
This is Expense.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * For legal stuff see the file COPYRIGHT
#import <stdio.h>
#import <stdlib.h>
#import "Expense.h"

extern void freeAndCopy( char **ptr, const char *str );
extern char *NXCopyStringBuffer(const char *buffer);

@implementation Expense

static ColDesc Layout[] = {
  { 3.0,	"dateString", 		(SEL)0 },
  { 62.0,	"amountString",		(SEL)0 },
  { 116.0,	"description",		(SEL)0 },
  { 0.0,	NULL,			(SEL)0 },

+ initialize
  ColDesc *ptr;

  /* Initialize the selectors in the ColDesc table */ 
  for ( ptr = Layout; ptr->method; ptr++ )
    ptr->selector = sel_getUid( ptr->method );

  return self;

- init:(const char *)date
       description:(const char *)desc
       amount:(const float)amt

  [self setDateString:date];
  [self setDescription:desc];
  amount = amt;
  return self;

- (void) freeDesc
  if ( description ) {
    free( description );
    description = NULL;

- free
  [self freeDesc];
  return [super free];

- (ColDesc *)colDesc
  return Layout;

- setAmount:(float)value
  amount = value;
  return self;

- setDateString:(const char *)str
  freeAndCopy( &dateString, str );
  return self;

- setDescription:(const char *)desc
  [self freeDesc];
  description = NXCopyStringBuffer(desc);
  return self;

- (const char *)amountString
  static char buf[20];

  sprintf( buf, "%.2f", amount );
  return buf;

- (const char *)dateString
  return dateString;

- (const char *)description
  return description;

- (float)amount
  return amount;

 * For use in comparisons, convert date such as 11/21/93 to a
 * single integer 932111. THIS SHOULD BE CACHED! (TBD)
- (int)dateValue
  int day, month, year;

  sscanf( dateString, "%d/%d/%d", &month, &day, &year );
  return ( year * 10000 + month * 100 + day );

- read:(NXTypedStream *) stream
  NXReadTypes( stream, "**f", &description, &dateString, &amount );
  return self;

- write:(NXTypedStream *) stream
  NXWriteTypes( stream, "**f", &description, &dateString, &amount );
  return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.