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Specify.h - Header file for Specify.m class.
#include <appkit/appkit.h>

@interface Specify:Object
   id     specWin;		/* Specify's window */
   id     sView;		/* Specify's scroll view */
   NXRect cellRect;		/* Cell rect of most recently added cell */
   NXSize viewSize;		/* Current view size */

- initSpecify:(int)nItems x:(float)locX y:(float)locY title:(const char *)aTitle;

- createViews:(float)width :(float)height;

- addSwitch:(const char *)aName;

- getSelectedFields:(char *)theFields;

- updateDisplay:sender;

- orderWindowOut:sender;
- showWindow:sender;
- windowWillResize:sender toSize:(NXSize *)frameSize;


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