
This is TurboTFCell.h in view mode; [Download] [Up]

/* TurboTFCell.h
 *   TurboTFCell is a subclass of TextFieldCell which supports
 *		a) length-watching on a string -- maxLength  [length of 0
 *		    indicates that length-watching is not active]
 *		b) auto-jumping to nextText if the maximum is reached
 *		c) acceptsReturn will cause the Return character to be
 *		    interpreted literally rather than as a signal to end editing
 * You may freely copy, distribute, and reuse the code in this example.
 * NeXT disclaims any warranty of any kind, expressed or  implied, as to its
 * fitness for any particular use.
 * Written by:  Sharon Zakhour 
 * Created:  Oct/91

#import <appkit/appkit.h>

@interface TurboTFCell:TextFieldCell
    NXTextFilterFunc customTextFilter;
    int		maxLength;
    BOOL	autoJump;
    BOOL	acceptsReturn;
    char 	*originalText;

char *lengthFilter(id textObj, char *inputText, int *inputLength, int position);
unsigned short autoJumpCharFilter(unsigned short charCode, int flags, unsigned short charSet);

- setMaxLength: (int) length;
- (int) maxLength;
- setAutoJump: (BOOL) flag forLength: (int)length;
- (BOOL) autoJump;
- setAcceptsReturn: (BOOL) flag;
- (BOOL) acceptsReturn;
- setOriginalText: (char *)aString;
- (char *)originalText;
- setCustomFilter: (NXTextFilterFunc)aFilter;
- (NXTextFilterFunc) customTextFilter;
- (BOOL)checkString: (char *)aString;


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