
This is TextToy.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	Text Management Module					TextToy.m
//	----------------------

//	This file allows one to create links between Hypertexts. It selects the
//	current HyperText and then passes the buck to the HyperText class.

#import "TextToy.h"
#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import "Anchor.h"
#import "HyperText.h"
#import <objc/List.h>

#import "HTUtils.h"

@implementation TextToy

#define THIS_TEXT  (HyperText *)[[[NXApp mainWindow] contentView] docView]

    Anchor *	Mark;		/* A marked Anchor */

- setSearchWindow:anObject
    SearchWindow = anObject;
    return self;

/*	Action Methods
**	==============

/*	Set up the start and end of a link
- linkToMark:sender
    return [THIS_TEXT linkSelTo:Mark];

- linkToNew:sender
    return nil;

- unlink:sender;
    return [THIS_TEXT unlinkSelection];

- markSelected:sender
    Mark = [THIS_TEXT referenceSelected];
    return Mark;
- markAll:sender
    Mark = [THIS_TEXT referenceAll];
    return Mark;

- followLink:sender
    return [THIS_TEXT followLink];	// never mind whether there is a link

- dump : sender
    return [THIS_TEXT dump:sender];

//		Window Delegate Functions
//		-------------------------

- windowDidBecomeKey:window
    return self;

//	When a document is selected, turn the index search on or off as
//	appropriate

- windowDidBecomeMain:window
    HyperText * HT =  [[window  contentView] docView];
    if (!HT) return self;
    if ([HT isIndex]) {
	[SearchWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
    } else {
	[SearchWindow orderOut:self];
    return self;

//			Access Management functions
//			===========================

- registerAccess:(HyperAccess *)access
    if (!accesses) accesses=[List new];
    return [accesses addObject:access];


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