
This is InactivityTimer.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	InactivityTimer.h.  	
//	Tracks and determines whether inactivity timeout is warranted, also 
//	controls pppStats.  Works in conjunction with StaticSpaceITimerView
//	class (subclass of spaceView)
//		by	Felipe A. Rodriguez		
//	This code is supplied "as is" the author makes no warranty as to its 
//	suitability for any purpose.  This code is free and may be distributed 
//	in accordance with the terms of the:
//			Version 2, June 1991
//			copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// 			675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

#import "InactivityTimer.h"
#import "CommandScroll.h"
#import "Coordinator.h"

#import "pppstats.h"

			// used in producing timed events
	static DPSTimedEntry mailIconAniTag;
static void ITAnimate();

@implementation InactivityTimer

// 		designated initializer
- init
	[super init];
	posNI = NO;								// set interactive session ivar
	[self resetInactivityTimer];			// set or reset ivars
	imageList = [[List alloc] init];	// produce an array of objects
	[imageList insertObject: [NXImage findImageNamed: "nomail"] at: 0];
	[imageList insertObject: [NXImage findImageNamed: "newmail1"] at: 1];
	[imageList insertObject: [NXImage findImageNamed: "newmail2"] at: 2];
    return self;
// 		test for inactivity timeout
- inactivityTimeout
struct pppIO *pppStat;
											// Inactivity timeout algorithm
	if(pppstats)							// if pppstats is enabled
		pppStat = intpr();
		if((pppStat->inPkts <= iTimeThresh)&&(pppStat->outPkts <= iTimeThresh))
			iPeriodCntr++;					// cntr counts # of consecutive 
		else								// 0 ppp i/o intervals
			iPeriodCntr = 0;				// reset cntr if link is active
		iBaseCntr++;						// bCntr counts from time link up

		wasHidden =	[NXApp isHidden];		// is the app hidden?
					// if interface is inactive for > n min or non-interactive 	
					// session in progress and timeout "ON" and this is a 
					// possibly non-interactive session.
		if((iPeriodCntr > (timeout - 1) || ((iBaseCntr < 4) && 
					(((pppStat->inPkts == 0) && (pppStat->outPkts == 0))) && 
							(preTimeout == YES) && (posNI == YES)))
									&& (timeout > 0))
			[NXApp activateSelf:YES];
							// ppp shutdown imminent, get users attention
			if(strcmp(NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName],"sound"), "YES") == 0) 
				[[[Sound findSoundFor: "Gong"] play: nil] free];
				[NXApp loadNibSection:"InactivityPanel.nib" owner:self
											withNames:NO fromZone:[self zone]];
			if([[NXApp delegate] mailInQueue])
				[self setMailIconAnim];
			[ITPanel center];
			[ITPanel makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
    return self;
// 		set inactivity timeout Ivar and write its value to ddb 

- setTimeout:(int)minTillTimeout 
char buf[8];

	timeout = minTillTimeout;
	if(!NXWriteDefault([NXApp appName], "iTimeout", buf))
		[[NXApp delegate] showAlert:"ddbWriteError"];

	return self; 
// 		reset our Ivars so that we're ready for next ppp session
- resetInactivityTimer
	iPeriodCntr = 0;				// reset inactivity timeout cntr
	iBaseCntr = 0;					// reset inactivity timeout base counter
									// turn pre timeout on or off
	if(strcmp(NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName],"preTimeout"), "YES") == 0) 
		preTimeout = YES;
		preTimeout = NO;
					// setup inactivity timeout threshold var from ddb value
	iTimeThresh = atoi(NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], "iTimeThreshold"));
						// setup inactivity timeout Instance var from ddb value
	timeout = atoi(NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], "iTimeout"));
    return self;
// 		set when upcoming session is possibly not interactive, only DNS 
//			triggered sessions are given this status

- setPosNonInter:(BOOL)pni 
	posNI = pni;				// DNS triggered session, possibly 	
									// non-interactive if YES
	return self; 
// 		return whether session is possibly a DNS triggered non-interactive  

- (BOOL)posNonInter; 
	return posNI; 
// 		enable pppstats
- pppstats:aView
	commandView = aView;
		{									// display pppstats?
		if(strcmp(NXGetDefaultValue([NXApp appName], "DispPPP"),"YES") == 0)
			openSocket(aView);		// open IP datagram socket, pass a view
			openSocket(nil);		// open IP datagram socket, w/o view
		pppstats = YES;
	[self resetInactivityTimer];		

	return self;
// 		disable pppstats
- pppstatsReset
	pppstats = NO;	
	return self;
// 		cancel target -- do not end ppp session 

- cancel:sender
	posNI = NO;				 	
	[sView removeTimedEntry];
	[self removeTimedEntry];
	[ITPanel close];
	ITPanel = nil;			
	if(wasHidden)				// if app was hidden prior to cursor in, hide
		[NXApp hide:self];
	iPeriodCntr = 0;

	return self;
// 		continue target -- end ppp session 

- continue:sender
	[sView removeTimedEntry];
	[self removeTimedEntry];
	[ITPanel close];
	ITPanel = nil;			
					// unlink if unlink menu item is enabled + pppstats
	if((strcmp([[[NXApp mainMenu] findCellWithTag:2] title], 
					[[NXApp delegate] localString:"Disconnect"]) == 0) && 
							[[[NXApp mainMenu] findCellWithTag:2] isEnabled])
		if((iPeriodCntr > (timeout - 1)) && commandView)	
			[commandView appendStringUseFixedFont:[[NXApp delegate]localString:
					"Dropping ppp Link due to inactivity timeout\n"]];
			[commandView appendStringUseFixedFont:[[NXApp delegate]localString:
					"Dropping ppp Link because sesion is non-interactive\n"]];
		[[NXApp delegate] UnLink:self];	
		if(wasHidden)		// if app was hidden prior to cursor in, hide
			[NXApp hide:self];

	return self;
// 		set mail icon animation into motion
- setMailIconAnim
		mailIconAniTag = DPSAddTimedEntry(		// register function Animate
			0.3, 								// to be called every period of 		
			(DPSTimedEntryProc)ITAnimate, 		// arg0

	return self;
// 		icon animation
- _animate
static int Index = 0;
static BOOL reverse = NO;

	[mailView setImage:[imageList objectAt:Index]]; 
	if(Index >= 2)						// reverse anim seq
		reverse = YES;
	if(Index <= 0)						// reverse anim seq
		reverse = NO;
	return self;
// 		remove the timed entry when connection is made or we exit
- removeTimedEntry
	if (mailIconAniTag)  
		DPSRemoveTimedEntry (mailIconAniTag);
	mailIconAniTag = 0;

	return self;


//		This fucntion is registered by DPSaddtimedentry.
//		It is subsequently called every period t as registered  
//		in arg 0 of DPSaddtimedentry.

static void ITAnimate(DPSTimedEntry time_tag, double now, id self)
	[self _animate];

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.