
This is the README for NGService.1.1.NIHS.bs.tar.gz [Download] [Browse] [Up]

{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;\f1\fnil Times-Roman;\f2\fmodern Courier;\f3\fmodern Ohlfs;}
\pard\tx1140\tx2300\tx3440\tx4600\tx5760\tx6900\tx8060\tx9200\tx10360\tx11520\f0\b\i0\ul0\fs72\fc0 NGService\

\b0\fs24 a NextStep NewsGrazer service....\

\fs28 written by Scott Anguish\

\f1\fs36 \
Finally, even those NeXT users who don't use NewsGrazer can have full access to the RTF, and all enclosed documents.\

\f2\fs24 \

\f1\fs36 NGService allows you to select text in any NeXT service friendly application, and view it as those of us who use NewsGrazer do every single day!\
NewsGrazers unite!  And for those who are not NewsGrazers, hey, you're welcome too!\
Drop it in LocalApps or ~/Apps \
Log out\
Log back in\
Select your NewsGrazer Articles and go.\

\f2\fs24 \

\f0\fs32 Bugs, Features and Additions\

\f2\fs24 \

\b release 1.1\

\b0 	Fixed position of icon when dragging EPS and tiff files has been fixed.\
	There seemed to be a problem with copying folders.  Fixed.\
	The decoding stage was not exactly what you could call... robust.\
	Fixed (thanks to Paul Verket for pointing this out!)\

\b initial release (no version number)\

\b0 \
	When you drag a graphic object, the icon shows up in the lower left corner.\
	This is because I could not get the tracking to work right in a flipped view.\

\f1\fs36 \
If you find NewsGrazer Posts that don't work, please mail me the entire article.\
I want to here from you.\

\f2\fs24 \

\f1\fs36 Scott Anguish            \

\f3\fs28 uunet.ca!digifix!sanguish@uunet.uu.net   (NextMail)\
Digital Fix Development - fax 519 886 3673           \

\f1\fs36 \


These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.