
This is HyperManager.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	HyperText Access method manager Object			HyperManager.h
//	--------------------------------------
//	It is the job of a hypermanager to keep track of all the HyperAccess modules
//	which exist, and to pass on to the right one a general request.
// History:
//	   Oct 90	Written TBL
#import "HyperAccess.h"
#import <objc/List.h>

@interface HyperManager : HyperAccess

	List * accesses;

- traceOn:sender;		// 	Diagnostics: Enable output to console
- traceOff:sender;		//	Disable output to console
- registerAccess:anObject;	//	Register a subclass of HyperAccess
- back:sender;			// 	Return whence we came
- next:sender;			//	Take link after link taken to get here
- previous:sender;		//	Take link before link taken to get here
- goHome:sender;		//	Load the home node
- goToBlank:sender;		//	Load the blank page
- help:sender;			//	Go to help page
- closeOthers:sender;		//	Close unedited windows
- save: sender;			//	Save main window's document
- inspectLink:sender;		//	Look at the selected link
- copyAddress:sender;		//	Pick up the URL of the current document
- linkToString: sender;		//	Make link to open string
- saveAll:sender;		//	Save back all modified windows
- setTitle:sender;		//	Set the main window's title
- print:sender;			//	Print the main window
- runPagelayout:sender;		//	Run the page layout panel for the app.

- windowDidBecomeKey:sender;	//	Window delegate method


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