
This is Subprocess.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

for Release 2.0  written by C. L. Oei, NeXT Computer, Inc.




DEFINED IN	NextDeveloper/Examples/Subprocess,
	release 2.0


Subprocess facilitates the management of concurrent, asynchronous UNIX processes within a NeXTstep application.  Methods are provided for the creation, termination and communication with the underlying UNIX process.  The UNIX subprocess communicates with its parent NeXTstep application through delegation.  Three delegate methods provide notification of pending output, termination and errors from the UNIX subprocess.  It is the responsibility of the Subprocess instantiator to implement the three delegate methods and decide what to do with the resulting data.  In addition to providing a controlled NeXTstep interface to standard UNIX utilities (i.e., ls, find, man,rdist), the Subprocess can also provide, on request, the environment necessary for UNIX processes requiring pseudo terminal (or pty) support.  Some UNIX applications that require pty support include ftp, gdb, sh, csh, kermit, and tip.


Inherited from Object	Class	isa;

Declared in Subprocess	id		delegate;
	FILE	*fpToChild;
	int		fromChild;
	int		childPid;

delegate 	The object that receives notification messages from the Subprocess.

fpToChild 	File pointer to the standard input of the child subprocess.

fromChild 	File descriptor from the standard output of the child subprocess.

childPid 	The process id number of the child subprocess.


Initializing a Subprocess	- init:
	- init:withDelegate:andPtySupport:andStdError:

Terminating a Subprocess	- terminate:

Sending Data to a Subprocess	- send: 
	- send:withNewline:
	- terminateInput

Assigning a Delegate	- setDelegate: 
	- delegate 

Messages Implemented by the Delegate
	- subprocessDone
	- subprocessError: 
	- subprocessOutput: 


- init:(const char *)subprocessString

Spawns the subprocess as specified in subprocessString.  This method applies the init:withDelegate:andPtySupport:andStdError: method with no delegate, no pseudo terminal support, and requests that standard error for the subprocess be returned with the standard output buffer.

See also:  - init:withDelegate:andPtySupport:andStdError:, ± terminate:

- init:(const char *)subprocessString

Spawns the subprocess as specified in subprocessString as a separate UNIX process and attaches the subprocess' standard input and standard output to the Subprocess instance for future operations.  If wantsStdErr is YES, then the subprocess' standard error will be returned with the standard output buffer.  Set wantsPty to YES if the UNIX subprocess requires pseudo terminal support (see the UNIX manual page pty(4) for more information on pseudo terminals).  TheDelegate should be able to respond to any of the three methods described below.

See also:  - init:, ± terminate:


- delegate

Returns the Subprocess object's delegate.

See also:  ± setDelegate:

- (BOOL)send:(const char *)string withNewline:(BOOL)wantNewline

Sends string to the UNIX subprocess.  If wantNewline is YES, a newline is also sent to the subprocess. 

See also:  ± send:

- send:(const char *)string

Sends string to the UNIX subprocess automatically appending a newline.  This method applies the send:withNewline: method.

See also:  ± send:withNewline:

- setDelegate:anObject

Makes anObject the Subprocess' delegate.  The delegate should be able to (but is not necessarily required to) respond to the messages subprocessDone, subprocessError:, and subprocessOutput:.  See methods implemented by the delegate below.

See also:  ± delegate:

- terminate:sender

Forces the subprocess to terminate gracefully.  Closes all communication connections to the subprocess and sends a terminate signal (SIGTERM) to the subprocess.  Sending this message implies sending the terminateInput message.

You should terminate a subprocess instance before your application terminates.  One way would be to override the Application object's delegate appWillTerminate: method with an intervening message to terminate the subprocess object.

Sending terminate: multiple times will not cause undesirable effects.

See also:  ± terminateInput, subprocessDone:

- terminateInput

Closes the standard input communication connection to the subprocess, which effectively sends an end-of-file (EOF) to the subprocess.


- subprocessDone

Sent to the delegate, if any, when the subprocess has terminated.  You will have to decide whether termination of the subprocess warrants the termination of your application.  Implies that the actions of sending a terminate: message has completed.

See also:  ± terminate:

- subprocessOutput:(const char *)errorString;

Sent to the delegate, if any, when a fatal error occurs during the management of the subprocess.  If a fatal error occurs, it is usually during subprocess creation.  It is up to the delegate to decide if an error warrants termination of the application. Possible errors include, but are not limited to

	± "Error grabbing ptys for subprocess."
	± "Error starting UNIX pipes to subprocess."
	± "Error starting UNIX vfork of subprocess."

- subprocessOutput:(char *)buffer;

Sent to the delegate, if any, when there is output data available from the subprocess.  Buffer is only valid until the next time a subprocessOutput: message is sent, so make a copy of buffer if future processing is necessary.  You should choose carefully when deciding whether or not to send a send: message to the subprocess in this delegate method implementation.  Sending a message may create a deadlock situation in your application. 

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