438  Shrunk    2209  36%  09-15-90  14:07  a2394fd8  ^dos-file.ext

    pInfo = &info;
    date_format = dateformat();

#ifndef MSWIN
    if (quietflg < 2)
        if (U_flag)
            printf("%s\n%s\n", Headers[which_hdr][0], Headers[which_hdr][1]);
            printf("%s (\"^\" ==> case\n%s   conversion)\n", 
              Headers[which_hdr][0], Headers[which_hdr][1]);
#endif /* !MSWIN */

    for (j = 0; j < ecrec.total_entries_central_dir; ++j) {

        if (readbuf(sig, 4) <= 0)
            return 51;          /* 51:  unexpected EOF */
        if (strncmp(sig, central_hdr_sig, 4)) {  /* just to make sure */
            fprintf(stderr, CentSigMsg, j);  /* sig not found */
            fprintf(stderr, ReportMsg);   /* check binary transfers */
            return 3;           /* 3:  error in zipfile */
        if ((error = process_cdir_file_hdr()) != 0)  /* (sets pInfo->lcflag) */
            return error;       /* only 51 (EOF) defined */

         * We could DISPLAY the filename instead of storing (and possibly trun-
         * cating, in the case of a very long name) and printing it, but that
         * has the disadvantage of not allowing case conversion--and it's nice
         * to be able to see in the listing precisely how you have to type each
         * filename in order for unzip to consider it a match.  Speaking of
         * which, if member names were specified on the command line, check in
         * with match() to see if the current file is one of them, and make a
         * note of it if it is.

        if ((error = do_string(crec.filename_length, FILENAME)) != 0) {
            error_in_archive = error;  /*             ^--(uses pInfo->lcflag) */
            if (error > 1)      /* fatal:  can't continue */
                return error;
        if (extra_field != (byte *)NULL)
        extra_field = (byte *)NULL;
        if ((error = do_string(crec.extra_field_length, EXTRA_FIELD)) != 0) {
            error_in_archive = error;  
            if (error > 1)      /* fatal:  can't continue */
                return error;
        if (!process_all_files) {   /* check if specified on command line */
            do_this_file = FALSE;
            fnamev = fnv;       /* don't destroy permanent filename ptr */
            for (--fnamev; *++fnamev;)
                if (match(filename, *fnamev)) {
                    do_this_file = TRUE;
                    break;      /* found match, so stop looping */
         * If current file was specified on command line, or if no names were
         * specified, do the listing for this file.  Otherwise, get rid of the
         * file comment and go back for the next file.

        if (process_all_files || do_this_file) {

            yr = (((crec.last_mod_file_date >> 9) & 0x7f) + 80) % (unsigned)100;
            mo = (crec.last_mod_file_date >> 5) & 0x0f;
            dy = crec.last_mod_file_date & 0x1f;

            /* twist date so it displays according to national convention */
            switch (date_format) {
                case DF_YMD:
                    hh = mo; mo = yr; yr = dy; dy = hh; break;
                case DF_DMY:
                    hh = mo; mo = dy; dy = hh;
            hh = (crec.last_mod_file_time >> 11) & 0x1f;
            mm = (crec.last_mod_file_time >> 5) & 0x3f;

            csize = (longint) crec.compressed_size;
            ucsize = (longint) crec.uncompressed_size;
            if (crec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 1)
                csize -= 12;    /* if encrypted, don't count encrypt hdr */

            ratio = (ucsize == 0) ? 0 :   /* .zip can have 0-length members */
                ((ucsize > 2000000L) ?    /* risk signed overflow if mult. */
                (int) ((ucsize-csize) / (ucsize/1000L)) + 5 :   /* big */
                (int) ((1000L*(ucsize-csize)) / ucsize) + 5);   /* small */

#if 0       /* GRR/Euro:  add this?  define p above */
#if (defined(DOS_OS2) || (defined(UNIX) && !defined(VMS)))
            for (p = filename;  *p;  ++p)
                if (!isprint(*p))
                    *p = '?';  /* change non-printable chars to '?' */
#endif /* DOS_OS2 || UNIX */
#endif /* 0 */

#ifdef MSWIN
            /* turn on listbox redrawing just before adding last line */
            if (j == (ecrec.total_entries_central_dir-1))
                (void)SendMessage(hWndList, WM_SETREDRAW, TRUE, 0L);
#endif /* NEED_EARLY_REDRAW */
            psLBEntry =
            switch (which_hdr) {
                case 0:   /* short form */
                    OemToAnsi(filename, filename);  /* translate to ANSI */
                    wsprintf(psLBEntry, "%7ld  %02u-%02u-%02u  %02u:%02u  %c%s",
                      (long)ucsize, mo, dy, yr, hh, mm, (pInfo->lcflag?'^':' '),
                    SendMessage(hWndList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0,
                case 1:   /* verbose */
                    OemToAnsi(filename, filename);  /* translate to ANSI */
                 "%7ld  %-7s%7ld %3d%%  %02u-%02u-%02u  %02u:%02u  %08lx  %c%s",
                      (long)ucsize, (LPSTR)method[methnum], (long)csize,
                      ratio/10, mo, dy, yr, hh, mm, (unsigned long)crec.crc32,
                      (pInfo->lcflag?'^':' '), (LPSTR)filename);
                    SendMessage(hWndList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0,
#else /* !MSWIN */
            switch (which_hdr) {
                case 0:   /* short form */
                    printf("%7ld  %02u-%02u-%02u  %02u:%02u  %c%s\n",
                      ucsize, mo, dy, yr, hh, mm, (pInfo->lcflag?'^':' '),
                case 1:   /* verbose */
              "%7ld  %-7s%7ld %3d%%  %02u-%02u-%02u  %02u:%02u  %08lx  %c%s\n",
                      ucsize, method[methnum], csize, ratio/10, mo, dy, yr,
                      hh, mm, crec.crc32, (pInfo->lcflag?'^':' '), filename);
#endif /* ?MSWIN */

            error = do_string(crec.file_comment_length, (QCOND? DISPLAY:SKIP));
            if (error) {
                error_in_archive = error;  /* might be just warning */
                if (error > 1)  /* fatal */
                    return error;
            tot_ucsize += (ULONG) ucsize;
            tot_csize += (ULONG) csize;
#ifdef OS2
            if ((ea_size = SizeOfEAs(extra_field)) != 0) {
                tot_easize += ea_size;
        } else {        /* not listing this file */
    }                   /* end for-loop (j: files in central directory) */

    Print footer line and totals (compressed size, uncompressed size, number
    of members in zipfile).

    ratio = (tot_ucsize == 0) ? 
        0 : ((tot_ucsize > 4000000L) ?   /* risk unsigned overflow if mult. */
        (int) ((tot_ucsize - tot_csize) / (tot_ucsize/1000L)) + 5 :
        (int) ((tot_ucsize - tot_csize) * 1000L / tot_ucsize) + 5);

    if (quietflg < 2) {
#ifdef MSWIN
        /* Display just the totals since the dashed lines get displayed
         * in UpdateListBox(). Get just enough space to display total.
        switch (which_hdr) {
            case 0:         /* short */
                wsprintf(lpumb->szTotalsLine, "%7lu                    %-7u", 
                  (ULONG)tot_ucsize, members);
            case 1:         /* verbose */
                  "%7lu         %7lu %3d%%                              %-7u", 
                  (ULONG)tot_ucsize, (ULONG)tot_csize, ratio / 10, members);
#else /* !MSWIN */
        switch (which_hdr) {
        case 0:         /* short */
            printf("%s\n%7lu                    %-7u\n",
                   " ------                    -------",
                   tot_ucsize, members);
        case 1:         /* verbose */
              "%s\n%7lu         %7lu %3d%%                              %-7u\n",
              " ------          ------  ---                              -------",
              tot_ucsize, tot_csize, ratio / 10, members);
#endif /* ?MSWIN */
#ifdef OS2
        if (tot_eafiles && tot_easize)
            printf("\n%ld file%s %ld bytes of EA's attached.\n", tot_eafiles, 
              tot_eafiles == 1 ? " has" : "s have a total of", tot_easize);
    Double check that we're back at the end-of-central-directory record.

    readbuf(sig, 4);
    if (strncmp(sig, end_central_sig, 4)) {     /* just to make sure again */
        fprintf(stderr, EndSigMsg);  /* didn't find end-of-central-dir sig */
/*      fprintf(stderr, ReportMsg);   */
        error_in_archive = 1;        /* 1:  warning error */
    return error_in_archive;

} /* end function list_files() */

/*  Function process_cdir_file_hdr()  */

int process_cdir_file_hdr()    /* return PK-type error code */
    cdir_byte_hdr byterec;

    Read the next central directory entry and do any necessary machine-type
    conversions (byte ordering, structure padding compensation--do so by
    copying the data from the array into which it was read (byterec) to the
    usable struct (crec)).

    if (readbuf((char *) byterec, CREC_SIZE) <= 0)
        return 51;   /* 51:  unexpected EOF */

    crec.version_made_by[0] = byterec[C_VERSION_MADE_BY_0];
    crec.version_made_by[1] = byterec[C_VERSION_MADE_BY_1];
    crec.version_needed_to_extract[0] = byterec[C_VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_0];
    crec.version_needed_to_extract[1] = byterec[C_VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_1];

    crec.general_purpose_bit_flag =
    crec.compression_method =
    crec.last_mod_file_time =
    crec.last_mod_file_date =
    crec.crc32 =
    crec.compressed_size =
    crec.uncompressed_size =
    crec.filename_length =
    crec.extra_field_length =
    crec.file_comment_length =
    crec.disk_number_start =
    crec.internal_file_attributes =
    crec.external_file_attributes =
        makelong(&byterec[C_EXTERNAL_FILE_ATTRIBUTES]);  /* LONG, not word! */
    crec.relative_offset_local_header =

    pInfo->hostnum = MIN(crec.version_made_by[1], NUM_HOSTS);
/*  extnum = MIN(crec.version_needed_to_extract[1], NUM_HOSTS); */
    methnum = MIN(crec.compression_method, NUM_METHODS);
    if (methnum == NUM_METHODS)
        sprintf(unkn, "Unk:%03d", crec.compression_method);

    Set flag for lowercase conversion of filename, depending on which OS the
    file is coming from.  This section could be ifdef'd if some people have
    come to love DOS uppercase filenames under Unix...but really, guys, get
    This is to prevent interference with compiler command-line defines such
    as -DUNIX, for example, which are then used in "#ifdef UNIX" constructs.

    pInfo->lcflag = 0;
    if (!U_flag)   /* as long as user hasn't specified case-preservation */
        switch (pInfo->hostnum) {
            case DOS_OS2_FAT_:
        /*  case VMS_:              VMS Zip converts filenames to lowercase */
            case VM_CMS_:           /* all caps? */
            case CPM_:              /* like DOS, right? */
        /*  case ATARI_:            ? */
        /*  case Z_SYSTEM_:         ? */
        /*  case TOPS20_:           (if we had such a thing...) */
                pInfo->lcflag = 1;  /* convert filename to lowercase */

            default:                /* AMIGA_, UNIX_, (ATARI_), OS2_HPFS_, */
                break;              /*   MAC_, (Z_SYSTEM_):  no conversion */

    return 0;

} /* end function process_cdir_file_hdr() */

/*  Function process_local_file_hdr()  */

int process_local_file_hdr()    /* return PK-type error code */
    local_byte_hdr byterec;

    Read the next local file header and do any necessary machine-type con-
    versions (byte ordering, structure padding compensation--do so by copy-
    ing the data from the array into which it was read (byterec) to the
    usable struct (lrec)).

    if (readbuf((char *) byterec, LREC_SIZE) <= 0)
        return 51;   /* 51:  unexpected EOF */

    lrec.version_needed_to_extract[0] = byterec[L_VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_0];
    lrec.version_needed_to_extract[1] = byterec[L_VERSION_NEEDED_TO_EXTRACT_1];

    lrec.general_purpose_bit_flag = makeword(&byterec[L_GENERAL_PURPOSE_BIT_FLAG]);
    lrec.compression_method = makeword(&byterec[L_COMPRESSION_METHOD]);
    lrec.last_mod_file_time = makeword(&byterec[L_LAST_MOD_FILE_TIME]);
    lrec.last_mod_file_date = makeword(&byterec[L_LAST_MOD_FILE_DATE]);
    lrec.crc32 = makelong(&byterec[L_CRC32]);
    lrec.compressed_size = makelong(&byterec[L_COMPRESSED_SIZE]);
    lrec.uncompressed_size = makelong(&byterec[L_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE]);
    lrec.filename_length = makeword(&byterec[L_FILENAME_LENGTH]);
    lrec.extra_field_length = makeword(&byterec[L_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH]);

    csize = (longint) lrec.compressed_size;
    ucsize = (longint) lrec.uncompressed_size;

    if ((lrec.general_purpose_bit_flag & 8) != 0) {
        /* Can't trust local header, use central directory: */
      lrec.crc32 = pInfo->crc;
        lrec.compressed_size = pInfo->compr_size;
        csize = (longint) lrec.compressed_size;

    return 0;                 /* 0:  no error */

} /* end function process_local_file_hdr() */

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.