
This is HelpPanel.m in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* -*-C-*-
* File:         HelpPanel.m
* RCS:          /usr/local/sources/CVS/EnhanceMail/HelpPanel.m,v 1.4 1997/11/01 00:19:26 tom Exp
* Description:  
* Author:       Carl Edman
* Created:      Tue Oct 31 22:16:31 1995
* Modified:     Sun Nov  5 10:20:25 1995 (Carl Edman) cedman@capitalist.princeton.edu
* Language:     C
* Package:      N/A
* Status:       Experimental (Do Not Distribute)
* (C) Copyright 1995, but otherwise this file is perfect freeware.

#import "EnhanceMail.h"
#import "HelpPanel.h"

static id maybeAddSupplement(NXHelpPanel *helpPanel)
   static BOOL isLoaded = NO;
   char path[MAXPATHLEN+1],*c;
   if (!isLoaded && helpPanel && EnhanceBundle &&
       [EnhanceBundle getPath:path forResource:"EnhanceHelp" ofType:0])
      while((c>=path) && (*c!='/')) c--;
      [helpPanel addSupplement:"EnhanceHelp" inPath:path];
      isLoaded = YES;
   return helpPanel;

@implementation EnhanceHelpPanel

+ finishLoading:(struct mach_header *)header
   [self poseAs:[self superclass]];
   return self;

+ new
   return maybeAddSupplement([super new]);

/* [TRH  1-Feb-97] Original +newForDirectory: override did not always work
   when another Mail bundle loaded before EnhanceMail adds its help
   supplement by the naive [[NXHelpPanel new] addSupplement:...] approach.
   (EM is too smart for its own good:-/) */

@end // EnhanceHelpPanel

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