
This is MailAddressList.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

//	MailAddressList.m created by erik on Tue 05-May-1998
//	This code is part of the Alexandra Newsreader Project. For copyright details see
//	GNU public license version 2 or above. No warranties implied. Use at own risk.
//	More information can be found at <http://www.object-factory.com/Alexandra>.
//	@(#)$Id: MailAddressList.m,v 1.1 1998/05/05 15:29:43 erik Exp $

#import "Utilities.h"
#import "Message.h"

    @implementation MailAddressList

//	Factory

+ mailAddressListWithString:(NSString *)string;
    return [[[self alloc] initWithString:string] autorelease];

+ mailAddressListWithAddresses:(NSArray *)array;
    return [[[self alloc] initWithAddresses:array] autorelease];

//	Initialiser

- init
    [super init];
    addresses = [[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:[self zone]] init];
    return self;

- initWithString:(NSString *)stringList;
    NSEnumerator	*stringEnum;
    NSString		*string;
    MailAddress		*address;
    [self init];
    stringEnum = [[stringList componentsSeparatedByString:@","] objectEnumerator];
    while((string = [stringEnum nextObject]) != nil)
        address = [[[MailAddress allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithString:string] autorelease];
        [addresses addObject:address];

    return self;

- initWithAddresses:(NSArray *)someAddresses;
    [super init];
    addresses = [[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithArray:someAddresses];
    return self;

//	Representations

- (NSString *)stringRepresentation;
    unsigned int	i, n;
    NSMutableArray	*stringList;
    if(stringRep == nil)
        stringList = [NSMutableArray array];
        for(i = 0, n = [addresses count]; i < n; i++)
            [stringList addObject:[[addresses objectAtIndex:i] stringRepresentation]];
        stringRep = [[stringList componentsJoinedByString:@", "] retain];
    return stringRep;

- (NSData *)transferRepresentation;
    unsigned int	i, n;
    NSMutableData	*buffer;
    NSData			*delimiter;

    delimiter = [@", " dataUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
    buffer = [NSMutableData data];
    for(i = 0, n = [addresses count]; i < n; i++)
        [buffer appendData:[[addresses objectAtIndex:i] transferRepresentation]];
        if(i < n - 1)
            [buffer appendData:delimiter];
    return buffer;

//	Attributes

- (void)addAddress:(MailAddress *)address;
    [addresses addObject:address];

- (NSArray *)addresses;
    return addresses;

//	NSObject Stuff

- (void)dealloc
    [addresses release];
    [super dealloc];


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