
This is HTTCP.c in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/*			Generic Communication Code		HTTCP.c
**			==========================
**	This code is in common between client and server sides.

#include "HTUtils.h"
#include "tcp.h"		/* Defines SHORT_NAMES if necessary */
#define HTInetStatus		HTInStat
#define HTInetString 		HTInStri

/*	Module-Wide variables

PRIVATE char *hostname=0;		/* The name of this host */


PUBLIC struct sockaddr_in HTHostAddress;	/* The internet address of the host */
					/* Valid after call to HTHostName() */

/*	Encode INET status (as in sys/errno.h)			  inet_status()
**	------------------
** On entry,
**	where		gives a description of what caused the error
**	global errno	gives the error number in the unix way.
** On return,
**	returns		a negative status in the unix way.
#ifdef vms
extern int uerrno;	/* Deposit of error info (as perr errno.h) */
extern int vmserrno;	/* Deposit of VMS error info */
extern volatile noshare int errno;  /* noshare to avoid PSECT conflict */
#ifndef errno
extern int errno;

#ifndef VM
#ifndef vms
#ifndef NeXT
extern char *sys_errlist[];		/* see man perror on cernvax */
extern int sys_nerr;

/*	Report Internet Error
**	---------------------
#ifdef __STDC__
PUBLIC int HTInetStatus(char *where)
PUBLIC int HTInetStatus(where)
    char    *where;
    CTRACE(tfp, "TCP: Error %d in `errno' after call to %s() failed.\n\t%s\n",
	    errno,  where,
#ifdef VM
	    "(Error number not translated)");	/* What Is the VM equiv? */
#ifdef vms
	    "(Error number not translated)");
#ifdef NeXT

	    errno < sys_nerr ? sys_errlist[errno] : "Unknown error" );

#ifdef vms
    CTRACE(tfp, "         Unix error number (uerrno) = %ld dec\n", uerrno);
    CTRACE(tfp, "         VMS error (vmserrno)       = %lx hex\n", vmserrno);
    return -errno;

/*	Parse a cardinal value				       parse_cardinal()
**	----------------------
** On entry,
**	*pp	    points to first character to be interpreted, terminated by
**		    non 0:9 character.
**	*pstatus    points to status already valid
**	maxvalue    gives the largest allowable value.
** On exit,
**	*pp	    points to first unread character
**	*pstatus    points to status updated iff bad
#ifdef __STDC__
PUBLIC unsigned int HTCardinal(int *pstatus,
	char		**pp,
	unsigned int	max_value)
PUBLIC unsigned int HTCardinal(pstatus, pp, max_value)
   int			*pstatus;
   char			**pp;
   unsigned int		max_value;
    int   n;
    if ( (**pp<'0') || (**pp>'9')) {	    /* Null string is error */
	*pstatus = -3;  /* No number where one expeceted */
	return 0;

    while ((**pp>='0') && (**pp<='9')) n = n*10 + *((*pp)++) - '0';

    if (n>max_value) {
	*pstatus = -4;  /* Cardinal outside range */
	return 0;

    return n;

/*	Produce a string for an inernet address
**	---------------------------------------
** On exit,
**	returns	a pointer to a static string which must be copied if
**		it is to be kept.
#ifdef __STDC__
PUBLIC const char * HTInetString(struct sockaddr_in* sin)
PUBLIC char * HTInetString(sin)
    struct sockaddr_in *sin;
    static char string[16];
    sprintf(string, "%d.%d.%d.%d",
	    (int)*((unsigned char *)(&HTHostAddress.sin_addr)+0),
	    (int)*((unsigned char *)(&HTHostAddress.sin_addr)+1),
	    (int)*((unsigned char *)(&HTHostAddress.sin_addr)+2),
	    (int)*((unsigned char *)(&HTHostAddress.sin_addr)+3));
    return string;

/*	Parse an internet node address and port
**	---------------------------------------
** On entry,
**	str	points to a string with a node name or number,
**		with optional trailing colon and port number.
**	sin	points to the binary internet address field.
** On exit,
**	*sin	is filled in. If no port is specified in str, that
**		field is left unchanged in *sin.
#ifdef __STDC__
PUBLIC int HTParseInet(struct sockaddr_in* sin, const char *str)
PUBLIC int HTParseInet(sin, str)
    struct sockaddr *sin;
    char *str;
    char *port;
    char host[256];
    struct hostent  *phost;	/* Pointer to host - See netdb.h */
    strcpy(host, str);		/* Take a copy we can mutilate */

/*	Parse port number if present
    if (port=index(host, ':')) {
    	*port++ = 0;		/* Chop off port */
        if (port[0]>='0' && port[0]<='9') {
	    sin->sin_port = htons(strtol(port, (char**)0 , 10));
	} else {
#ifdef SUPPRESS		/* 1. crashes!?!.  2. Not recommended */
	    struct servent * serv = getservbyname(port, (char*)0);
	    if (serv) sin->sin_port = serv->s_port;
	    else if (TRACE) printf("TCP: Unknown service %s\n", port);

/*	Parse host number if present
    if (*host>='0' && *host<='9') {   /* Numeric node address: */
	sin->sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(host); /* See arpa/inet.h */

    } else {		    /* Alphanumeric node name: */
	phost=gethostbyname(host);	/* See netdb.h */
	if (!phost) {
	    if (TRACE) printf(
		    "HTTPAccess: Can't find internet node name `%s'.\n",host);
	    return -1;  /* Fail? */
	memcpy(&sin->sin_addr, phost->h_addr, phost->h_length);

    if (TRACE) printf( 
	"TCP: Parsed address as port %d, IP address %d.%d.%d.%d\n",
		(unsigned int)ntohs(sin->sin_port),
		(int)*((unsigned char *)(&sin->sin_addr)+0),
		(int)*((unsigned char *)(&sin->sin_addr)+1),
		(int)*((unsigned char *)(&sin->sin_addr)+2),
		(int)*((unsigned char *)(&sin->sin_addr)+3));

    return 0;	/* OK */

/*	Derive the name of the host on which we are
**	-------------------------------------------
#ifdef __STDC__
PRIVATE void get_host_details(void)
PRIVATE void get_host_details()

#define MAXHOSTNAMELEN 64		/* Arbitrary limit */

    char name[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1];	/* The name of this host */
    struct hostent * phost;		/* Pointer to host -- See netdb.h */
    int namelength = sizeof(name);
    if (hostname) return;		/* Already done */
    gethostname(name, namelength);	/* Without domain */
    CTRACE(tfp, "TCP: Local host name is %s\n", name);
    phost=gethostbyname(name);		/* See netdb.h */
    if (!phost) {
	if (TRACE) printf(
		"TCP: Can't find my own internet node address for `%s'!!\n",
	return;  /* Fail! */
    StrAllocCopy(hostname, phost->h_name);
    memcpy(&HTHostAddress, &phost->h_addr, phost->h_length);
    if (TRACE) printf("     Name server says that is `%s' = %s\n",
	    hostname, HTInetString(&HTHostAddress));

#ifdef __STDC__
PUBLIC const char * HTHostName(void)
PUBLIC char * HTHostName()
    return hostname;

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