
This is ToolBar.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	ToolBar.m.  
//		ToolBar control object
//			by	Felipe A. Rodriguez		
//	This code is supplied "as is" the author makes no warranty as to its 
//	suitability for any purpose.  This code is free and may be distributed 
//	in accordance with the terms of the:
//			Version 2, June 1991
//			copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// 			675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

#import "GKdefs.h"
#import "IconView.h"
#import "ToolBar.h"
#import "ToolBarView.h"
#import "ToolIconView.h"
#import "HLRecord.h"
#import "HLDelegate.h"
#import "Coordinator.h"
#import <appkit/appkit.h>
#import <dbkit/DBImageView.h>

#import <sys/types.h>
#import <sys/dir.h>  /* POSIX applications #include <dirent.h> */

@implementation ToolBar

//		sent to us after nib objects are unarchived and init'd 

- awakeFromNib
NXRect	appIconFrame;
NXRect	lineViewRect;
id appIcon;

	appTile = [NXImage findImageNamed: "NXAppTile"];
	appIcon = [NXApp appIcon];					// get appIcon window
    [appIcon getFrame:&appIconFrame];			// get appIcon frame rect
    [Window getContentRect:&lineViewRect 		// get content view rect appIco
						forFrameRect:&appIconFrame style:[appIcon style]];
				// reduce the size and width/ht by a border of 1
	NX_X(&lineViewRect) = 1;
	NX_Y(&lineViewRect) = 1;
	NX_WIDTH(&lineViewRect) -= 1 ;
	NX_HEIGHT(&lineViewRect) -= 1;
															// create tool view
	theToolView = [[ToolBarView alloc] initFrame:&lineViewRect];	
															// create icon view
	toolIconView = [[ToolIconView alloc] initFrame:&lineViewRect];	
    toolWin = [[Window allocFromZone:[self zone]]			// create tool Win
//					buttonMask:NX_CLOSEBUTTONMASK defer:NO];
					buttonMask:0 defer:NO];
	[toolWin setFreeWhenClosed:NO];

	if(![toolWin setFrameUsingName:"toolBar"])			
		[toolWin moveTo:100.0 :100.0];					// initial pos of toolB
	[toolWin setFrameUsingName:"toolbar"];				// remember location
	[toolWin setFrameAutosaveName:"toolbar"];			// remember location
    [[toolWin setContentView:theToolView] free];		// replace cont w/toolV
									// add IB created backWindow's contentView
	[[toolWin contentView] addSubview:[backWindow contentView]];
	toolView = [toolWin setContentView:toolIconView];		
	[toolWin setBackgroundGray:NX_BLACK];
	[[toolWin contentView] getFrame:&lineViewRect];						
	[[toolWin contentView] convertRect:&lineViewRect toView:nil];
	[toolWin setTrackingRect:&lineViewRect					// create mouse 
					inside:YES								// tracking rect

	nxAppDel = [NXApp delegate];
	hotListDelegate = [nxAppDel hotListDelegate];
	[hotListDelegate setToolBar:toolIconView];
    [toolWin orderFront:self];			
	[toolWin display];

    return self;
// 		user pressed play button in toolbar 

- playLink:sender 
	[sender setState:0];									
	[[NXApp delegate] Link:self];							

	return self;
// 		user pressed stop button in toolbar 

- playUnlink:sender 
	[sender setState:0];
	if((strcmp([[[NXApp mainMenu] findCellWithTag:2] title], 
					[[NXApp delegate] localString:"Disconnect"]) == 0) && 
							[[[NXApp mainMenu] findCellWithTag:2] isEnabled])
		[[NXApp delegate] UnLink:self];						// item enabled
	return self;
// 		go to next gate doc in hotList 

- nextItem:sender 
	return [hotListDelegate nextItem:sender];
// 		go to previous gate doc in hotList 

- prevItem:sender 
	return [hotListDelegate prevItem:sender];
// 		close toolbar 

- close:sender 
	if(!NXWriteDefault([NXApp appName], DISPLAYT, "NO"))
		[[NXApp delegate] showAlert:"ddbWriteError"];
	[sender setState:0];
	[toolWin close];

	return self;
// 		mouse has entered our tracking rect (window)

- mouseEntered:(NXEvent *)theEvent 
	wasHidden = [NXApp isHidden];					// is the app hidden?
	[NXApp unhide:self];
	statusVisible = [[hotListDelegate statusWindow] isVisible];						
	[toolWin setContentView:toolView];		
	[toolWin display];	
	[hotListDelegate loadBrowser];	// NXBrowser s/load cols from its delegate
	if([nxAppDel mailInQueue])
		iWasSet = 8;
	cursorOverToolBar = YES;
	if(iWasSet > 0)
		[[nxAppDel appIconView] setMailFlag:YES];
		[self perform:@selector(mailInQueueIcon) with:self afterDelay:3000 	
	return self;
// 		mouse has exited our tracking rect (window)

- mouseExited:(NXEvent *)theEvent 
	[toolWin setContentView:toolIconView];		
	[toolWin display];		

	[[nxAppDel appIconView] setMailFlag:NO];
						// if status win was hidden prior to cursor in, hide
	if(!statusVisible && cursorOverToolBar) 	
		[[hotListDelegate statusWindow] close];
	if(wasHidden)				// if app was hidden prior to cursor in, hide
		[NXApp hide:self];
	cursorOverToolBar = NO;

	return self;
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse
	return YES;
// 		clear mail in queue icon from app icon if mail has been sent

- mailInQueueIcon
	if(!((strcmp([[[NXApp mainMenu] findCellWithTag:2] title], 
					[[NXApp delegate] localString:"Disconnect"]) == 0) && 
							[[[NXApp mainMenu] findCellWithTag:2] isEnabled]))
		iWasSet = 0;
	if(![nxAppDel mailInQueue])
						// if user mouseExited while mail icon set, 
						// mouseEntered may occur during interim period
						// when mail is not shown in queue, but is
		if(iWasSet > 0 && cursorOverToolBar)
			[[nxAppDel appIconView] setMailFlag:YES];
			[[nxAppDel appIconView] setMailFlag:NO];	
		iWasSet = 8;
	if(iWasSet > 0)
		[self perform:@selector(mailInQueueIcon) with:self 
									afterDelay:4000  cancelPrevious:YES];

	return self;
// 		forward anything in Greek to someone who might understand 

- forward:(SEL)aSelector :(marg_list)argFrame
    if ( [toolWin respondsTo:aSelector] )
        return [toolWin performv:aSelector :argFrame];

    [self doesNotRecognize:aSelector];					// error abort process

	return self;
// 	free simply gets rid of everything we created
// 	This is how nice objects clean up.

- free
		[toolWin free];									
		[theToolView free];									
		[toolIconView free];									

    return [super free];


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.