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/* * Generated by class-dump. * * class-dump is Copyright 1992 by Eric P. Scott. All rights reserved. * Freely redistributable; noncommercial usage permitted. * * No part of this software may be incorporated into any product * sold for profit without the express permission of the copyright * holder. */ /* Edited extensively by Carl Edman */ @class NXRTFD, NXCleanList, NXPropertyList, NXGraphicCell; typedef struct _NXEnumeration { int i; } _NXEnumeration; @interface NXCleanList:List { } - free; @end @interface NXCleanList(Fancy_IO) - (void)writeToStream:(NXStream *)fp16 context:(struct unknown_shortcontext *)fp20; - initFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16 context:(struct unknown_longcontext *)fp20; @end @interface NXPropertyList:Object { struct unknown *table; } - (BOOL)enumerate:(_NXEnumeration *)fp16 key:(id *)fp20 value:(id *)fp24; - (_NXEnumeration)initEnumeration; - empty; - remove:fp16; - insert:fp16 value:fp20; - get:fp16; - (BOOL)member:fp16; - (unsigned int)count; - free; - init; @end @protocol NXPropertyList - (BOOL)enumerate:(_NXEnumeration *)fp16 key:(id *)fp20 value:(id *)fp24; - (_NXEnumeration)initEnumeration; - empty; - remove:fp16; - insert:fp16 value:fp20; - get:fp16; - (BOOL)member:fp16; - (unsigned int)count; @end @interface NXPropertyList(Fancy_IO) - initFromPath:fp16 context:(struct unknown_longcontext *)fp20; - (void)writeToStream:(NXStream *)fp16 context:(struct unknown_shortcontext *)fp20; - initFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16 context:(struct unknown_longcontext *)fp20; @end @interface NXPropertyList(Basic_IO) - (BOOL)writeToPath:fp16; - (BOOL)writeToPath:fp16 safely:(BOOL)fp20; - (void)writeToStream:(NXStream *)fp16; - initFromPath:fp16; - initFromStream:(NXStream *)fp16; @end @interface NXGraphicCell:Cell { } + initialize; - readRichText:(NXStream *)fp16 forView:fp20; - writeRichText:(NXStream *)fp16 forView:fp20; - free; - calcCellSize:(NXSize *)fp16; - drawSelf:(const NXRect *)fp16 inView:fp20; - image; - setImageNamed:(char *)fp16 forView:fp20; - (BOOL)trackMouse:(NXEvent *)fp16 inRect:(const NXRect *)fp20 ofView:fp24; - highlight:(const NXRect *)fp16 inView:fp20 lit:(BOOL)fp24; @end @interface NXGraphicCell(TextSupport) - replaceGraphic:fp16; - initFromImage:fp16 name:(char *)fp20; @end @interface NXRTFD:NXPropertyList { } - (int)validatePath:(char *)fp16 ignore:fp20; - addData:(void *)fp16 length:(unsigned int)fp20 name:(char *)fp24 result:(char *)fp28; - copy; - copyFromZone:(NXZone *)fp16; - copy:(char *)fp16 into:fp20 result:(char *)fp24; - removeFile:(char *)fp16; - (NXStream *)streamForFile:(char *)fp16; - (NXStream *)streamForFile:(char *)fp16 closeOption:(int *)fp20; - addLink:(char *)fp16 result:(char *)fp20; - addFile:(char *)fp16 result:(char *)fp20; - addCommon:(char *)fp16 result:(char *)fp20 docInfo:fp24 value:fp28 zone:(NXZone *)fp32; - replaceFile:(char *)fp16 path:(char *)fp20; - replaceFile:(char *)fp16 data:(void *)fp20 length:(unsigned int)fp24; - getDocument:(char *)fp16 docInfo:fp20; - uniqueKey:fp16; - createUniqueKey:fp16; - createRandomKey:fp16; - initFromSerialized:(void *)fp16 length:(unsigned int)fp20; - freeSerialized:(void *)fp16 length:(unsigned int)fp20; - serialize:(void **)fp16 length:(unsigned int *)fp20; - sortedKeys; - (int)saveTo:(char *)fp16 removeBackup:(BOOL)fp20 errorHandler:fp24; - (int)saveToDocument:(char *)fp16 removeBackup:(BOOL)fp20 errorHandler:fp24; - (int)internalSaveTo:fp16 removeBackup:(BOOL)fp20 errorHandler:fp24; - tmpNameFromPath:fp16; - tmpNameFromPath:fp16 extension:(char *)fp20; - nameFromPath:fp16 extra:fp20; - (int)internalSaveTo:fp16 removeBackup:(BOOL)fp20 errorHandler:fp24 temp:fp28 backup:fp32; - (int)internalWritePath:fp16 errorHandler:fp20; - (int)writePath:fp16 docInfo:fp20 errorHandler:fp24; - (int)initFromDocument:(char *)fp16; - (int)initUnixFile:(char *)fp16; - setPackage:(BOOL)fp16; - (BOOL)isPackage; @end @interface NXRTFD(Internal) - (int)addDirNamed:(char *)fp16 path:fp20 lazy:(BOOL)fp24; - (int)realAddDirNamed:(char *)fp16; - (int)insertItem:fp16 path:(char *)fp20 dirInfo:fp24 zone:(NXZone *)fp28 plist:fp32; - (int)addFileNamed:(char *)fp16 statInfo:(struct stat *)fp20; - getDirInfo:(BOOL)fp16; @end @interface NXRTFD(TextDocumentPboard) - initFromElement:fp16 ofDocument:fp20; @end @interface NXRTFD(TextObject) - imageNamed:(char *)fp16; - (BOOL)containsRTF; - insertText:fp16; @end @interface NXRTFD(Key) - contentsKey; @end
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