
This is NetTalkServer.rtf in view mode; [Download] [Up]

Release 1.0  Copyright ©1994 by Stefan Leuker.  All Rights Reserved.


Adopted By:	NTServer

Declared In:	NetTalk.h

Protocol Description

An object that can manage objects conforming to the NetTalkClient protocol.

See also:  NetTalkClient protocol

Instance Methods

- clientList

Returns a List object containing all clients that are currently registered to the NTServer.

- (id <NetTalkServer>)addClient:(in id <NetTalkClient>)aClient 

Adds aClient to the list of clients.  Sends a setServerStarter: message that determines whether or not aClient should start up a new server if this one dies for some reason.

Returns self.

- (id <NetTalkServer>)removeClient:(in id <NetTalkClient>)aClient 

Removes aClient from the list of clients.  If aClient was the serverStarter, the NTServer will elect a new serverStarter from his clientList and send it a setServerStarter: message.

Returns self.

- (id <NetTalkClient>)findClientNamed:(const char *)uName 

Searches through the clientList for a client that returns uName as its uniqueName.

Returns the first client in the list with uName for a unique name (that should be the only one), or nil if none is found.

- (oneway void)connect:(in id <NetTalkClient>)aClient
to:(in const char *)uName
via:(in id)aServerText
withCode:(in const char *)aCode
topicIs:(in const char *)aTopic 

Tries to connect aClient to the client identified by uName.  NTServer will send the latter a client:sendsVia:forCode:topicIs: method.  This method does not return anything.

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