
This is ArticleDisplay.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

// ArticleDisplay.m -

#import "ArticleDisplay.h"

static const char *fieldNames[FIELD_COUNT] = {
  "Date", "Followup-to", "Newsgroups", "Subject", "Summary", "Keywords",
  "Organization", "From", "Reply-To"

@implementation ArticleDisplay

+ new
  self = [super new];
  return self;

- setupNNTP:(FILE *)newnntpFile
  nntpFile = newnntpFile;

- clear
  int	fieldIndex;
  for (fieldIndex=0; fieldIndex<FIELD_COUNT; fieldIndex++)
    [field[fieldIndex] setStringValue:""];
  [bodyText setText:""];

- readArticle
  int		inCode;
  char		inCodeText[BUFFER_SIZE];
  int		ch;
  char		aLine[BUFFER_SIZE];
  int		aLineLength, charIndex;
  char		fieldName[BUFFER_SIZE];
  int		fieldIndex;
  BOOL		found;
  int		newLines;
  static char	*textBuffer;
  static int	textBufferLines = 0;
  int		textBufferOffset;

  if (selectedArticle == nil)
    return self;

  [bodyText setText:""];

  // HEAD
  fprintf(nntpFile, "head %ld\r\n", selectedArticle->number);
  fseek(nntpFile, (long)0, SEEK_END);

  fscanf(nntpFile, "%d %[^\r]\r\n", &inCode, &inCodeText);

  if (inCode != OK_HEAD)
    printf("No way, fix me HEAD2.\n"); // fix
  for (fieldIndex=0; fieldIndex<FIELD_COUNT; fieldIndex++)
    bogusField[fieldIndex] = TRUE;
  while ((ch = fgetc(nntpFile)) != '.') {
    ungetc(ch, nntpFile);
    fscanf(nntpFile, "%[^\r]\r\n", &aLine);

    sscanf(aLine, "%[^:]:", fieldName);
    for (found=FALSE,fieldIndex=0; (!found) && (fieldIndex<FIELD_COUNT);
      if (strcmp(fieldName, fieldNames[fieldIndex]) == 0) {
        [field[fieldIndex] setStringValue:aLine];
	bogusField[fieldIndex] = FALSE;
	found = TRUE;
    if (!found) {
      if (strcmp(fieldName, "Lines") == 0) {
        sscanf(aLine, "Lines: %d", &newLines);
  for (fieldIndex=0; fieldIndex<FIELD_COUNT; fieldIndex++)
    if (bogusField[fieldIndex]) {
      [field[fieldIndex] setStringValue:""];
  fgetc(nntpFile);	// \r
  fgetc(nntpFile);	// \n
  fseek(nntpFile, (long)0, SEEK_END);

  // BODY
  fprintf(nntpFile, "%s\r\n", (verbose?"article":"body"));
  fseek(nntpFile, (long)0, SEEK_END);

  fscanf(nntpFile, "%d %[^\r]\r\n", &inCode, &inCodeText);

  if (inCode != (verbose?OK_ARTICLE:OK_BODY))
    printf("No way, fix me HEAD3.\n"); // fix
  if (textBufferLines == 0)
    textBuffer = calloc(newLines, BUFFER_SIZE);
    textBuffer = realloc(textBuffer, newLines*BUFFER_SIZE);
  textBufferLines = newLines;
  textBufferOffset = 0;
  while (((ch = fgetc(nntpFile)) != '.') || ((ch = fgetc(nntpFile)) != '\r')) {
    ungetc(ch, nntpFile);
    if (fscanf(nntpFile, "%[^\r]\r\n", &aLine) == 1)
      aLineLength = strlen(aLine);
      aLineLength = 0;
    if (rot) {
      for (charIndex=0; charIndex<aLineLength; charIndex++) {
        if (islower(aLine[charIndex]))
	  aLine[charIndex] = (((aLine[charIndex] - 'a') + 13) % 26) + 'a';
        if (isupper(aLine[charIndex]))
	  aLine[charIndex] = (((aLine[charIndex] - 'A') + 13) % 26) + 'A';
    strncpy(&(textBuffer[textBufferOffset]), aLine, aLineLength);
    textBuffer[textBufferOffset+aLineLength] = '\n';
    textBufferOffset += aLineLength+1;
  textBuffer[textBufferOffset] = '\0';
  [bodyText setText:textBuffer];
  fgetc(nntpFile);	// \n
  fseek(nntpFile, (long)0, SEEK_END);

  return self;

- setArticle:sender
  IconColumnCell	*selectedCell = [sender selectedCell];
  Article		*newSelectedArticle = [selectedCell aux];
  if (newSelectedArticle != selectedArticle) {
    selectedArticle = newSelectedArticle;
    if (selectedArticle != nil) {
      if (!selectedArticle->seen) {
        [sender cellToggleSeen:selectedCell];
	[sender drawCell:selectedCell];
      [self readArticle];
    } else
      [self clear];
  return self;

- setVerbose:sender
  verbose = !verbose;
//  [sender setText:(verbose?"Hide Header":"Show Header")];
  [self readArticle];
  return self;

- setRot:sender
  rot = !rot;
  [self readArticle];
  return self;

- setDateDisplay:anObject
  field[DATE] = anObject;
  return self;
- setFollowupToTextField:anObject
  field[FOLLOWUP_TO] = anObject;
  return self;
- setNewsgroupsTextField:anObject
  field[NEWSGROUPS] = anObject;
  return self;
- setSubjectTextField:anObject
  field[SUBJECT] = anObject;
  return self;
- setSummaryTextField:anObject
  field[SUMMARY] = anObject;
  return self;
- setKeywordsTextField:anObject
  field[KEYWORDS] = anObject;
  return self;
- setOrganizationTextField:anObject
  field[ORGANIZATION] = anObject;
  return self;
- setFromTextField:anObject
  field[FROM] = anObject;
  return self;
- setReplyToTextField:anObject
  field[REPLY_TO] = anObject;
  return self;

- setBodyText:anObject
  bodyText = [anObject docView];	// starts as "ScrollText"
  return self;


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.