
This is Configure.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Configure.h - Header files for Configure class.
#import <objc/Object.h>

@interface Configure:Object
    id  appsButton;
    id  autoStartButton;
    id	configureButton;
    id	launchButton;
    id	buttonForm;
    id	configForm;
    id	hostForm;
    id	colsCell;
    id	fontForm;
    id	idForm;
    id	linesCell;
    id	xCell;
    id	yCell;
    id  applicationMatrix;
    id  fontMatrix;
    id  idMatrix;
    id  protocolMatrix;
    id  terminalMatrix;
    id  terminalMetaMatrix;
    id  stuartMatrix;
    id  stuartMetaMatrix;
    id  windowMatrix;
    id  configWindow;
    id  boxViewWindow;
    id  boxView;
    id  configurePUL;
    id  theHostsPUL;
    id  theHostsButton;
    id  theHLM;
    id  theBVS;
    short int appType;
    short int fontType;
    short int protocolType;
    BOOL launchFlag;

- init;

- setAppsButton:anObject;
- setAutoStartButton:anObject;
- setConfigureButton:anObject;
- setLaunchButton:anObject;
- setButtonForm:anObject;
- setColsCell:anObject;
- setHostForm:anObject;
- setIdForm:anObject;
- setLinesCell:anObject;
- setXCell:anObject;
- setYCell:anObject;
- setProtocolMatrix:anObject;
- setTerminalMatrix:anObject;
- setTerminalMetaMatrix:anObject;
- setStuartMatrix:anObject;
- setStuartMetaMatrix:anObject;
- setWindowMatrix:anObject;
- setConfigWindow:anObject;
- setBoxViewWindow:anObject;
- setBoxView:anObject;
- setHostsButton:anObject;
- setHostsPUL:anObject;
- setHLM:anObject;
- addNewItem:sender;
- (unsigned int)getMatrixFlags:sender;
- initMatrixFlags:aMatrix;
- boxViewDidSwitch:sender;
- courierFont:sender;
- courierSet:sender;
- deleteOldItem:sender;
- changeOldItem:sender;
- launchDisable:sender;
- display:sender;
- initConfigWindow:sender;
- initConfigButton:sender;
- launch:sender;
- launchState:(BOOL)flag;
- menuRevert:sender;
- ohlfsFont:sender;
- ohlfsSet:sender;
- rlogin:sender;
- rloginSet:sender;
- telnet:sender;
- telnetSet:sender;
- tn3270:sender;
- tn3270Set:sender;
- terminal:sender;
- stuart:sender;
- showConfigWindow:sender;
- text:sender isEmpty:(BOOL)flag; 
- (int)validHostFields:sender;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.