
This is Parse.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	Parse.m.  
//		Search a file for a specific pattern of (2)strings which will 
//		identify the next str as a keyword to be captured and returned.
//		by	Felipe A. Rodriguez		
//	This code is supplied "as is" the author makes no warranty as to its 
//	suitability for any purpose.  This code is free and may be distributed 
//	in accordance with the terms of the:
//			Version 2, June 1991
//			copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// 			675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

#import "Parse.h"

@implementation Parse

// 		Open file to parse and search 

- (char *)parseFile:(const char *)filePath
NXStream *inFStream;
static char buf[2] = {" \0"};
int nread = 0, i = 0;
char * resultStr;

	if((inFStream = NXMapFile(filePath, NX_READONLY)) == NULL)
		strcpy(lBuf, "Could not open file: ");
		strcat(lBuf, filePath);
		NXRunAlertPanel(0, lBuf, 0, 0, 0);
		nread = NXRead(inFStream, buf, 1);
		while(!(nread <= 0))					// read while char's in file
			{				// cycle thru file until we find keyword or EOF
			strcpy(lBuf, buf);
			do {					// build a line buffer from file data
				nread = NXRead(inFStream, buf, 1);
				strcat(lBuf, buf);
			while((buf[0] != '\n') && (buf[0] != '\r') && (i < MAXPATHLEN) 
																	&& buf[0]);	
			i = 0;
			while(((buf[0] == '\n') || (buf[0] == '\r')) && (!(nread <= 0)))		
				nread = NXRead(inFStream, buf, 1);		// eliminate cr, nl	
			if(resultStr = [self parse:lBuf])			// parse line buffer
				return resultStr;

    return NULL;
// 		Specify keywords to be searched for.  Keyword 1 must be found
//		prior to keyword 2.  Ideally, these two should be adjacent in file

- setKey1:(const char *)keyWord
	keyOne = keyWord;

    return self;
- setKey2:(const char *)keyWord
	keyTwo = keyWord;

    return self;
// 		Specify file delimiters to be used in parsing.  Once the first keyword
//		is caught the second set of delimiters is used in parsing.

- setDelim1:(const char *)delimiters
	delim1 = delimiters;

    return self;
- setDelim2:(const char *)delimiters
	delim2 = delimiters;

    return self;
// 		parses a line of text looking for a set of keywords
//		**keyWords + delims must me set before calling this method as follows:
//		keyOne -- should point to first keyword to be caught
//		keyTwo -- should point to second keyword to be caught
//		delim1 -- should point to first set of delimiters
//		delim2 -- should point to second set of delimiters 

- (char *)parse:(char *)buffer
static char *str;
static BOOL found = NO;				// set if first keyword found in prev line

	str = strtok(buffer, delim1);						// Parse string 
	while(str != NULL)								
		{										// did we catch keyOne str?
		if((strcmp(str, keyOne) == 0) || found == YES)		
			found = YES;						// first keyword has been found
			if(str = strtok(NULL, delim1))		// if not NULL
				if(strcmp(str, keyTwo) == 0)		// did we catch this str?
					if(str = strtok(NULL, delim2))	// this must be the grail
						{							// if str ! NULL
						found = NO;	
						return NXCopyStringBuffer(str);	// return search result
		str = strtok(NULL, delim1);

    return NULL;									// keyword not found


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