
This is Utilities.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	Utilities.h created by erik on Mon 20-Jan-1997
//	This code is part of the Alexandra Newsreader Project. For copyright details see
//	GNU public license version 2 or above. No warranties implied. Use at own risk.
//	More information can be found at <http://www.object-factory.com/Alexandra>.
//	@(#)$Id: Utilities.h,v 1.5 1998/05/20 11:38:44 erik Exp $

#	import <foundation/foundation.h>
#	import <ansi/ansi.h>
#	import <appkit/nextstd.h>
#	import "LFCompatibility.h"
#	define LOG(T)	NXLogError([(T) cString])
#	import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#	ifdef OF_COMMON
#		import "oflog.h"
#		define LOG(T)	OFLog(LOG_INFO, self, (T))
#	else
#		define LOG(T)	NSLog((T))
#	endif

//	Constants

#define LF '\x0A'
#define CR '\x0D'
#define TAB '\x09'
#define SPACE '\x20'
#define EQUALS '\x3D'
#define QMARK '\x3F'
#define UNDERSCORE '\x5F'
#define COLON ':'

#define DOUBLEQUOTE @"\""

//	Macros

static __inline__ unsigned int umin(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
    return (a < b) ? a : b;

static __inline__ unsigned int udivroundup(unsigned int a, unsigned int b)
    return (a / b) + ((a % b > 0) ? 1 : 0);

static __inline__ BOOL iscrlf(char c)
    return (c == CR) || (c == LF);

static __inline__ BOOL iswhitespace(char c)
    return (c == SPACE) || (c == TAB);

static __inline__ const char *skipnewline(const char *ptr, const char *limit)
    if(*ptr == CR)
        ptr += 1;
    if((ptr < limit) && (*ptr == LF))
        ptr += 1;
    return ptr;

static __inline__ const char *skiptonewline(const char *ptr, const char *limit)
    while(iscrlf(*ptr) == NO)
        ptr += 1;
        if(ptr == limit)
            return NULL;
    return ptr;

static __inline__ const char *skipspace(const char *ptr, const char *limit)
    while(iswhitespace(*ptr) == YES)
        ptr += 1;
        if(ptr == limit)
            return NULL;
    return ptr;


#define TRACE_IN	fprintf(stderr, "-> %s 0x%p %s\n", object_getClassName(isa), (void *)self, sel_getName(_cmd));
#define TRACE_IN

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