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f0fs36 cf0 NetTalk.app  ·  by Stefan Leuker

ħħħ	Bugs
cf1 	Of cause there are lots of bugs in NetTalk. Report some!
cf0 ###	Text doesn't handle resize.
###	App crashes with 'respondsTo: sent to freed object' (after ringing).
###	App crashes on deselecting a user in OpenTalk.
###	Requests aren't deleted from the panel.
###	Problems with double click stuff in client views (first responder, I think).
###	PoseAs problems with XText (XText0).

ħħħ	To do
###	Channel inspector is needed for topic change and inviting users.
###	Show 'new text entered' in mini window.
###	Eliminate (bycopy const char *) leaks.
###	Write README file (for announce) and some documentation.

ħħħ	Things to change
cf1 ##	Make nicer Find panel.
##	Don't always take Mail.app as the suggestion mailer.
ħħħ	New features
cf2 #	Clean up the code even more.
#	Write RPC adaptor for the nettalkd/talk protocol.
#	Write new nettalk bundles, e.g. LineChat, ScribblePad.
#	Show existing topics in the OpenTalk panel.
#	Open more than one person.
#	Undo-Feature.

ul The meaning of some symbols:ulnone 
ħħħ	start of new category
###	first do this
cf3 ##	then do this
cf4 #	probably never do this}

These are the contents of the former NiCE NeXT User Group NeXTSTEP/OpenStep software archive, currently hosted by Netfuture.ch.