
This is BrowserViewMgr.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

 * For legal stuff see the file COPYRIGHT
#import "ViewMgr.h"
#import "ClientInfo.h"

@interface BrowserViewMgr : ViewMgr
  id	browser;
  List	*selectedCells;
  id	titleText;

- selectedItem;
- (void)displaySummary;

 * Must be implemented in the subclass
- (SEL)addMethod;
- (SEL)deleteMethod;
- (SEL)sortMethod;
- itemEditor;			/* return instance of editor class */
- info:(ClientInfo *)info itemAt:(int)position; /* return the given item from the list */
- (int)itemCount:(ClientInfo *)info; /* how many items in our list */
- (void)displayTitle;


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